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Dude VR6

Old Rad Wanted

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Any one got an old rad they have kicking about, keep meaning to throw out, or are going to replace there old rad soon. Doesn't matter what state the rads in, I only need it as a copy. A local company make Ali rads, so want to take an old rad to them to see about a quote to get one made.

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I have a brand new one waiting to go in. Your welcome to the old one but it's going to be 2-3 weeks before I fit it.

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I have a brand new one waiting to go in. Your welcome to the old one but it's going to be 2-3 weeks before I fit it.


Cheers that would be good, and if anyone else has one in the mean time then thanks for the offer

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Same here except it's in my front room ;) I'm at M1 J9.




I'm going to take Stoonejag up on his offer as he's the closes. Hopefully I will be able to update this week after next with what mine findings are.

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