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Corrado Head Turners What

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This is a question for all C owners,

Since having a C, I have noticed a huge amount of people looking at me when driving along..whoo…lol…

This is my predicted % of different people who look, im interested to see what other people think, you all might think this is a crazy question..


Girls = 50 %


Older people (25-60) = 40%


Small kids (“what that mom”) = 9%


Animals = 1%


True head turners……


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ummm, since I did the rebuild, EVERYBODY looks.... :oops:


She's got a little bit of an odd noise to her at the moment 'cos the timing and fuelling aren't quite right and the toothed pulleys make a mad noise which, when added to the induction and supercharger noise, makes everyone wonder what the hell it is... :? :roll:

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Hmm, splitting it up according to %-values, I'd say, here in Coventry:


80% youths and teenagers with that typical dangerous look on their face "Yeah, I want one of those, and burn some rubba, mate!", the ones that potentially qualify as joy-riders :x


20% remaining, mixed, I'd say.



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You must be serioulsy vain if you have time to notice each and every person that looks at your car and then categorise them all into groups, whilst driving, LOL!


I tend to be looking at the road, so don't really notice although when stuck in traffic jams other motorists occasionally glance over, but who's to say that's not general nosiness cause they're bored sitting in line?

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I read this earlier on, and thought...mmm, i have seen people look, but never really given any thought to who or what was looking.......


I just went out to the shops, and all I can say is that driving at warp factor 4 does not lend itself to this kind of survey!!!

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Older people (25-60) = 40%


awwwww, I'm old :cry:


i'd say mostly younger kids stare at mine, and yes, I know what their thinking.

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My Sister (she's 18 - and NO you cant go anywhere near her LOL) and her mates often get dropped off by me in the C and I always get reports about how they all think it is way 8)


Have lost count of the admiring nods I get from older people (that should be 30-60 IMO)


And I have been chatted up by younger female drivers in petrol stations aswell...


But like Kev and Andi have both said I don't always notice who looks and who doesn't - usually because I'm too busy hanging on :mrgreen: (when it's working LOL)

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People look because they are still gorgeous looking rare cars. It take's something special to park next to you and show you up.

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Get a lot of looks in petrol stations and car parks, and quite a few 'whats that then?' questions.


Have noticed that you get a lot of looks from youngsters in Novas, corsas etc wondering just what the raddo's capable of. (havent quite worked out if its jealosy or ignorance about Corrados, but some even seem to looking down their noses at you).


Oh well each to their own. Dont really care what others think, I love Corrados, and they're all beautifull in my eyes.

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Dont really notice any attention - I didnt buy a Corrado VR6 for attention - I bought it for the drive 8)

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I'm normally too busy driving to notice, but according to g.friend people of all sorts do take a look at the car (yep, even a humble valver!) Could just be checking out the driver I 'spose! 8) :lol:


I'm guessing 40% young women, 40% yooofs, and the rest a mixed bag of older people who wanted one when they first cam e out, or don't know what it is but admire the lines.

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My G.friend says a lot of people look. Have been asked, what is it? at petrol garages quite a lot. Oh and of course "Is that a corrado. Not the VR6? Always liked/wanted one of those."

8) 8)

Although my 10yr old godson loves to tell all his mates about it. :wink: :wink:

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well i'd say the majority is the younger lot..the saxo/punto drivers wishing they could drive it.

a few older people look at it then see me driving and think...what the hell is that little kid doing with vw's ferrari.


I was at the front of some traffic lights and i got everyone passing in front of me to turn past me look at it atleast the once.

I have had about 2-3teens and even 5yr olds go past and say.."thats a CORRADO!" love it...absolutely love it.


But my cars becoming more common here in northants...i think a few people have seen me driving about in it and have decided to go by one themselves! either that or they left theirs garaged over winter :roll:

A nice german plated black reiger kitted corrado comes out to play quite often as does two of premieres corrados...not forgetting a 16v blue one (gosh he does try)..and a mauve VR6 too, which is stunningly standard!


off topic sorry..but i guess...40% teens and 20-30yr olds....40% girls...20% older over 30's.

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I get a lot of looks at trafic lights and in queues. The slightly confused face. I don't know what it is but it looks good. I do notice those looks.

I pull the, yes I know the car looks good, face in return. :D :D

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well before all "the mods" most of you know how well my car sounded ;)


anyway i would say about


35% woman becaus ethere never seen ti before

35% men trying to work out what the feck it is

20% kids, it even been called a fast and furious car the other day when i was working on it outside

10% people pi$$ed of that live next to me, trust me u dont want me living next to you when i come home at 3-4am lol and setting of car alarms :D


but yep alot people have looked and always asks about it :) i even got a call from a mate about some guys came into his barber shop and started to talk about my car :shock: god knows how that started lol

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I'm a teacher and have been 'indoctrinating' my children bout the joys of corrados... theyr'e 9 years old and think my 2.0 16v is awesome. got some kids with behavioural problems and as a treat I showed them the spoiler operation, got a full days work out of them.

most kids haven't a clue what a corrado is, they do in my school!! Turns heads in the staff car park with parents though.

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We appear to get the same looks with our corrado and we did with our triffic mk1 golf gti in llasa green.

Lots of 30 year olds sadling for position along side usually with the girlfriend glaring as its usually the wife driving :-P


we laugh the most though as they usually have a Tdi Golf or an R32 and they are gawping at our old car that appears as standard,

met someone in thesafeways carpark the otherday checking out the dealer service sticker that states next service 60,000 miles and he was wondering how its milage was so low and was it forsale etc.


everything passes us on the dual carriageway as she only does 3,000 rpm in each gear,so its like driving miss daisy when the squwaw is driving......... :mrgreen:


mind you a mod has told me a 16valver needs a good rogering hmm..... :wink:

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