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Jim Bowen

Noisy/tappy engine, VR6

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Ive been running a 2.8L golf vr engine in mine for about 8 months, and seems quieter than the 2.9. Only thing that I saw that was different is the timing chain, and rocker cover which is plastic and I think helps eliminate cam noise.

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Finally got round to fitting new lifters this weekend. Used INA ones and noise now gone. No more embarrassing drives through a busy town trying to keep revs and tappy noise down.


Pretty happy now.

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When replacing the tappets you're supposed to let them sit installed for 30mins before starting the engine - not sure how many people actually do this? As with everything in the Bentley it's totally unclear whether it's utterly crucial or just a recommendation...

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I did read that in the manual i had, but from fitting them to being ready to start the engine takes me longer than 30mins, have to refit quite a lot of stuff, Manifold with throttle body etc, coilpack, aux water pump, HT leads and the engine covers . I actually fitted them saturday and started car sunday, so plenty of time.


I submerged them in a tray of oil while i removed the old ones, had read that tip somewhere.

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Wow ok - this is good news. I shall look into new INA tappets when I get back, assuming I can find them!


Thanks for the update!

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Not too hard to do either. I just put a little mark on the chain and each sprocket and made sure they lined up again. Left the sprockets attached to cams.


I keep listening for the noise but has deffo gone now.

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Thought i would update this as the noise is coming back. Not as bad as before but i notice it again when cruising through a town etc


I wonder if its something to do with the 263 cams and the INA lifters, i noticed the old ones i took out were also INA branded.

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If you can only hear it when driving between two buildings or hedges then it's likely nothing to worry about. I doubt there's a vr left on the planet that doesn't sound a little tappy.

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Interesting. And disappointing as I'm booked in to have this job done on my car in a few weeks time - I thought this was all put to bed. Maybe it is a 263 cams related thing?

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It is annoying. Especially as the noise went away. I have thrashed it tbh. So could be that. Although my old engine didn't do it and treated that the same.


Will be leaving it for now and concentrate on the other engine. And then drive it with more sympathy lol

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Wonder wtf causes it... there's obviously a reason why it happens, and why it had gone away, but has returned on your car. It just blows my mind that with hundreds of similar subjects on the various VW forums regarding noisy VR's, no-one has ever gotten to the bottom of it!!

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A blocked oil pathway maybe instead of the actual lifters, so they're not getting all the oil they need. Also, it's probably only 1 or 2 of them rather than all 12. I'd be surprised if it was the cams.

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Ive got 263's and the engine isnt that rattly. the GF had a rattle recently coming from what sounded like the top end turned out to be a worn main water pump bearing

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Vince told me 10 years ago that VR6s are never quiet when I took mine in for the same complaint. After 4 hours labour / parts wasted trying to quieten it, he was right.


Over the years I've had a succession of different cams, new tappets, springs etc and sometimes it's been quiet, sometimes it hasn't.


Besides which, you can't diagnose noises on a forum. Jim could be a describing a completely different noise for all we know but this is a FACT: You will never get a 12V VR6 totally quiet, so get the idea of a permanent fix out of your mind and move on :)

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Well I'm gonna have a go with this tappets swap as it's not a mega amount of money and to be honest it'd be peace of mind for them to take the cams out anyway just in case anything else is amiss round there - and then just see how it goes.

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