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Dremel . Which one should I get ?

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I'm going to be removing rust of of a few parts , so I thought I would get one of these . It's mainly for grinding the rust off of stub axles and small parts . Who has bought what and any dremels you would recommend . The electric ones for example , seem a better buy . I don't want to be using a battery one for half an hour and the battery goes flat .

Many thanks


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rob Aldi do a dermal type tool and also a full box of bits, very cheap and comes with a 3yr guarantee, I've gone through 3 dremmels in 2 years. There not as tough as you may think.

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I got one from Lidl - perhaps the same as the Aldi one above. Its not very powerful, ie if you use too much pressure it will slow down. Its 180W and has lasted about 5 years so far so i think i've got my money's worth! That said, for calipers etc i use a normal drill with either a flap wheel, wire wheel or one of those plastic/fibre paint remover attachments, where space is not limited. For finishing i use the dremel. One very useful attachment is the wire wheel - get about 10 of those as you'll use 1 each time!

As its a cheapy one, the unit does vibrate in your hand a little more than you would expect - it seems as though it will rev itself to bits, but so far so good. I've not used a proper Dremel, but would assume that it would be smoother and perhaps less noisy.

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Thanks for the info Hasan . Mabey for the small amount of work I have to do I will get a cheaper one or Middle of the road price .

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I wouldn't use a dremel for rust removal, you need something much more beefy, but as dremels go I got a 3000 from Amazon for a good price, it's the cheaper of the more powerful range, bought too many cheap alternatives of various kit in the past so in this case went for something with a good reputation.

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I will have a look today , after work . There's no reason why I can't buy a set of tools and use them in my drills instead .


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Seen them myself on eBay Stone - let us know what you think when you get it please mate?

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Agree with the comments, i've got through a couple of dremels now and find they are best for tiny work only. I get on well with a homebase power drill and some wire brush attachments.


Also if i were to buy another dremel i'd buy a cheaper named one, my brother just got a Ryobi one which seems just as good.

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Now done most of my head and block with the £20 one above, gone through a few bits but has done a sweet job - do feel like a dentist using it though 😀

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