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CERN find the Higgs boson

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I like the explanation for a seven year old, I can almost understand it.

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I wish this Higgs Bosson particle would be an ultimate rust removal product. Something along the line of spraying it all over your car, leaving for 24hrs and then rinse and whoila, rust free Corrado :) That would really be something or at least if Higgs Bosson could be used to produce rain free summer in UK!


But on a serious note, it is nice that so much money invested in LHC at CERN is starting to pay off :)

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Pity the LHC worked so *quickly*. What will they do with it now?? Wonder what the used market is like for superconducting electromagents and a few hundred kilometres of cabling..

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There is an upgrade planned for the LHC which will significantly increase the power that it works at. So it will be able to look for far more "stuff" (no idea what that stuff is though).

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It's all about finding sub-atomic particles. You get more energy in, you smash things into smaller pieces when they collide .. you get a chance to find even smaller particles.

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Is this going to affect our progress from this point? What can we do with this knowledge?

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  dr_mat said:
Pity the LHC worked so *quickly*. What will they do with it now?? Wonder what the used market is like for superconducting electromagents and a few hundred kilometres of cabling..


We could never has those things here, the pikeys would have a field day!

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New sub atomic Higgs Boson particles found @ CERN - Gotta love what they're doing here. Thing is unless they find out how to turn this new find into something useful - Like a new form of re-usable energy for instance (I've always felt our technological evolution will be held back by the energy resources available to us, we need something new and it's only a matter of time until we find it) it'll simply be another find that has no practical application.

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Energy sources are all around us, that's not really the issue they're trying to solve. "pure phsyics" like this work to prove the fundamental theories of matter is highly unlikely to produce any direct output that is "useful" for society, but it will allow other people to make modifications to other techniques, or provide better ways to do other things over the years. Let's face it - someone discovered the electron once. No-one had a clue what to do with it. Turns out it's kinda useful to transmit energy from place to place ...

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Higgs Boson is sitting in a Church when a priest wanders up and says "you can't be in here, you need to leave!" to which the Higgs Boson replies:


"But without me, you can't have Mass..."




Thankyou!!! I'm here all week! :-D :salute:

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  dr_mat said:
Energy sources are all around us, that's not really the issue they're trying to solve. "pure phsyics" like this work to prove the fundamental theories of matter is highly unlikely to produce any direct output that is "useful" for society, but it will allow other people to make modifications to other techniques, or provide better ways to do other things over the years. Let's face it - someone discovered the electron once. No-one had a clue what to do with it. Turns out it's kinda useful to transmit energy from place to place ...


I had 15 solar panels installed on roof in November. Some sunny days (remember them?) they have generated up to 24 kilowatt hours. (Accumulated total 1400 kw hours/£644? till today) We have had cheques from the electricity supply company to a sum of several hundred pounds already for the feed-in tariff (about 46p per kilowatt hour). Also, if you are at home during the hours of generation (ie retired, etc.) you can run stuff like washing machines, computers, battery chargers, etc for nothing from the power generated at the time. If you do not use it, it goes back down the grid, but you still get a few p per kwhr.

This June (the wettest in our town since 1966) we have registered 328 kwhrs.

I know the initial cost was as dear as a new car, but I love the fact that we get money back due to the simple fact that daylight on that common element silicon gives us electricity. Every month the technology of photovoltaic panels improves, so we can look forward to more efficient solar power generation.

Of course things are not all positive in this $hitty world mismanaged by the human race, but thankfully, most scientists like to focus on what can be done to improve things.


---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

Edited by craigowl

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personally, I wish someone would find the rather larger missing particles in the roads around here...

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