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Shocked and stunned, by BT

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Had a really pleasant surprise the other day. The broadband router started resetting itself every time it got a connection so phoned BT on Monday morning. Within five minutes I was talking to an intelligent, witty and charming young lady called Doreen, who over the next fifteen minutes talked me through various solutions, none of which resolved the problem. She admitted defeat and said she would arrange for an engineer to come out. I was surprised when she asked whether I would like morning or afternoon and arranged for him to come on Tuesday morning.


Phone call at 9 am on Tuesday from the engineer to say he would be arriving in ten minutes. He had a poke around the phonesocket, ran a few checks and said it looked like a fault on the line as it seemed a bit noisy and my line speed seemed a bit low at 4 Mb. Started another test and had a coffee. When that test was finished he had a look at the results and said he would have to check outside and disappeared. I looked out the window and he was lying inthe street with his head down the service duct. He was there replacing some wiring for the next 40 minutes till he returned and ran another test. Off he went again to the exchange and eventually returned and reconnected the router. Bingo! it worked. He then ran some speed checks and disappeared again muttering about speeds. While he was away I ran Speedtest and was getting 9 Mb. Really chuffed I was. He returned and messed about a bit more then announced it fixed.


After heleft I checked the speed again and now I'm getting 16 Mb, on copper!


Today got a knock at the door. It was the engineer to ask if everything was still OK.


Now that was service that was totally unexpected and worthy of comment. I was fully prepared for the weeks of hassle that are the normal comments about BT.

Edited by Wullie

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Yeah they're not bad. Even though I can only dream of 16Mb (or even 4), they did at least remove the cap from my monthly download limit and reduced the cost by a fiver a month.

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yeah same here id love to have 4mb, i dont even get 2. I get 1.8 MAX


Good to hear a company doing what they should be though and not fobbing customers off and wasted visits.

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I too get 60+mb and even get 24mb or so on my phone via wireless router, one of the good things and maybe the only good thing about virgin. I get 3-4mb on my phone via the network (on 3)


Good result though Wullie, things like that that make you a loyal customer for a long time.

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The bonus for me is that I get access to the BT Fon network of WiFi hotspots. With my fancy new phone I can log on just about anywhere it seems. If only I could work out how to make a phone call.

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  daleyboy said:
What !! you want to use your phone to make a call ?? Are you mad ?? :dance:


I know, I know, but I'm old fashioned that way. Anyway I haven't time to make calls on it. Too busy playing Angry Birds and Plague Inc. There's something weirdly satisfying about wiping out mankind with your own little virus. :bonk:

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