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Please tell me alot of you were bothered by the Osborne speech

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  corrado_sunderland said:
I dont get it,Everyone on here isnt happy so why dont people say,you shouldnt wait until things are as bad as elsewhere to say just when things start to deteriorate heavily like they are


I just have to look at virtually any other country and think we don't really have it that bad. Yes, there are other countries that are better than ours to live in. You only have to look at rampant gun crime or limited social care in the USA (I can tell you it was a shock on my first trip to San Francisco last month to see so many homeless people on the street), unemployment in places like Greece and Spain, etc etc - and you think our government is corrupt? Look how much it took to oust Silvio Berlusconi in Italy - he was as crooked as a witches nose.


Honestly whilst there is a lot that is a real shame about this country, I think fundamentally it's pretty good. And if at any time I don't like it enough, I'll just pack up and emigrate. The grass is always greener on the other side, etc etc.

Edited by Jim

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Well so be it but my take on it is if your happy for it to get worse just because other places are worse your letting your kids and future generations down as previous ones sacrificed alot for us.Its like kids mixing with bad kids and been dragged down to their level and i find it honestly a selfish attitude i have to say,but i guess everyone is out for themselves now and your opinions prove it.

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Ok I have lived in France, The USA and Oz.


France, great country and weather (in the south). The French on the whole don't like the British.(Apologies to any French on here, I'm sure you are very friendly) The new laws being brought in will have the wealthy running elsewhere!

Food is very expensive a small basket of 10 items will cost nearly £60.Eating out exspensive and pretentious!! Don't expect UK building standards or drainage! (What's that SMELL!!!) Petrol is around the same price as the UK....give or take. Running a car I can't say more than that as mine were always UK reg.

Would I live there permanent.....no!


America, nice people, generally they love the British. They "think" they all have good teeth......they do not!!! They think the "English" all have bad teeth.....clearly not the case!

Food in America is around the same as the UK. Eating out cheaper.

Houses are for nothing at the moment....except California. In California you will be taxed to death....but I love being there.....St Clemente is very nice!

Cars, nothing worth having under $6000. But $10000 bought me a 4 month old Chrysler Sebring. Insurance is astronomical!!!!!!!

Running a car for one year worked out the same as the UK....despite petrol being half the UK price.

Would I live there permanent......no.


Australia, the people are just like they are in the UK, some friendly most not. Being continually called a "pom" wears very thin!

Food shopping is expensive and always has been, eating out was cheap 6 years ago.... not now!

The people are taxed to death....and they don't know it. You need a permit for EVERYTHING, they love em........licence to fart anyone?

Be very careful if you modify your car, my Land Cruiser has 33 inch tyres....not road legal in Oz! I could put 44s on over here and no one would care!

Running a car for 12 months works out the same as the UK. Petrol about a third cheaper, two lots of insurance on the car???!!! Third party and fully comp on top.... if you want it!

Stamp duty to pay when you buy a car...new or second hand!

Houses are now megga expensive, to buy or rent. Average rent in Sydney is now $520 £332 A WEEK!!!!


But the sun shines! I can take my Ski boat to any river, launch it park the truck and play all day.

The outback is just amazing, drive for 1000k and see no more than 3 other cars.

The beaches are fab....but the sandflies bite!

If you don't like the weather, move state.....it's a big country!

Would I live there permanent.....I'm counting the day's till I land back at Sydney airport!!!!

It suits me, but it's not for everyone.


The Uk? It's not as bad as you think. most things are reasonably priced and we actually have a lot of freedom. Taxes are not too bad. One major thing....Bloody CCTV cameras everywhere! George Orwell was right, just a little early! Peoples apathy to this sort of thing is breathtaking!

I am sick of hearing the same old bleat....."I don't do anything wrong so I'm not bothered".........Grow a pair and stop the camera plague!

Edited by Toohottotrot

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  Toohottotrot said:
Ok I have lived in France, The USA and Oz.


