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Dogger/Spoonfed tuning - UTTERLY HORRID SERVICE

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Ok so I bought some mdf speaker mounts off him for an impending corrado project.


Anyway he quoted me a price for the mounts shipped, I payed it.


Rest is here:




Then this followed after I asked for a refund of my money. Basically he hadn't accounted for postage in the above price which was an additional $50. Now there's no way I'm going to pay that as I can get the mounts made for half that over here.




Then this:


Read it very carefully..


"But from your name I realise why you are the way you are. Classless".


My name is Abdul M Chowdhury btw.




Bang out of order IMO.


I'm a bit speechless now tbh.

Edited by Abdul

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That's not on really! I'm sure will loose some business now based on his attitude.


I personally found his stuff over priced for what it is. I do like the backlit dials, but again, a touch pricey.

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I doubt this will aftect his business at all.


As a salesman he provides a great service but when he makes an error he then insults me like that.


I certainly hope the mods don't close this thread as I've been a part of this community for some time now and quite a few people have dealt with me etc and know how i am. Totally laid back about everything.

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Wow. Close the thread? If I was a mod I'd be banning him for the forum. Totally totally inexcusable.


---------- Post added at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------


Personally I'd post the links on VW Vortex & the spoonfedtuning facebook page too, however victims of discrimination often don't speak out. I'm livid. :mad2:

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What a Joke!! Thanks for posting this, I was going to place an order for a full scuttle panel this week too, certainly won't be doing now with customer service like that.

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^ Yep - I'd ban him for that too but I'd like to give him the chance to respond to this first...


Are you out of pocket Abdul??

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^ Yep - I'd ban him for that too but I'd like to give him the chance to respond to this first...


Are you out of pocket Abdul??


Perhaps you/a mod can alert him to the thread for an explanation? I feel sick with anger.

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Thanks for the support guys.


Supercharged, he's said in one of his replies he's issued a refund, nothing in my PayPal yet but I guess it's because it's a transaction from abroad? Either way it's only £24 but that wasn't the point in the first place.


I'm happy to see him reply but unless he does some photoshop work on the above messages it's pretty clear what went down to be honest.


If you have access to my pm's you're welcome to check them.


Baz, thanks mate.


I'm still shocked at that last comment to be honest. Being called an asshole when I did nothing wrong is one thing but that took the biscuit.

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I've not got PM access but Andi / Tom will look if required - lets see if the refund comes through first.. I thought they were usually instant but showed as 'pending' but maybe not from the US?

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Refund is pending. Didn't show up on my transactions screen for some reason.

Edited by Abdul

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Could you please post up your request for a refund if you have it? That is one piece of the conversation that's missing and the turning point where he seems to go off the rails - did you say anything inflammatory to him?


Either way I agree the racist comment was unacceptable in any way and I don't think we can have that sort of thing happening here. Totally unacceptable.

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Totally out of order no matter what was said, but after the fiasco I had with him last year, I'm not surprised by this!!

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He'll now see this if he tries to return to the CF:


You have been banned for the following reason:

We do not tolerate racist towards other users. This ban will not be lifted. Do not attempt to create a new user as that will be banned also.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never



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Totally out of order no matter what was said, but after the fiasco I had with him last year, I'm not surprised by this!!


But you did get a free spoiler for your troubles !

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Shocking & totally unaceptable. Correct move from the forum i feel, well done guys:thumbleft:

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Yes, people often claim the Americans know how to deliver good customer service and we don't.

I know from experience that they can flip and become extremely obnoxious.


Andi - for word "racist" I think you meant to say "racism"?

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Yes, people often claim the Americans know how to deliver good customer service and we don't.

I know from experience that they can flip and become extremely obnoxious.


Andi - for word "racist" I think you meant to say "racism"?


Maybe he used poor English so it could be read in the states..... Vortex can be so hard to read sometimes brah!!

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But you did get a free spoiler for your troubles !


WTF!! Are you his guardian angel or something, every time Spoonfed is mentioned, you are around making excuses for for his totally poor customer service and looking at the messages Abdul received, this confirms what I thought all along.......that DOGGER is in fact an A$$HOLE who couldn't run a pi$$ up in a brewery

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Yes, people often claim the Americans know how to deliver good customer service and we don't.

I know from experience that they can flip and become extremely obnoxious.


Andi - for word "racist" I think you meant to say "racism"?


Thank you, Grammar Fairy - mis-typed letter corrected!

(In my defence, y'honour, I wasn't 100% awake yet)


---------- Post added at 1:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:21 PM ----------


And in the interest of this not getting out of hand, I think this should be closed now.

Abdul - please keep us in the loop if you have any troubles with your refund. (Not that we can really do much, but would be good to know it's resolved)

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