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Aux water pump and stage 2 fan

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Had a bit of a search but couldn't find anything, might not be looking in the right place though, I'm sort of wanting confirmation really. I've done an obd2 conversion and since then my car has been getting quite high oil temps so just trying to get it nice and cool. On my travels I have found that my fan stage 2 doesn't work and neither does my auxillary water pump.


I have bridged the connections in the radiator fan and stage 1 comes on but nothing from stage 2. I then checked the wiring to the fan controller and the wires are fine getting there. Stage 3 kicks in fine when I bridge the wires at the black temp sender. Next thing is the auxillary water pump isn't working, I've put a multimeter across the terminals and no voltage at any point yet when I put a 12v signal straight to the pump it spins.


Could it be the fan controller that has gone up the spout or is there something else I am missing. I have noticed in the conversion thread about a single yellow plug that needed connecting to another single yellow plug in D/3 via a junction box which I have done but it has literally made no difference whatsoever

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I had to make some extra connections for this to work, have a look on the install thread, I'm sure I put it on there. VR6Pete had the same problem if I remember and I sent him a marked up wiring diagram, will see if I can dig it out unless Pete reads this and has it to hand.

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Have you checked the fuse in the FCM ? If you bridge the pins on the yellow plug the aux pump and fans should come on after..


I had some issues initially with mine, and the fan speeds not working, but found a red wire that I had forgot to connect as per the OBD2 conversion thread :) Once I had done this, everything worked as it should... your aux pump should operate on ignition too, i take it that it doesnt work off ignition either?


Suppose it could be the FCM, but its more likely to be a wiring issue as a result of your OBD2 if it worked before you did the upgrade :)


---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 AM ----------


I do have the diagrams. i'll upload shortly.

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Hey, finally had a second to have a look at this but I'm unsure of what I'm supposed to be looking for. Those diagrams you sent me highlight brown wires and a blue/white one but no mention of a red wire. Where does this red wire come from and in the obd2 conversion thread it mentions about 2 wires that appear to be a brown and a red/black, which wires am I looking for and where do they come from?


Obviously its a major pain because its all in and wrapped up so ideally I want to do as little removing as possible. Am I searching for a brown wire from the yellow temp sensor and also following the red wire from the thermal switch (3 wires) in the radiator?

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You'll probably want to unwrap the bit of loom going down the passenger side chassis leg upto the multi plug, just rewrap it after. No biggy. I just found the wires there. Hopefully you've not stripped them from the look totally.

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I am utterly confused! I'll put the facts down and hope someone can make sense. The diagram you sent me has an arrow from v50 water pump and f87 after run. Am I supposed to be finding those wires? It states they are brown but mine appear to be brown/green. Also on the large multi engine plug it says the brown wire should be in position 2 but thats a white/blue wire.


There is a yellow plug behind my fusebox not plugged in to anything, there is something on the obd2 conversion thread about putting a connector to it from the auxillary water pump and temp sender. Are these the wires you are talking about? On my auxillary water pump I have a red/black wire and a brown/green wire, is it the red/black wire I have to follow then put the new connector on along with the wire from position 1 on the yellow temp sensor plug, which is supposed to be a brown/white wire but is actually a brown/red wire.


The thread also goes on about moving some wires for the mfa outside temp sensor, mine is working fine so is that something I can disregard?


Sorry if this makes no sense, I'm a little hungover and very dazed from staring at wiring diagrams

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Well I have literally been tearing my hair out about this/these bloody wires because I cannot understand where they came from. Thankfully today after scouring wiring diagrams I have found that they are:


-Red/Black wire from the auxillary water pump, goes through the 42pin connector in position T42/31 and I believe needs to be joined to a yellow plug behind the fusebox along with the next wire, which is:


-Brown/Red wire from the yellow temp sender in position no.1 that goes through the 42pin connector in position T42/9. From what I understand, a yellow 2 pin plug needs cutting off the corrado loom and soldering to these 2 wires.


The 2 wires from the corrado I believe are a brown/white and a red/black. I'll double check this when I can be bothered, got fed up when I realised i had cut the wires just behind the header tank bottle.

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Hello, sorry to bring this back but was this the plug and wiring you were referring to?


I've just checked mine and dropped the fuse board again to see if it was a simple plug to connect and started reading the obd2 conversion and stumbled on this.


I'm thinking this maybe the reason. My fan comes on when reaching temp and runs after when the engine is hot.


So my aux pump has probably never worked since going obd2.


I have these plugs behind the fuse box, some maybe not required and just deleted but I didn't want to do that until I was certain everything was working.


