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Gauging interest - Ultimate Dubs clubstand 2014?

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Hi folks,


It´s that time of year again, that I tend to get my head round sorting out meets to attend etc. Best things to do when the nights get longer, car´s laid up in garages, too cold out there to work :)


Anyway after a few years of absence at Ultimate Dubs in Telford, I was wondering whether there may be a renewed interest possible amongst Corrado aficionados in terms of attending this show, that usually marks the opening of the new show season.


It is admittedly very sceney, and that may have put off some folk from attending, but hey, here´s trying.


So, could I potentially get 4-5 folk interested to put their Rados onto a CCGB clubstand for the 2014 event?


You need to drop off your Rado on Saturday 8 March, leave overnight, show is Sunday 9 March.


So, gauging interest in this one, before I get round to the more ¨pressing shows¨ :lol:


Discuss :)



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Always good this one, traffic to vr6oc doubled overnight after this years event! So good in that respect :)




Really high class of car there though as always! :)


Hopefully see you guys there, had a lot of interest for this so far, voting for the best cars will be difficult. !! :)

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as stated on CCGB im down for this man!

Your car will be well worthy matey. But I have only seen your car in pics whereas I have seen/parked next to Goldie's in the flesh and his only managed 2nd against a bloody van at ultimate dub's last year.I would love to put my name down for this but at the mo am unsure if it will be ready. Where is Telford in relation to Kilmarnock miles wise?

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Your car will be well worthy matey. But I have only seen your car in pics whereas I have seen/parked next to Goldie's in the flesh and his only managed 2nd against a bloody van at ultimate dub's last year.I would love to put my name down for this but at the mo am unsure if it will be ready. Where is Telford in relation to Kilmarnock miles wise?


2 mins walk from here TF3 4BP

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Where is Telford in relation to Kilmarnock miles wise?


Its about 15 minutes from where you bought your car! :lol:


Last year was the first year there was no Corrado category, due to the very low numbers in attendance. If there were say 10 cars, there may be a Rado/Rocco category again..

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Midland's then? Will have to see if car is going to be ready there are a few bit's and bob's to do.

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Keep ´m coming. So potentially have 3 yays, and if I can be bothered to take one of my own cars (won´t be the C, because that typically stays SORNed till Stanford Hall in May), 4 cars. Need 5 realistically to not lose face with the organiser (done that 2 times before).


Last year was the first year there was no Corrado category, due to the very low numbers in attendance. If there were say 10 cars, there may be a Rado/Rocco category again..


Actually first year there was no more dedicated Rado stand (well from CCGB point of view) was 2008. Despite this the Scirocco register have been going each year, and have managed to fill their stand quite nicely. Their secret to success has been to bring along a selection of absolutely standard/original cars, which easily stand out in the huge ocean of modded VWs.



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I would be a maybe but depends how it clashes with my daughters swimming championships around that time.

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Always good this one, traffic to vr6oc doubled overnight after this years event! So good in that respect :)




Really high class of car there though as always! :)


Hopefully see you guys there, had a lot of interest for this so far, voting for the best cars will be difficult. !! :)


thats my mate brents white mk3. did you see what happened to it on the way home?

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2 deffos, 1 maybe and then there's me (deffo, to make numbers up).


That 1 maybe is too uncertain, ideally need another 2 deffos.


Reads like secret language somehow ... :lol:



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It´s not looking like it´s going to happen at this rate. Would like to contact organiser to get stand, but not for just 3 cars.



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thats my mate brents white mk3. did you see what happened to it on the way home?


Yes mate, known Brent and Helen for years. Was a lovely car but his new one is better :)

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I'm after a Corrado VR6 for the VR6OC Display at UD for diversity.


If you are 100% in please let me know before tomorrow evening.


If you can please upload a photo that would be great.

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