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Ghost in the Shell (and Appleseed)

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anyone watched Ghost in the Shell? I watched the original film tonight and really enjoyed it. I can see where the idea for The Matrix came from... I'm very new to watching anime but I love Appleseed - think it's awesome!


Anyway, the main reason for this post was to see if anyone has seen GITS and wondered like me, if that's supposed to be a Corrado that Bateau drives towards the end of the film? It can be seen really clearly at exactly 1hr and there's another reasonable shot of it at 1.02.24... Is it just wishful thinking on my part after not having my car on the road for the best part of a year?

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I watched the 1988 Appleseed years ago & enjoyed that.

The newer one, I thought I wouldn't like it but I was actually pretty good.


Liked the start with "Good Luck" playing

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I seem to remember thinking that at the time, too ..

Don't know if it is, or it's just a generic shape of car.

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yes, could just be generic but the film is from 1995 so the right era and it looks like it has that lovely curve from bonnet to boot. I'm going to go with it being a C, mostly cos I want it to be!


Metallix, I haven't seen the original Appleseed, just the recent one but I like the opening with 'Good Luck' too :)

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Ghost in the shell is a great film the 2nd film is a little hard to follow.

If your getting into manga akira should be your next stop, great story and an amazing sound track to go with it.

The best version is the original with English subtitles that were translated by a jap think it's on VHS only, the later version was done by an American which makes for a cheesy translation and looses some of the emotion in what's being said.


Not seen appleseed will give it a whirl though.

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thanks, I will look up Akira at some point. I still have a video player so I might be able to pick up a bargain from ebay!


Let me know what you think of Appleseed when you see it. Both were originally written by Masamune Shirow so I hope that means you'll enjoy it. A lot of the names in Appleseed are from ancient mythology and they've been chosen well to fit the person/AI/building. I'm very interested in mythology so that added a little extra for me, although it doesn't particularly affect the storyline and there were a couple of names I didn't know so I learnt something when I looked them up too :)

Edited by scarlet_vr6

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One of the few Anime movies I've seen.. and I have to agree... it's sort of like 2001: A Space Odyssey in how it's really interesting most of the way through and then suddenly goes insane towards the end :)

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Another great film that's had a lot of praise. Spirited away at heart it's a kid's film but really has The manga magic and another great but bizare story

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Ah I love Spirited Away! Must watch some more Studio Ghibli stuff. Just put Appleseed on - thought I'd watch it after all the talk of it today. I've got the sequel too but haven't watched it yet so hope to find time over the weekend.


Which film are you watching Sunderland?

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The best Manga series of recent times IMO is Full Metal Alchemist:Brotherhood. The DVDs (set of 5) are well worth owning, but there are lots of sites which will stream.

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  scarlet_vr6 said:
Ah I love Spirited Away! Must watch some more Studio Ghibli stuff. Just put Appleseed on - thought I'd watch it after all the talk of it today. I've got the sequel too but haven't watched it yet so hope to find time over the weekend.


Which film are you watching Sunderland?


Had to pause it as im on nights now, im guessing the new one looking at the effects.It on youtube :lol:

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  corrado_sunderland said:
Had to pause it as im on nights now, im guessing the new one looking at the effects.It on youtube :lol:


I meant which film! Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed or Akira?


I've just finished watching Appleseed and I'd quite happily put it straight on again but I have lots of boring meetings to stay awake in tomorrow...

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  scarlet_vr6 said:
I meant which film! Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed or Akira?


I've just finished watching Appleseed and I'd quite happily put it straight on again but I have lots of boring meetings to stay awake in tomorrow...


Ahhh :lol: appleseed m8,the blonde would get it...if she was real :lol:

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Bump. Thought I'd read something about this on the forum. Went to see Ghost in the Shell at a local cinema this evening and as soon as I saw Batou's car I thought "Corrado" and then realised I'd read about it somewhere else.


Definitely looks like a Corrado :)

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