France, great country and weather (in the south). The French on the whole don't like the British.(Apologies to any French on here, I'm sure you are very friendly) The new laws being brought in will have the wealthy running elsewhere!

Food is very expensive a small basket of 10 items will cost nearly £60.Eating out exspensive and pretentious!! Don't expect UK building standards or drainage! (What's that SMELL!!!) Petrol is around the same price as the UK....give or take. Running a car I can't say more than that as mine were always UK reg.

Would I live there permanent.....no!


America, nice people, generally they love the British. They "think" they all have good teeth......they do not!!! They think the "English" all have bad teeth.....clearly not the case!

Food in America is around the same as the UK. Eating out cheaper.

Houses are for nothing at the moment....except California. In California you will be taxed to death....but I love being there.....St Clemente is very nice!

Cars, nothing worth having under $6000. But $10000 bought me a 4 month old Chrysler Sebring. Insurance is astronomical!!!!!!!

Running a car for one year worked out the same as the UK....despite petrol being half the UK price.

Would I live there permanent......no.


Australia, the people are just like they are in the UK, some friendly most not. Being continually called a "pom" wears very thin!

Food shopping is expensive and always has been, eating out was cheap 6 years ago.... not now!

The people are taxed to death....and they don't know it. You need a permit for EVERYTHING, they love em........licence to fart anyone?

Be very careful if you modify your car, my Land Cruiser has 33 inch tyres....not road legal in Oz!

Running a car for 12 months works out the same as the UK. Petrol about a third cheaper, two lots of insurance on the car???!!! Third party and fully comp on top.... if you want it!

Stamp duty to pay when you buy a car...new or second hand!

Houses are now megga expensive, to buy or rent. Average rent in Sydney is now $520 £332 A WEEK!!!!


But the sun shines! I can take my Ski boat to any river, launch it park the truck and play all day.

The outback is just amazing, drive for 1000k and see no more than 3 other cars.

The beaches are fab....but the sandflies bite!

If you don't like the weather, move state.....it's a big country!

Would I live there permanent.....I'm counting the day's till I land back at Sydney airport!!!!

It suits me, but it's not for everyone.


The Uk? It's not as bad as you think. most things are reasonably priced and we actually have a lot of freedom. Taxes are not too bad. One major thing....Bloody CCTV cameras everywhere! George Orwell was right, just a little early! Peoples apathy to this sort of thing is breathtaking!

I am sick of hearing the same old bleat....."I don't do anything wrong so I'm not bothered".........Grow a pair and stop the camera plague!


1984's is relevant in more ways than you can imaginr,and i looked at oz and heard it was pricey now and engineers pay wasnt as good now.Bit suprised about the cars though i though motoring was still cheap.


My mates who live in france have their own land and grow everything so maybe thats why he never moans about food cost.

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Nice review there of US, Oz and the UK.


I´ll offer Germany:

At the moment still going very strong economy-wise. Why? The Germans haven´t placed all their eggs in the one (financial market) basket, have held on to their core engineering and manufacturing strengths (once core strengths of the UK, too, till unions eroded the willingness to invent and produce good quality goods, and then thatcher destroyed everything in her attempt to get to grips with unions). Germany has not introduced consumer credit/credit cards until well into the nineties (by which time the UK was already keeping its broken economy going with consumer credit cards), never really took off till 2000s, and even now you have to pay a lot of money to get one, so a lot of people say sod-it, I don´t want a credit card, and simply pay cash, once they have the money, The average German household has more money compared to the average UK household (which is in debt thanks to all this cheap consumer credit, which the government used to keep the underlying broken economy going). Average as in normal households, not average as in averaging across the entire population, because average in terms of statistics of course does not take into consideration the actual wealth distribution, which up till recently also has been more even in Germany than in the UK.