Also have a red female plug with brown/green wire and brown/black wire not connected to anything. Not pictured.


Can you remember how you fixed it?




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I actually found my wiring diagram the other day so ill fish it back out for confirmation but I do believe both those yellow plugs are part of the auxiliary water pump wiring. I needed to solder a couple of wires that got snipped whilst converting the loom and thinking about it they may connect to that yellow 2 pin plug. If you can see wire colours on that large plug on the side of the engine you may find that red and brown/white have been cut somewhere. Will double check for you though

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Been reading another forum and the yellow plug with black/yellow stripe says its for the aux water pump and goes to D3. Mine isn't connected so maybe this will sort the aux pump?


Does this ring any bells buddy?ypy7ede4.jpg



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Yes that was't plugged in on mine either but that didn't solve it. I'm trying to rack my brains how I sorted it and its slowly coming back, I traced the 2 wires back that connected to the auxillary water pump through the multi pin plug, if i remember correctly its a red wire and a brown & white wire. I traced them through the multi pin plug and found them coming out the opposite side cut short and not connected to anything. I can't seem to find the thread that the wiring diagram was posted on but I do have it as a favourite on my laptop (which I don't have at this moment), will try sort it for you tomorrow and confirm for certain the wires I soldered up.

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Thanks for following up on this, I doubled checked the plug and wires and one is brown / green and the other red/black.


I connected the yellow plug with black yellow wire and you correct, still doesn't work.


The second pic shows the closest match colour wise, red plug,


3rd pic, also a single plug has red/black wire


4th pic red/black wire


5th pic is red/black and brown / white


Also in view of pic 5 is a grey single plug with red wire


Might need to find someone to help me finish it. Hopefully a simple fix at the fuse board end....



Edited by Rams

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I've just finished mine and everything worked first time around.


I remember having to remove two wires from two seperate multi plugs at the fusebox side of things on the OBD2 loom and splicing them onto a single two pin yellow plug from the original Corrado loom. I didn't make any notes but I know for a fact that someone updated the main guide and showed the wires I'm talking about with the pin locations.


I believe they are associated with the smaller plug on the fan control module and possibly the black temp sensor.


All my loom is fully wrapped now so I can't trace any wires; but I can pull the fusebox down and show you what connects to what. It'll be this evening though.

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I wouldn't want to put you out by dropping your fuse box mate, its a bit of agg, if your doing some work in this area then happy days....


It was ages ago that I did the conversion and once the car started and the fans came on when at temp and after run fans so I thought it was all working. I've forgotten exactly what we did. Never did really check the aux pump. The fact it leaked was what brought it to my attention.


Did the pins need moved from the multi plugs to get the fans working as well as the aux pump?


I've noticed my fans being on after a short run, they don't stay on long but maybe its the charger that gets things hotter so the aux pump will help control the cooling around the engine from what I read so its got to be fairly important.


If I can't work this one out then would someone be up for doing this for me? Happy to cross palms with gold/travel to you. Hopefully I can do it though!


My loom came from a 96 or 97 Golf VR.

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I've been playing again and trying my best to sort the aux pump before my mechanic takes a look next Monday.


I went to the old loom and found 2 yellow plugs and chopped them off. I connected that to the yellow double plug and set about trying some of the red and black wire single plugs and the red wire single plug and earth the other wire to the door hinge and the fans came on!


Still no aux pump unless engine needs to get hot first before it runs?


So maybe my stage 2 fan doesn't work as it seemed to be a middle speed when the fans were running.


When I turned ignition on the fans stopped.


Will have one more attempt and if I still can't solve it my guy hopefully will.


Dave sent me some wiring diagrams but need to check it on my laptop as too big to down load on my iPad.



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Apologies mate, I'm in the process of a house move as well as sorting a new job out so my brain is currently forgetting everything I'm giving it at the moment.


Right, firstly have you found those wires I keep harping on about? And also after I wrote that and checked my wiring diagrams I think the penny has dropped. The brown/red wire and the red/black wire?


Did you change the engine loom? as in the actual engine loom to OBD2? I think that may be one of your problems.

