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Neighbour's kid

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  davidwort said:
getting involved in a protection racket doesn't seem like the best idea :lol:


I dont condone violence in any form but when someones messing with your pride and joy what do you do, agree about speaking to the parents, but somehow think this will fall on deaf ears, I know what my old man would of done to me if i had damaged someones car, Pay for it first then a good hiding!! Taught me some respect..

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  EJ Taylor said:
JUST F!!CKING SHOOT THE LITTLE *******S! im actually gettin agry for you now! just confront the parents and ask them to ask there little W!!NKER of a child to kick the ball out back instead of front? either that or head stamp the little C!!NT!
....... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ This :cool:

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  3corsameal said:
I'd of gone out by now and put a knife through the ball.


It'll be fine


p!!ssy! id of put it THROUGH THE CHILD! haha

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Get your local community police officer round and explain the situation. If the kid is deliberately kicking the ball against your car then that is willful damage and is a criminal offence.


Do they have a car? If so why don't you get a ball and kick it off theirs, se how they like. If they dont have a car kick it off their front door or windows.

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  Wullie said:
Get your local community police officer round and explain the situation. If the kid is deliberately kicking the ball against your car then that is willful damage and is a criminal offence.


Do they have a car? If so why don't you get a ball and kick it off theirs, se how they like. If they dont have a car kick it off their front door or windows.

..... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ this as well!! :D

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If its not a stupid idea and you have proof of the kids damaging the car, why not present the parents with a bill for repair? The parents are responsible for damage caused by them surely? Maybe get a crime number and try and claim off their 3rd party house insurance??

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Have a look in the small print of your rental agreement to see if there's any clauses about dodgy neighbours. You might be able to cut the contract short if you are suffering from stress because of it, and you clearly are. Or speak to your landlord in the first instance and explain the situation. At the end of the day, you don't own the house and can walk away. I certainly bloody would. Life's too short to tolerate this kind of schitt. Don't get into heated debates. Only you can change this situation. They won't do feck all. Just pack up and move out. Your missus should hopefully support you in this and can see it's getting you down. If not, get rid of her as well :lol:






  Jim said:
I don't accept that this is "just kids" - I don't remember kicking my football around peoples cars when I was a kid! My parents would have gone ape ****.



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Additionally, if the NEIGHBOURS are tenants, either local authority or private, they are breaking the terms of their lease in terms of damage to neighbours property. Find out and contact the Landlord if their is one...

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Let the whole forum come down and organise a mass game of cricket in the street, am sure we could hit a few things and get some complaints, hopefully the kid!!

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Remove the ball(s) dude, seriously. What are you waiting for?


You genuinely sound like a nice bloke mate but nice ain't gonna cut it if you want this to stop. If they're out there kicking the ball against your car take it away from them EVERY SINGLE TIME until they get the message. Give the ball back to the good-for-nothing parents and explain to them if a ball touches my car I WILL take it off them and you WILL pay for damages. The kids clearly have no boundaries and limitations as a result of sh*te parenting no doubt (WTF is wrong with parents these days, I would have got licks if I did this as a kid!?)


Do the neighbors not have a back garden anyway- Who the f*ck plays on a drive way??


Failing that, I agree with WULLIE - If the above doesn't work, kick balls against their windows and front door in retarded manner - If you can aim ball at neighbors faces then great, OR you could simply roll it into the road and watch the kids run after it...

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This has gone on ages now like i would of said something to the parents or just picked the ball up and volleyed it about 4 streets away and told them to pack the fcuk in and learn some respect.....

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Keep calling the police and get photographic evidence to show them.


I had a similar issue where I used to live where the kids from the looser family across the road kept climbing on the wall next to my drive. It was owned by me, and they were causing damage.


I tried:


Asking them politely to stop doing it - they ignored that.

Screaming every swear word under the sun at them - they left, but soon started doing it again.

The parents were clearly of low intelligence so had no control.


In the end I decided I have two choices, end up in prison or keep calling the police.


I did the latter, and I called them a lot, but it did help reduce the the problem. Luckily we moved house - problem solved.

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Can I check on one point? You say your driveways are side by side and there is no fence etc between them so when they kick the ball it ends up on your side / against your car?


If that is the case, instead of standing guard and keeping the ball each time it comes on your side or trying to protect your car with covers I recon you need to create some sort of spikey covering for the car.

Stick load of sharp nails through thin board then cover the other side with something soft to lean up against the car. Maybe make some attachements to hold it in place etc then every time their ball comes in contact it will get burst. No problem about dangerous stuff being out as it is on your property so no one should be there uninvited anyway.


(we planted a pyracantha [very spikey plant] in front of the garage wall that neighbours children used as a goal when we moved here but I guess you don't have a planting line available or time to allow plants to grow. Some big ones in tubs around the car might work too though!

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If the kids are causing legitimate damage and the parents are doing jack all about it you can actually sue them, although if its only a football I dont think you will get very far with it, take round a quote to repair any damage to the parents and simply say if this carries on you will have no choice but to take things further and get authorities involved, if they get arsey about this who cares about being friendly if they dont show you any respect then don't show them any, you have your cctv recording the incidents, file a complaint to police or the local CPSO's if it keeps happening they will have to act on it and talk to the parents.


I had a little incident with a 12yr old kid a few weeks ago, I saw him pulling his jack russell out of his mums frontera by the lead strangling it, I shouted at him to take the dog out properly, but he thought to just ignore me, so I went over there, picked up a dog sh*t and shoved it in is face, told him to learn so bloody respect and if I see him do anything like that again I'll make him eat it next time!! I work with his mum and she was there and just laughed, now I know why he has no boundaries and limitations as she lets him do whatever he wants but at least he wont do it again ( at least not when I'm around) little s**t :)

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  Banana Man said:


I had a little incident with a 12yr old kid a few weeks ago, I saw him pulling his jack russell out of his mums frontera by the lead strangling it, I shouted at him to take the dog out properly, but he thought to just ignore me, so I went over there, picked up a dog sh*t and shoved it in is face, told him to learn so bloody respect and if I see him do anything like that again I'll make him eat it next time!! I work with his mum and she was there and just laughed, now I know why he has no boundaries and limitations as she lets him do whatever he wants but at least he wont do it again ( at least not when I'm around) little s**t :)


Man that is drastic, good job you knew her otherwise you'd be going into the wrong entrance of the local cop shop......

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Guildmage -


I think we all need to know how you are doing.............


You have a lot of support here and we are all hoping you are getting this resolved.

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Its very easy to empathise with the chap, it is his pride and joy, your right Wendy we all care about this one, and want a happy ending.......... :clap:

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I had a little incident with a 12yr old kid a few weeks ago, I saw him pulling his jack russell out of his mums frontera by the lead strangling it, I shouted at him to take the dog out properly, but he thought to just ignore me, so I went over there, picked up a dog sh*t and shoved it in is face, told him to learn so bloody respect and if I see him do anything like that again I'll make him eat it next time!! I work with his mum and she was there and just laughed, now I know why he has no boundaries and limitations as she lets him do whatever he wants but at least he wont do it again ( at least not when I'm around) little s**t


As a dog owner myself I totally respect this :thumbleft:


Out of control kids should be no where near animals - I'd love to see a kid try to strangle my rottweiler! In fairness though he's a big dumb dog and would probably just sit there weezing and choking wondering what the kid is trying to do to him and how long he can sit it out for??!

Edited by tentonhammer

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