This all led to Germans generally being able to live at potentially higher standards than in the UK. Unteil a few years ago, that is, since when consumer credit has become attractive to some parts of the population, other parts have started to buy all sorts (cars mainly) on credit/bank loans, but the majority who have saving simply hang on to them for fear of what the future may bring, thus causing temporary slumps in the German economy as far as its own internal market/demand is concerned. Germany can keep afloat mainly thanks to its very strong export position. Why? Because they have stuff to export, Britain does not apart from weapons (BAE Systems), something to really be proud of ...


So, whilst the average German may be better off financially initially, that is then reversed by higher taxes, a worse healthcare system than the NHS (this situation was definitely a lot better during the 80s and early 90s when I lived in Germany), and it is further deteriorating with ever increasing contributions (18% of salary anyone, just for the equivalent of the NHS, not including pension, and other social welfare contributions, which come on top, then taxes, which are higher than in the UK), lower standards, increasing costs for individual consultations (almost nothing is for free any more in Germany).


On top of that Germans have a more strict MOT, which can be a majopr challenge for ardent car-nutters like us. We tend to forget how good the MOT in the UK actually is, especially towards owners of cars like ours. Germany hammers you in road and associated taxes if you do not constantly somehow modify your car to make it meet latest and craziest regulations, usually environmental regs (obviously to boost its own car manufacturing, although no-one will ever be allowed to state this obvious fact in Germany), forcing many a German to ditch their trustworthy cars for something newer that increasing proportions of the population cannot afford.


Yes, Germany does have poor people as well, who are treated far worse than over here in the UK. They are hidden, same with the disabled. Germany is way behind the times when it comes to how it treats disabled people. Only last year has the local theatre in the town where my parents live installed a wheelchair ramp!! When I came over to the UK 22 years ago, I laughed at how the British treated disabled, thinking you just ditch these people, like you do in Gemrany, you ignore them, or if you have money, then you as a disabled person can help yourself. Britain has thoroughly changed my viewpoint in that respect, and whilst slowly things are improving in Germany, it is a very slow process. You still have special schools for pupils with learning difficulties, schools for outcasts of society of you like. Once you´ve been sent to one of those, forget the rest of your life. No re-integration possible.


Would I want to live there again? Yes, but that´s because every now and then I am deeply dissatisfied with my current job, but as they say, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, and working life in Germany can also be harsh.


Are the Germans happy with their politicians? No, same story as in the UK. Bunch of liars to get through elections, then break pretty much every single promise they made. ¨Oh sorry, we hadn´t expected this or that to happen, now we have no choice!" Well, then resign, you liars. Oh no, then these politicians hang on to their sacred, good pension-promising posts in politics, of course, unless they are mobbed out by Merkel (like what happened in June for one minister).


The more you compare, the more you realise there is no heaven on earth. Each country is a trade-off for each indvidual, and since each individual has different needs and desires, different countries will meet those needs and desires in different ways, but hardly ever will you be as lucky as to stumble across a country where all needs and desires are met, unless you start a dictatorship, and you´re the dictator. Now there´s an idea :)



Edited by Tempest

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Eric, it's strange how countries are all very similar, despite their differences. We have always said that for us 50% of what the UK has to offer is good and 50% of what Oz has to offer. If only we could get the two halves together!

The thing that always pi*ses me off about the UK is the bloody weather, and the way people moan when we get 3 nice days in a row!




"Bit suprised about the cars though i though motoring was still cheap."


I'm not sure how long ago motoring was cheap in Oz but in my experience not in the last 10 years. It kind of looked cheap when there was 3 dollars to the pound but that all changes when you are earning dollars.

Edited by Toohottotrot

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  corrado_sunderland said:
Well so be it but my take on it is if your happy for it to get worse just because other places are worse your letting your kids and future generations down as previous ones sacrificed alot for us.Its like kids mixing with bad kids and been dragged down to their level and i find it honestly a selfish attitude i have to say,but i guess everyone is out for themselves now and your opinions prove it.