On the corrado

I'll post up the wiring diagram as it will probably make more sense after I've attempted to explain (I've attached the corrado wiring diagram, for some reason it won't let me upload the obd2 golf diagram so you'll have to visit here https://drive.google.com/#search/g3vr6ecu95 and its page 7 in particular look for V50 coolant circulation pump for wiring)

the red/black wire goes as follows on the corrado loom


(OBD1) Aux water pump, red/white wire - Pin 2 (42 pin plug at engine) - Pin 1 (yellow plug near fusebox) - Pin 1 (Radiator fan control unit in engine bay, should be a 10 pin plug)

(OBD2) Aux water pump, red/black wire - Pin 31 (42 pin plug at engine) - Pin 1 (Radiator fan control unit in engine bay, should be a 10 pin plug)


As you can see the issue arises with the engine harness loom between OBD1 and 2. You will also have noticed that obd2 loom is one loom that includes all the fan, lighting etc so VW decided not to bother going to the fusebox and back and just plug directly to the radiator fan control unit and hence why people experience problems with aux water pump after the conversion.

Anyway on to the brown/red wire, the diagram just says its an earth with no mention of what pin it is at the 42 pin but i've took a picture of the one I traced which is the other wire you need to connect to the yellow 2 pin plug I was talking about. Anyway thats probably enough of me blabbing on so have a go and let me know how you get on and if none of that makes sense give me a shout and I'll try unravel what the hell I've just said!!!



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Good morning, moving house is not fun ey! So thanks for your input....


I used the obd2 everything, engine harness the lot....


I've found the 2 wires on the multi plug on the engine bay side of things that you told me to check but cant see the corresponding wires on the other side of the multi plug and wonder if this is why I'm having issues?


I've bought the engine bay harness again from a seller breaking a golf Highline and after this arrived I asked him if he had the other end which he kindly removed from the fuse box and has sent out so can double check if I'm missing wires to this plug?


The various wires that are not connected, since playing with these yesterday its noted the black/yellow wire with the yellow plug, I've tried attaching a wire to that and the fan controls module started making a loud noise. I then tried another wire and earthed it out and the fuse blew on the fan module. Will replace this today, it was the 5 amp one.


The brown/white wire in yellow plug by the fuse board, if I link a wire to this and earth of the door hinge the stage 2 fans come on. Think its stage 2 anyway.


Once the fans come on, I can't hear or feel the aux pump working though.


A very decent forum member like yourself is going to drop his fuse board and take pictures for me so I can double check so I think I'm getting closer to solving these problems.


So far I've chopped off a yellow plug from my original loom, i had kept it all just incase which connects to my yellow plug by the fuse board and I've tried linking the other ends to the spare wire plugs and trying lots of different combinations. Just last straws really before I give up. Maybe when I see the pictures it will all make sense and then I may have a spare obd2 engine harness and loom spare.


I'm still not convinced the engine bay plug has all the wires in the one I bought from the doner golf back when I did the conversion so when the new one comes, I can double check it.


If that doesn't work and if my mechanic can't figure it out then maybe I need to take a drive out to Stealth or someone that knows what they are doing. If anyone wants to do it for me, happy to pay and happy for you to take my charged VR for a good drive - if your insured!


In the mean time I've been training my dog to guard the Rado and bark if she hears anything... Lol

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Just on my phone at lunch so this will be brief until I get chance to go on my laptop and research some more. If those wires are not in the loom then that is your problem. That yellow plug needs to be connected to the 2 wires coming from your aux water pump, try taking a couple of wires direct from your aux water pump through to the yellow plug in the car. If that works then it's just a case of finding where it isn't connected.


Honestly if you were just a bit closer I'd happily come for a drive out but 5 hours is just a tad too far. I have more ideas to try after you have done that, ill try getting some pictures if I can get the corrado out of my garage as well

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Right, my new obd2 loom arrived today and I can confirm that the engine multi plug, right hand section of it has a red/black wire and mine doesn't!


It would appear that red/black wire is missing from my engine plug. It's there on the other side of the plug ie left hand section from the engine harness.


So now I'm left with the decision of will it work with these spare wires or are some looms different or do I need to start again? I still haven't got that yellow plug connected or soldered to other wires as others have done so I'm still not sure if that's the issue or the multiplug?


The new loom looks really clean, the chap cleaned it all before he sent it and came really well packaged and grateful to him for it.


This is my loom plug 1st pic


The new loom 2nd pic


3rd pic shows the black red wire in better detail on the new loom.


4th shows new engine harness but that all checks out with my existing one. But newer one looks cleaner.



Edited by Rams

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I'm afraid I don't know if looms are different, I would presume so seeing as some peoples auxillary pump apparently work and some (like mine) don't work without extra wires soldering up. By the sounds of it your multiplug is missing the wires which is problem no.1, but if I were you I would piggy back a couple of wires off the wires on the engine side of the plug and connect it up to that yellow plug, if that works then you can then begin your journey back to the fusebox with the wires but before you do anything else, spend anymore time researching or take any more photo's just connect those wires up and see what happens.

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