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Feels like driving over a bump

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Recently had both front bearings replaced + o/s/f hub. Also had the engine mounts checked. The car was making an o/s/f click/clunk when turning- this has been cured by the new parts. However, within a couple of days, I noticed that when pulling away in first it feels like I'm driving over a bump. Feels like it's o/s/f. I will take it back to the garage as it seems related to the work, but would appreciate any input before I take it.


If I take it steady and release the clutch slowly, it doesn't tend to do it. However, with normal driving, it does it every time. Sometimes there are a couple of bumps instead of just one.

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Sounds like a cv joint issue but I have been wrong before :lol: Seriously though you are having no luck with the Storm at the minute :(

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I was thinking CV too. You're not wrong mate :(


Hopefully next-door-but-one's cat :lol: Hate the damn thing.

Edited by CazzaVR

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I would have said cv as well, the only other thing (i think) it could be is a loose bottom ball joint but that would give you wayward steering or at the very least vague steering.

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Editted - Ignore me - talking nonsense, you've already had the engine mounts checked, I should read more slowly! Mine felt like that when the top bolt on the front one was loose.

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Good call Paul- been off recently, so could be the prob. Jamie, gonna check mine again though...


So, I'm going to check rear wishbone bush (replaced for R32 bushes a few months back), engine mounts and spline bolts on gearbox. Will also do some full lock reversing etc to check the CVs.

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Also the front mount bracket bolts have been known to be an issue is corroded. not the one to the mount but the long one through the starter motor and other bolts on the other side of it.

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Took it back to the garage this morning and Rich spotted the prob- turns out the bolt for the front mount was too long. Even though it was done up tight, the bolt was still sat a few mm too high in the mount itself, leaving a gap for the engine to move. Rich kindly sorted it with a couple of washers. All good now- enjoyed the drive home! 8)

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Thanks chaps. Aye, nice and simple for a change! Feeling more positive about the car at the mo. It drives so well now with the 3.68 etc 8)

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