Mate - I'm well aware of the sacrifices made for us by previous generations. I lost relatives in the war (who I've researched extensively to find out more about) and my dad was in the armed forces, so know what it's like to have family on the front line.


Those men died for us to have the freedom we have today. I enjoy my freedom. I pay my taxes, I stay out of trouble with the law (never even had points on my license), and like to consider myself a moral, honest and decent person. If that makes me selfish in your eyes then I'm not sure what to say... I'm sorry that I don't meet your high standards.


If you want social revolution, you go grab your pitchfork and get on the street - I fully respect your views and your entitlement to them, but I don't agree with them. Is that so hard to understand?

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  corrado_sunderland said:
i find it honestly a selfish attitude i have to say,but i guess everyone is out for themselves now and your opinions prove it.


last year you were posting pics of some girls tittys and talking about spliff filled ashtrays.


this year you're reading the daily mirror in your lunch break and have become an unreasoning mackem revolutionary.


can we have the old sunderland back please?

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  Jim said:
Mate - I'm well aware of the sacrifices made for us by previous generations. I lost relatives in the war (who I've researched extensively to find out more about) and my dad was in the armed forces, so know what it's like to have family on the front line.


Those men died for us to have the freedom we have today. I enjoy my freedom. I pay my taxes, I stay out of trouble with the law (never even had points on my license), and like to consider myself a moral, honest and decent person. If that makes me selfish in your eyes then I'm not sure what to say... I'm sorry that I don't meet your high standards.


If you want social revolution, you go grab your pitchfork and get on the street - I fully respect your views and your entitlement to them, but I don't agree with them. Is that so hard to understand?


  aide said:
last year you were posting pics of some girls tittys and talking about spliff filled ashtrays.


this year you're reading the daily mirror in your lunch break and have become an unreasoning mackem revolutionary.


can we have the old sunderland back please?


I wasnt really getting into the war etc i mean the toil people went through just so every working class family had decent housing,a car or tv.It was achieved by people working together and i feel no matter how good a person you are thinking "im ok so its alright" is our very undoing as a society.


I dont mean to be offensive but i just cant accept that people are so separated now,it allows the powers that be to play agendas against other groups,like benefits for example and ultimately suceed in doing us other without people even realising.Its like something from 1984 really on a hidden scale.



Sadly i guess ive just grew up early,cant change how i am and if im too much of a miserable ******* for you lot now i stop coming on here if you wish.


Another reason why i dont post my current mischeif on here is because all ive had is stick recently when i have,i still have many antics i get up to just not as much as im a retired **** head now.


I still like to party but i cant smoke anymore due to my job and poor kidneys means i cant drink much so i guess ive became a bit of an intetlectual and read more and go out only few times a month drinking.

Edited by corrado_sunderland

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You haven't grown up though. All you have done is started reading the politics section in the sun and suddenly become an expert!

If you have these views then no problem, come and discuss them. However you seem to be trying to force your views upon others mainly by swearing and insulting them. Essentially trying to bully people into your way of thinking.

No one has said that your views are wrong, yet on many occasions you have said others opinions are wrong. They can't be wrong, they are opinions.

The reason people fought in the wars is because 1) they had to and 2) so that we can have the freedom to make our own decisions and choices.


If YOU think that a revolution, and standing up the government is the way forward then you are entitled to take action. That is what those men fought for, so fill your boots. If OTHERS do not feel the same then they don't have to, simple.


Perhaps it's a case of you are the one that is selfish because you are thinking about your own little bubble. Lets say that you got all your little problems sorted, where will that money come from? Foreign aid I hear you say? We spend billions on that! Sort ourselves out first? That would be very naive to think that we give money to India because we feel sorry for them.

I consider myself to be well informed, yet I think that I actually know very little about what goes on in politics. We see the very surface of it in the media. Dig deeper and it's a complex, dirty world that we are blissfully unaware of.


