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Anyone got experience with electric motors ? (how to get this sh*** off :) )

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Got a 3 phase electric motor which have a "gear" attatched to it - I'm wondering how this thing can be pulled off.


It seem to be 100% stuck, and really not sure if it's at all possible to remove - might be another way to disassemble it, but can't seem to get the fan-blade of either.


Anyone got any tips/experience with these kind of stuff ?





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It'll just be compression fit, so a small puller should get it off. The fan blade is for cooling though and will draw air into the motor. I'd leave it alone and just try to put a cover over it if you can.

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There will be a key way on the motor shaft. Is there no grub screws on the gear drive? As mentioned with the fan leave it on and get a guard as that will direct air down the cooling fins on the motor.

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The motor is partly disassembled (hench the missing fan guard :) )-but have tried to pull (with puller) the gear off to no avail......:(


Is it just brute force - or can it actually be "fixed" to the shaft ? (did think most motors only would have a "regular" shaft?).

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Does the gear have a threaded hole in the end? If you insert a bolt into the thread does it push the gear off the motors shaft?


If the gear is no longer needed I'd carefully grind through the side of it to release its hold on the shaft if the previous idea doesn't work and you don't have a suitable puller

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  Dox said:
Does the gear have a threaded hole in the end? If you insert a bolt into the thread does it push the gear off the motors shaft?


If the gear is no longer needed I'd carefully grind through the side of it to release its hold on the shaft if the previous idea doesn't work and you don't have a suitable puller


It is needed - so will try to get someone to pull it off for me - I'm going to check if the motor is stuck on a bearing - or if it's just to throw away :) (it's seated).

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I have seen gears attached to the motor shaft with grub screws before - not too common but if it was you'd see it. As mentioned, just PULL!! lol

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If there is no grub screw then this will be an interference fit or possibly a shrink fit. With a key on the shaft.

My advice would be to heat up the gear and pull using pullers.

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