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bleeding the full brake system ?

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I could really do with some sound advice on bleeding the full system on my 93 vr , im converting the fronts tomorrow for 312mm tt brakes , and changing all the hoses (6) for braided ones , ill be using dot five fluid and i have an ezzibleed to do the job

I just need a guide or some good info.

Iv never rebled or even bled a brake before as iv simply never had a problem to fix one , im pretty confident with mechanics as long as iv got some guide lines to follow , and i dont want to do something that will mess up a job that i need doing in one full day , its harewood house sunday and id like to make it


Cheers in advance any tips would be greatfully exepted

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Firstly, are you using dot 5 or dot 5.1? You should only use dot 5.1 as dot 5 is silicone based and not compatible with the seals on a Corrado.


Bleeding with an eazibleed is pretty straight forward. Make sure you don't use more than about 18 psi or you may pop the master cylinder seal. Make sure you keep checking the fluid container is filled otherwise air will re-enter the system.


Bleed the OSR, NSR, NSF and OSF in that order and just make sure you are getting clear fluid with no bubbles from each caliper before moving on to the next one. Then bleed at the two bleed nipples on the top left of the ABS pump and finally the bleed nipple on the master cylinder. You may want to bleed some fluid from the clutch slave cylinder although I have never found this necessary.


Once completed you should have a firm pedal, if not repeat the process.

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as above but always good to have a second pair of eyes on the job. don't pump to fast either.

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... You may want to bleed some fluid from the clutch slave cylinder although I have never found this necessary.

I'd do it anyway, it's a low point from the reservoir and as brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air, small amounts can collect at the end of the line at the clutch slave, might be negligible but might as well do it.

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I'd suggest a second pair of eyes/hands as well, best thing as I've never found those easibleeds all that reliable.


Be prepared to do it a few times, corrados are notorious for being a pain to bleed. Good luck, and don't forget that rear bias valve needs to be as open as possible.

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Cheers fellas , and yep thats what i meant sorry i was just getting confused , ill be using 5.1 fluid


Im pretty confident with bleeding at the brakes but i dont know where abouts the nipple on the slave cylinder is , and the abs unit i think i will find i just wasnt sure how it all worked , i do have a corrado manual that i found on a memory card i have but theres no diagrams and nothing pointing out the obvious


Can i use around 15 psi then as i dont want to encounter any problems , the kit is one that runs of a car tyre but i do have a compressor i can set at 15 or 18 im guessing that would still be ok as its basically the same thing !

Can anyone point me in the right direction of the teo bleed nipples on the abs unit and the one on the slave ?

I really need to pull my finger out and buy a decent manual

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Follow the pipe work from the brake fluid reservoir to the abs unit and you won't be able to miss them.


If I get a chance in the morning I'll take some pics for you mate.

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Follow the pipe work from the brake fluid reservoir to the abs unit and you won't be able to miss them.


If I get a chance in the morning I'll take some pics for you mate.


That would be really helpful to me as we'll. doing mine tomorrow when my new calipers turn up. Need to get some more fluid first as I only have a litre. Think I,m worrying to much about doing mine.


It,s taken me a week on and off to get all my pipes changed and calipers and carriers tarted up !

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Cheers mic that would be good thanks , if not im sure ill find them by following the pipe work like you said



Delfinis if your doing a full flush im sure i read on here that you need around four litres of fluid just incase you didnt know and come up short

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Cheers mic that would be good thanks , if not im sure ill find them by following the pipe work like you said



Delfinis if your doing a full flush im sure i read on here that you need around four litres of fluid just incase you didnt know and come up short


Yup I guess a full flush I've lost a lot of fluid when I changed all the pipes and flexi's. Hope your flexi's come off easier than mine. the axle pivots caused me grief and the top of the front flexis's I guess they were original 17 year old and seized.


I have about 1.5litres of dot4 but i'm going out to buy another 5 litres.... so I can flush a few litres through. keep us updated on your progress.

Edited by delfinis38

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I suppose if your doing the job its best to do it all anyway ! To me its like doing an oil change but only taking out half the old oil !


Ill let tou know how it all goes , as far as things coming undone im really hoping that they come loose like the rest of the car iv had in bits did , mosts have been tight but not seized or anything


On the compensator on the rear beam whats the best way to keep it compressed or will that be obviouse when i get to it ?

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Thanks mic thats a great help i would have been searching for those , now im being a novice here but when i bleed those bits where does the fluid exit ?

Sounds thick and probably is but i cant work it out , do i undo a caliper nipple again and it will find its way through the system ??

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They work exactly the same as the bleed nipples on the calipers. Just do the calipers first, then abs, then master cylinder. Follow the post on page 1 by mr.ots for the order.


If you're having issues getting them undone get some plus gas on them and let it soak in. Wd40 will help as well if you don't have plus gas.

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Well today was a disaster , and a complete waste of time thanks to goodridge hoses , i took the old brakes of this morning and left them hanging wile me and my dad spent some time re tapping the disk retaining screws that some idiot had snapped in the hub ! Then we removed all the dust guards as they was totally rotten and was slightly scraping the back of the disks , the three bolts that hold them of was a pain to remove wich took its time then we fitted the new caliper carriers and lock tighted the threads and then put the caliper on , made sure everything was tight and then started on the braided hoses , goodridge have sent me the wrong banjo bolts wich are to bug to thread in to the calipers and they have only sent three banjo bolts aswell so iv spent the afternoon running round hull like a dick trying to source some , git back and had to swap it all back over for the old **** and tidy away , ****ed off is not the word , im more mad at goodridge as i even rang them to tell them exactle what i had to fit , and they sent me a kit for a 312mm brake upgrade and standard rears!

The only thing that i can think of that would make goodridge in the clear is if the kid who sold me the brakes lied and there actually 288 calipers ! But he seemed to know his stuff and everything fits and matches up with the 312mm disks

Disaster !! And a waste of my time wich i dont have a lot of !

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Hi people,

I am an complete idiot when it comes to fixing my Rado, but I want to try to bleed the brakes tomorrow.

I have a bleed tool which my engineer friend told me is really useful. I plan to follow the order Mr Ots mentioned earlier , osr, nsr, nsf, osf.


Here is my dumbness shining through. You mention I need to also bleed the

"Then bleed at the two bleed nipples on the top left of the ABS pump and finally the bleed nipple on the master cylinder."


Where exactly are these 2 parts housed? ...Would I be right in assuming one will be located near the fluid reservoir, if I follow the pipes down? My car is stranded at my work so I cant have a look under the bonnet until tomorrow.

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Hi people,

I am an complete idiot when it comes to fixing my Rado, but I want to try to bleed the brakes tomorrow.

I have a bleed tool which my engineer friend told me is really useful. I plan to follow the order Mr Ots mentioned earlier , osr, nsr, nsf, osf.


Here is my dumbness shining through. You mention I need to also bleed the

"Then bleed at the two bleed nipples on the top left of the ABS pump and finally the bleed nipple on the master cylinder."


Where exactly are these 2 parts housed? ...Would I be right in assuming one will be located near the fluid reservoir, if I follow the pipes down? My car is stranded at my work so I cant have a look under the bonnet until tomorrow.


See pics in post #12 above.

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