So I'm happy to sit tight, let the government do what they need to do and look after myself and my family right now. If you think that France is so much better then you can leave, it's so simple.

By all means don't leave the forum, but be a bit more considered with your input. We don't need swear words to understand your points.

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I don't want to be mean but your writing doesn't come across as an Intellectual, or grown up for that matter. It just comes across as a one sided political rant. "My way or the highway".

Oh and the line about not coming on here just smacks of taking your ball and not playing any more.

Edited by Toohottotrot

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Anyone who becomes abusive during a discussion does so because they're losing the arguement and are clutching at straws trying to bully the oposition into submission.


If you are on £45K then really you shouldn't be crying "poor me", others are managing on far less.


If I win the lotto on saturday I'll still be UK based

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I see your point and i may in future stick to threads about the girl in seeing who likes to dress as a school girl as oppose to polictics,and i know im on good money so it doesnt affect me heavily but so many people are in the **** now that i feel it times for change.The whole world is a mess now and people need to really change their ideas to right the boat i think.

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Interesting link that Dox posted, It's what I had already heard that the wealthy French were ready for off due to the new tax laws. I know it's hard to see wealthy people not hit as hard as "ordinary" people. But better to have 45% of their millon than 75% of nothing?

The thing with wealthy people is they are realatively mobile as to where they "domicile", and who they can pay to manage their tax affairs.

Putting myself in their place, if I were earning over one million a year it would be a real pi**er to see seven hundred and fifty grand taken and given to some scrotes for beer, drugs and cigs.



Oh and back to this girl that dresses as a school girl..........you're not Jimmy Sa-vile reincarnated are you? lol


One last thing.....here's a nice pic of a baby Kangaroo that I took.....[ATTACH=CONFIG]69813[/ATTACH]

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  corrado_sunderland said:
I see your point and i may in future stick to threads about the girl in seeing who likes to dress as a school girl as oppose to polictics,and i know im on good money so it doesnt affect me heavily but so many people are in the **** now that i feel it times for change.The whole world is a mess now and people need to really change their ideas to right the boat i think.


By all means join in and give your view, just be prepared to accept that others may not share the same point of view as you.

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A mate of mine got the sack from the council 3 week ago after 30 years of service. He went to the jobcentre to sign on and find a new job and the adviser said "you can only claim job seekers alowance for 16 weeks then after that it stops ! Theres bagheads and scum out there who dont want to work and they can claim as long as they want, get a flat or house, kids paid for the lot ! Absolute shocking government this. Im voting ukip or edl next

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The above article on Yahoo Finance is indeed interesting, albeit to be read with caution:


1. It does not mention the limits of tax bands in each of the ¨rip-off¨ countries, i.e. when do you start paying 45% or 50% tax. When yopu would compare that, then the UK may not be so bad after all, given the majority fall into the 20% tax band, which is not the case in some of the other countries listed.


2. The tips on how to legally dodge taxes are nothing new, and quite frankly fairly useless, as I found out. Example: ISAs. All ISAs I have had performed worse than just biting the bullet and investing in a non-tax-free financial vehicle. Seems managers of tax-free instruments like ISAs and pension funds aren´t really interested in performing well, especially given that in some the government has capped the management fee allowed, eg. stakeholder pensions. That really gets on my nerves as it nicely demonstrtaes the infinirte greed of the financial sector barstewards, that I, too, thoroughly hate for all sorts of reasons (also very often their lack of academic qualifications compared to me). Rant over ... that feels better. :)



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Youll get none if this government get their way. Thats why i find it funny that people support them, they could do the best cleanup of the uk ever but it will be at our expense never theirs,and if your not working and paying your own way youll be knakard.All the perks we have and entitlements now need to stay and we need to create a new generation of better educated people with better morals so they are reserved for genuine circumstances .

