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Hot Wheels !

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We (family) were out this morning for a mooch around the shops and a coffee, and as often happens we were in a shop that sells Hot Wheels

(which they love over most other types of toy car) and our 2 boys (5yrs & 8yrs) pursuaded us into buying them a car each, keeps them happy while we enjoy our coffee!

Once home we decided to group the Hot Wheels together. Now this does not include all other multitudes of types of toy car they have (Matchbox, Disney Cars 1 & 2 etc.


141 cars !! at between £1.00 and £2.50 a time. Quite a collection !


I seem to remember having to make do with just a handful when I were a lad !

I did enjoy them though



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Hope they have kept the boxes. They'll be worth a small fortune in 50 years!

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Got my son his first loop track for his 3rd birthday in a few weeks..... A little excited myself.

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  mic_VR said:
Got my son his first loop track for his 3rd birthday in a few weeks..... A little excited myself.


Hoop the loop tracks are great, not been pursuaded into getting the stick to the wall tracks, not good for the walls I imagine !

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I got the boy his first loop the loop track at Christmas, he loves it!.........................as do I to be honest! :lol:


Great collection there, its the best thing about having boys, you can relive your own childhood again!

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Nice collection . In my old dears loft in a box , I have all my thunderbird toys , batman car and the green hornet car . Sadly they are a bit worse for ware, but they were meant to be played with lol . I remember in 1978 my dad bought me the scalextrix figure of eight track . James hunt car and john player special car to go with it . Anybody on here old enough to remember whirlybird ? The helicopter that went round on a wire ? . Or the aircraft carrier that had a long wire attached to it and the plane zipped down it and slowed on the elastic band when it hit the deck ? It was called deck something ? . Oh childhood toys , great times !

Edit , I think it was called flight deck ?

Yep it's on YouTube .

Edited by robrado974

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I remember Flight Deck Rob, I think it looked a lot better on the TV ad than it actually was !

We bought my eldest his first proper Scalextric for Christmas but to my surprise he still prefers the Hot wheels, at least he lets me play with the Scalextric !


It certainly is great having boys Sean, though it would have been nice for my wife to have a girl.Not planning for any more though !

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