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Jim Bowen

Quick Wheel alignment query?

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I remember somewhere along the line people saying to adjust tracking on one side(track rod) only?


Does this really apply? I have both track rods as adjustable ones, and just rebuilt everything.


Will the local garage think i'm mad if i go in asking for tracking to be setup by adjusting one side only? When i rebuilt everything i measured out the track rods to some factory spec length, but now my tracking looks way out, wheels are toeing out quite a bit.

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The 'correct' way to do it is on the RHS only, not exactly sure why, but it may have something to do with tyre/wishbone clearance on full lock, Bentley states 406mm from inner track rod joint face to balljoint centre line, G60/16v is shorter (not plus suspension) and 4cyl cars with factory 205 tyres may be different again (different track rod inner joints).

I can't figure out 'in-my-head' why adjusting both is a real problem and I've always adjusted both to get the steering wheel straight, doesn't affect steering centering or anything and it's never enough to noticeably affect turning circle left or right hand.

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You can ask for whatever you want :) but toe should be zero, I.e. wheels parallel, camber is more personal preference and can be affected by tyre and wheel choice too, but the factory spec of around 1 degree negative camber is usually about right

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Its just about the rack being central, but for small adjustments it can't hurt to adjust both.

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