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One thing i forgot to add aswell was that the conservatives have actually only implemented 25% of the cuts they have planned so far and we are still not better off,and they have also borrowed just as much as labour in term, its just a fact people seem to miss.


The only vote this election is labour really as any other allows the tories to have a go at another coalition.And the banks issue is something they have promised to tackle which the torries have not as most of their pals run the financial sector. Im amazed how people think were better off with these guys in place buy hew lets see, i think labour will get in easier as alot of people voted lim dem to teach them a lesson,never imagining theyd jump into bed with the tories.

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It's the same old thing I'm afraid, it's easy being in opposition. Labour will say they are going to sort this that and the other out. This all sounds fantastic until we remember that labour had 13 years to do all that, but still failed.

Labour were the party in charge when we went into recession. They let the banks run riot with our money with no repercussions. They have let people dodge tax for donkeys years. Labour thought that everyone should have the same standard of living, regardless of their contribution to society.

Labour let the country go to ruin and left it there when they left. The very next week after the new government was formed labour started to give the Tories stick about how they were going to mess things up blah blah blah. Already people seemed to forget what legacy labour had left.

In my opinion it was good to let someone else have a go. The idea of spending more to get out of recession baffled me. When I'm short of money, the last thing I think of is borrowing more!

Anyway I have no doubt that labour will win the next election because people will be fed up of cuts to their benefits.

I don't know what the best way of sorting this mess out is, but the thought of the two eds running the country is a scary one indeed!

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  Rob_B said:
It's the same old thing I'm afraid, it's easy being in opposition. Labour will say they are going to sort this that and the other out. This all sounds fantastic until we remember that labour had 13 years to do all that, but still failed.

Labour were the party in charge when we went into recession. They let the banks run riot with our money with no repercussions. They have let people dodge tax for donkeys years. Labour thought that everyone should have the same standard of living, regardless of their contribution to society.

Labour let the country go to ruin and left it there when they left. The very next week after the new government was formed labour started to give the Tories stick about how they were going to mess things up blah blah blah. Already people seemed to forget what legacy labour had left.

In my opinion it was good to let someone else have a go. The idea of spending more to get out of recession baffled me. When I'm short of money, the last thing I think of is borrowing more!

Anyway I have no doubt that labour will win the next election because people will be fed up of cuts to their benefits.

I don't know what the best way of sorting this mess out is, but the thought of the two eds running the country is a scary one indeed!



you cant blame a political party for the world going into financial meltdown haha, look at it this way wed still be fine like germany if we had export but every country that hasnt is failing so it wasnt anyone in england at fault really (unless you want to blame thatchers for that), and i know they want to borrow more but the conservatives are as well just not advertising it.


I could easily reply "already people seem to forgot the legacy the tories left" (its like everyone has a memory of a gold fish and cant look back far enough to remember) , they are the better of 2 evils and the banks....have the tories sorted them out? nope so what makes labour not doing it so bad?,they will all be getting back handers from the financial sector so will of keep quiet.However now something might happen as its affecting the country.


The way to sort it would be people standing up and saying enough is enough and campaigning for tough penalties on politicians for miss conduct or acts of corruption,if they know they are going to jail for a long time for it theyll sharp think twice of doing it and betraying the people i reakon.


I find it intersting how you think labour let people dodge tax more than anyone else aswell m8 when the tories represent the rich and the levison proved there disgusting corrupt ways with money at high levels,its all their pals running the financial sector and all the wealthy supporters so they let rich people get away with murder.


Just my take but i feel most people cant see the forrest for the trees,so until a revolution happens, people need to really start pressuring and expressing their unhappyness to trigger politicians into working harder to get their heads off the chopping block i think :)

Edited by corrado_sunderland

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So are you saying that both the main political parties are as bad as each other? This I do agree with.


I can understand why people think a revolution is the answer. What would happen if the government was over thrown though? Who would take charge? Genuine questions by the way.

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