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VR6 Inlet - What's this?

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Hi All,


The item in the photo has split and there is a drip of oil falling on the engine and stinking out the passenger cabin.




Any idea:

a) what this is

b) where i can get one

c) can I bypass with a bit of pipe?


Thanks in advance,


Edited by ahornsey

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You are a hero ... part ordered and will be in tomorrow!





No worries, its probably the most commonly asked question asked on VR6OC :) that and is my car OBD1 or OBD2 :)

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I got one a couple of years ago from BIGPANTSBABY on this forum it was through eBay but he still might have some new ones up for grabs.

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Well ... shocked - it was £43 ouch ...

Best part is that when I fitted it the next pipe down split ... this is turning out to be a house of cards ... next post due about the heater matrix ( which is peeing on my foot all the way to work! )


Oh yeah but back to the point does anyone know a quick way to get the next pipe? Loos like a small flexi hose type thing!

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