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What am i missing (gear linkage question)..

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On the end of this spindle that goes through the shift weight.. Should there be a nut or something else? I don't remember what was there to secure the spindle through the slot on the gear change..


Any clues??



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It should be, from the top, - nut, weight, spindle, cable, washer. Then there should be a square nut that fits inside the selector arm which you screw it into.

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Yep, Just been to the garage to check mine and there should be a square threaded nut in between the selector arm

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So the square nut goes under the linkage with the slot in?


I may have to take you up on that Mic if i can't find it...

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It goes between the linkage arm. I can take a picture of mine if you want? pm me your mobile number I'll send it over.

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That's cool, just let me know. The nut goes inside that linkage where the slot is, that's what holds it in place.

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All sorted, nut found in a pile of bolts that were destined for the spares box..


Thanks for the help...

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