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VR6 Lee

nuisance calls

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I am being plagued by calls (10+ per day) from 2 numbers from a foreign country (0025) on my home number. All they said is Hello and that's it. I have tried being nice and day you have the wrong number but it does not stop


I have registered with the TPS but that takes 28 days to register.


Any ideas?

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switch off your ring tone, I did it few years ago and I'm using my landline for brodband only.

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Is the line with BT? If so they offer a service called "choose to refuse" where you can enter up to 10 numbers to block. Looks like a free and online self service feature with changes taking approx 24hrs. Otherwise just unplug the phone from the wall for a bit.

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I find people get the idea of how annoying they are being if - First you tell them - 'You are really annoying me and I am going to show you how much' (- obvioulsy they are confused at this point, - how exactly are you going to show them),................ then bang the phone hard on a solid surface several times - beofre hanging up. !!!

Its hilarous if nothing else - especially in an office enviroment !


Naturally this works best on your landline and actually would probably only smash your screen on a mobile !!!

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Just start swearing at them. This is what i do, it can be quite entertaining, I once had a whole office coming on the phone one after the other to swear back at me in their funny accent. I think i won though :lol:

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  BILLCOR said:
Get one of these, simples :wave:


To much alcohol :o I meant one of these, couple of blasts down the phone and I doubt the feckers will call back :thumbleft:

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Interestingly since about November last year, I've been getting nuisance calls at work which are starting to creep me out a bit. The person apparently calls the switchboard, asks for me by name - and when they transfer the call to me, the person hangs up. They've never said a word to me. I get this about 4 times a week, every week! Reception started getting wise to it (as most people I actually want to talk to I've given my direct dial number, so no one else ever calls through to the switchboard to ask for me) and when they grilled him they actually got a name out of them (someone I've never heard of) and the guy still hung up once transferred.


Slightly baffling. And mildly unnerving. On the verge of reporting it to the police to be honest! Not really sure what to do.

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I believe our switchboard system is so archaic that it doesn't do caller ID! :|

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That's a shame. I noticed in my local Chinese takaway that not only do they get to view the incoming callers number, it also shows their address.


How about getting switchboard to ask for his details, as you are in a meeting? Can BT do anything?

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We're going to look into pursuing other avenues as it's getting a bit tiresome now.. not sure what the options are really so need to speak with our PBX engineers.

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If your desk phone/reception console has a number display and pbx was made in the last 20 years then there shouldn't be any major reasons why you cannot get the CLI information, 9 times out of 10 its just not been requested from your ISDN or line provider. You should ask your engineer if they are able to open a trace on an incoming call on the pbx to see if the network is sending your switch the calling numbers and take it from there


Otherwise you could ask your provider for network call data records or get the receptionist to tell all callers that you have left :)

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HI - late entry to this thread. We use Telephone Preference Service. All you have to do is register your number and (somehow) that gets back to businesses to tell them not to call you. If someone does get through, you can just say that you have signed up to Telephone Preference Service, and they usually immediately end the call - that'll be because there is a complaints procedure. Even if you are not signed up you can tell them you are and they disappear sharpish.


What you have to be careful about is companies you have signed up to and which boxes you've ticked. I was getting calls from British Gas frequesntly asking me to switch to them, and each time I'd tell them to stop calling me. Eventually got someone who checked and on my gas boiler maintenance contract I had ticked the 'you can contact me by phone' box. I got that unticked and they don't call me anymore.




They say...

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is a free service. It is the official central opt out register on which you can record your preference not to receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls. It is a legal requirement that all organisations (including charities, voluntary organisations and political parties) do not make such calls to numbers registered on the TPS unless they have your consent to do so.

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I've recently got a new landline number and get the odd call for the person who's number it used to be.

It's funny how people don't believe you...


Them: "But this is the number I have for him? I've spoken to him on this number!"

Me: "Well, I've had this number for 4 months and it sits in limbo for 6 months before being recycled, so you haven't spoken to him in at least 10 months.."

Them: "Yeah, but this is the number I have for him."

Me: "It's not his number any more, so you have the wrong number."


*hang up*

*10 seconds later*

*Ring ring*

Me: "You still have the wrong number."

Them: "Oh, ok"


*hang up*

*30 seconds later*

*Ring ring*

Me: "You still have the wrong number. Again."

Them: "But this is the number I have for him!"

Me: "It's not his number any more! Bye!"



And then I get automated computer-voice calls from a debt collection agency. Asking for the same bloke.

Clearly he couldn't pay his bills!


It's only the parents and in-laws that ring the landline really. They all have mobiles - why can't they ring our mobile number!? :)

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I can see us dropping our landline once 4G is up and running properly. Get a 4G dongle and run a wifi route off it even TV and broadband.

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