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weird noises in the sky?

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I heard a about that a few months ago and watched the vid's, i think unless you hear it yourself, im always of the mind that videos can be tampered with.




Lots of stuff on there.


I think there are also plenty of natural phenomena that we don't understand, lets hope its something like that.

Edited by daleyboy

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You can't rely on the media to tell us the truth, if we were visited by aliens do you think it would get on the front page of the sun ?


They'd be basically endorsing pandemonium and panic, some times you have to find out for yourself whats going on, but the truth is entwined with misinformation and just the outcome of some people's imagination, so you have to read between the lines, its difficult to distinguish between the truth and a lie.


Evidence however is scarce, and so open to human manipulation that what you end up doing is finding out more about your own belief system than what is front of you.


Either way sometimes its best not to know because you'll end up too scared to leave your house, doesn't stop you wondering though.........

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**** me the Corrado forum turned in to the X Files..

Send for Mulder and Scully!

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Nope.. they're sounds from a movie which came out last year it seems! I think they're all hoaxes!



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Ive allways read about ancient places,the mayans, puma punku etc and thought people were ignorant to not consider the possibility of other life now as its almost 100% proven we were visited a long time ago by the technology and things they have found.Things like this genuinelybscare me though as its now and you are completely powerless against it if it was something bad beginning. I had a look last night and i read people believe it may be down to the earths internal core rotation speed and vibrations but if it is the **** is about to hit the fan and average joe can do 2 things to avoid it....jack and sh1t :lol:



I watched a canny interesting programme last night about the nemisis theory (twin sun) and that was interesting also but at the end they were saying something is out in the trillion strong asteroid area of our system shuffling things about now which is 10 million years early for nemisis but potentially bad sh1t as any interuption can cause decades of asteroid showers and well....well end up like the dino's :lol:

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Nope.. they're sounds from a movie which came out last year it seems! I think they're all hoaxes!


Or someone in the flat above rearranging their furniture

Edited by iR6

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If it was faked id be more glad than upset,there is some videos on the net where it is very faint though from this country aswell so not a clear copy from the film,guess its another youll never know thing

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I do like a good conspiracy theory but some of them are BS. I don't like to believe anything like this until I see (or hear it) for myself.

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Youtube is blocked at work but would these noises be lots of 'banging' in the sky? I heard this the other day and thought it was fireworks, but there weren't any. Then thought it was thunder, but there were no clouds and no lightning. It was too loud and high up to be some nutter out night shooting too. Could just be some high altitude flight tests, i.e. breaking the sound barrier.


I'm the same with Aliens as I am God: Agnostic. Undecided until proven otherwise. I would say however that if the universe was created by a big bang, then surely all the planets will have evolved at the same rate? Therefore no solar system yet has the technology to visit other solar systems. That's just my theory anyway. I don't really buy into the Mayan / Alien relationship. I just think they were a bit weird and liked star gazing. According to their calendar, this year see the end of the world :D

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The noises are generally trumpet sounds heard at different places across the world (hence lots of people proclaiming they are trumpets from the Book of Revelations and warning of the end of times. Personally I think there is a rational explanation.


Not all planets evolved at the same time. The original stars are likely all gone now and have spawned other stars from their remnants. Our uown sun is probably several generations of star down the line. There could be planets from earlier stars still around or from stars which are from more "advanced" stars. What I mean by "advanced" is that as each star generation dies and others are formed, it results in more complex elements being formed in the atomic reactions. So the earlkiest stars were made from only hydrogen.. then came helium... etc, etc. So maybe a planet around an earlier generation star has been there long enough for more advanced civilisations to evolve, or maybe a later generation star has generated an element that we don't yet have and has resulted in significantly faster evolution in some way.

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Youtube is blocked at work but would these noises be lots of 'banging' in the sky? I heard this the other day and thought it was fireworks, but there weren't any. Then thought it was thunder, but there were no clouds and no lightning. It was too loud and high up to be some nutter out night shooting too. Could just be some high altitude flight tests, i.e. breaking the sound barrier.


I'm the same with Aliens as I am God: Agnostic. Undecided until proven otherwise. I would say however that if the universe was created by a big bang, then surely all the planets will have evolved at the same rate? Therefore no solar system yet has the technology to visit other solar systems. That's just my theory anyway. I don't really buy into the Mayan / Alien relationship. I just think they were a bit weird and liked star gazing. According to their calendar, this year see the end of the world :D


Holy **** ive just realised i heard that too a month ago, never put two and two together as it wasnt like the noise on the net it was more like shot gun bangs but more thunderesk, it was about 12 oclock at night aswell. As regards the videos, maybe they are fake or not

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Ah trumpets. Not heard any of those, lol :lol: Just loud thuds and bangs in the sky! I've heard of stratospheric lightning storms but I couldn't see any flashing up there. Maybe someone down the road bought a new drum kit :D


Good point on the planetary evolution Mr Portent!

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I can hear munitions going off on Salisbury plain and that is15 miles away, they sound like dull thuds in the sky, not a gun range or quary near by where they have been blasting?

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Ah good point. I live just outside Colchester which is a garrison town, so there may be a place nearby where they do that. I don't know of it though. Would they do that at night though?

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There was an incident with mysterious bangs in the sky a few months back...





Its amazing how they cover stuff and people just swallow it, that was a result of lights in the sky been spotted so they tried to intercept them, the objects caused the spanish military to scramble f18s and black hawk helicopters over marbella, then hour or so later it was spotted over here so we scrambled eurofighters. Apparently quite a few people saw the lights and were woken up by the noise but it only made the sun papers over here :lol:

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Its amazing how they cover stuff and people just swallow it


And, with the greatest respect, it's amazing what utter BS conspiracy theories some people will believe! :)


I used to be a fairly firm believer that there was government involvement in the September 11th incident in New York but someone said do you not think that, in all of government and all the people that would be needed to put that together that SOMEONE wouldn't have had a conscience to blow it open and report it all?


And like the belief that the Apollo moonlandings were faked - I watched the Mythbusters episode where they covered it all. To be honest it was more than enough debunking of all the bollocks to reaffirm they really did it.

Edited by Jim

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As stated above,if it did start with a big bang,the chances of us all evolving the same are very unlikely !

We haven't evolved at the same rate on this planet,for 6000 years the Aboriginal's lived down under,never got round to inventing the wheel !

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I ended up reading all about strange noises in the sky last night rather than solving the strange noises coming from my car :)

..and then got onto HAARP....which i understood about 3% of! but was strangly compelling watching. much better than pride and prejudice that the mrs had on.

Im building my anderson shelter tonight and stock piling spaghetti hoops.

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No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.


Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.

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No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.


Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.

War of the Words by HG Wells, extracts from 1st paragraph. Book is much more interesting than the various films.


Anyway, I'm not really bothered now by all this stuff. The way I look at it now at my age is that if it is Armageddon or aliens invading, or unknown beasties digging up from the centre of the earth it's a much more interesting way of going out than being hit by a bus! Plus, if it is aliens they might just be good guys, like the Vulcans.


I suppose I'm a bit of a fatalist.

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