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Got man flu....any remedies?

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Me bein self employed have to go to work if im ill , best thing though is hot bath when you get home , vitimin c , and plenty of sleep , night nurse really helps and olbus oil on your pillow to keep your nose from blocking up . 2012 and no cure for the common cold lol

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Just man up.

Sorry but some of the guys I work with sneeze twice, and have a week off, and it really annoys the feck out of me. I feel guilty if I'm off, so I try not to be around some diseased rhinosours cocks that will infect me.

Edited by Dude VR6

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Today is my 5th day being off sick, 2 more and I'm coming back to work

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Zinc supplements are supposed to help beat a cold quicker!

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Normal sized coffee mug, half fill with whiskey(cheaper the better, using good stuff is just a waste), top up with lemonade, microwave until hot, hotter the better, then add a lemsip, carefully a little at a time or it will fiz up and all over the place!


Drink whilst tucked up in bed, guaranteed to get you all hot and sweaty but in a good way


As soon as I feel a cold coming on I knock a couple of these into me and since I've started doing this they don't seem to develop into man flu as often

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  borachris said:
Normal sized coffee mug, half fill with whiskey(cheaper the better, using good stuff is just a waste), top up with lemonade, microwave until hot, hotter the better, then add a lemsip, carefully a little at a time or it will fiz up and all over the place!


Drink whilst tucked up in bed, guaranteed to get you all hot and sweaty but in a good way


As soon as I feel a cold coming on I knock a couple of these into me and since I've started doing this they don't seem to develop into man flu as often


I havnt got a cold but i might try that anyway !

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Suffering with this super virus myself at the mo..


Get some olbas oil and put it in a bowl of boiling water. Then put a towel over your head and breath in the steam for 5-10 mins, or as long as you can bare it. Works a treat. Oh and brandy helps too ;-)

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  MarkFoster said:
Get yourself to hospital immediately. Manflu is a killer!


This is what I thought.


Sent from my HTC One X

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I love how half of you use colds as an excuse to get ****ed :lol:


If you have access to a gym the only thing id advise other than manning the hell up is a sauna and steam room, the gym i use has one and sauna raises body temps to higher levels than what most bacteria like so it helps kill off and prevent bugs well and steam room does the same for your sinuses,bit olbas oil on ya snozzer aswell and it works amazing in there but mainly just man up :lol:

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I find the "going to work" thing a bit of a dilemma.. you don't wanna come in and broadcast germs to everyone, but then you just know when you're off with a cold everyone is thinking "slack fecker - he's only got a cold" - what are you supposed to do?! :)

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I think common practice is to go into work, annoy the hell out of everyone by coughing and sneezing everywhere until people just tell you to f**k off home.


That's what most people here do anyway.

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  Jim said:
I find the "going to work" thing a bit of a dilemma.. you don't wanna come in and broadcast germs to everyone, but then you just know when you're off with a cold everyone is thinking "slack fecker - he's only got a cold" - what are you supposed to do?! :)


F*ck what anyone else thinks, you're entitled to sick leave (well most of us are) - use it.


However, if of course said ill person is just being a fan*y and is taking time off with the sniffles, then I agree - man the hell up. And don't cough on me.


BTW - If you really are rolling around as if you have been kicked in the face - Lemsip flu strength, blood orange, lemon, ginger, honey always does the trick


Agree with Sunderland too - Saunas plus olbas oil help massively

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I find most people seem to go to work at the start when they are most infectious.

Then they take a day or two off, on full pay of course.

By which time they have given it to me - self employed - who struggles into work unless dying. Great.


Believe me 'Woman flu' is worse, but we just don't make a song and dance about it, because we are big and brave !!! :D

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$hit! - I have been ill for about 6 weeks. Firstly had the worst 2-day flu virus for decades - fever for 36 hours. Got that after being down in Harrogate and Leeds! I was visiting my childhood haunts of 57 years ago.

My throat has swollen and I have not been able to swallow certain foods without choking and have lost my voice quite a bit. Doctor has booked hospital inspection with the endoscope.


I got worse just after having the "Flu jab" for pensioner age folks! Do they understand risks of these things properly, I am asking myself.

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  craigowl said:

$hit! - I have been ill for about 6 weeks. Firstly had the worst 2-day flu virus for decades - fever for 36 hours. Got that after being down in Harrogate and Leeds! I was visiting my childhood haunts of 57 years ago.

My throat has swollen and I have not been able to swallow certain foods without choking and have lost my voice quite a bit. Doctor has booked hospital inspection with the endoscope.


I got worse just after having the "Flu jab" for pensioner age folks! Do they understand risks of these things properly, I am asking myself.


Flu jab is full of nasties like mercury,ask for the one without next time.




metal traces ultimately lead to faster mental deterioration and increased mental illness risk so its like there killing the population off early.Try sambucol,natural immune system booster made from anti oxidants that works very well i found.

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As much tea with sugar as possible.


As much sleep as possible, aided by night nurse.


Multi vitamins and minerals if not eating.


echinacea + first diffence seems to shorten the cold.


Inhale Olbas oil in a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head.

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