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bigpants baby

koni adjustables

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just want some advice,i have been and bought a full set of koni adjustables(brand spankers) for my vr corrado(complete with springs) as a bit of a job lot,but not to sure wether to put them on the car or hold out for coilovers? any ideas?

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Stick them on and see what you think then, if your happy with them there would be no need to go for coilovers, if you then do decide to go for the coilovers you can still sell the adjustables on.

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My own personal preference is of course the Konis with H&Rs. The springs supplied with the Koni kit are poo on demanding roads. I have to say though, not traditionally being a fan of Coilovers, the FKs on Tom's car are superb.

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I have to say though, not traditionally being a fan of Coilovers, the FKs on Tom's car are superb.


The FKs are a superb set up, and great value. The konigsport setup as on Tom's car use Koni TA dampers all round with FKs own springs which in my experience get the ride/handling compromise pretty much spot on. Better than Koni's own coilover setup IMO.

The FK set up is pretty much what you have on your car Kev, it's just they've used 2.25" springs and have height adjustable platforms.

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Asim, I would agree with you on the FK setup being similar, if not the same as H&R+koni. Where the FKs excel is on the rebound damping. Without Tom's knowledge, I was being *very* analytical of his FK setup and comparing it to my died-in-the-wool H&R/Koni knowledge and I have to say, as much as I dearly love my tried and tested parts, the FKs get my vote as the best suspension setup for a C. The Mcpherson Koni setup is sublime, don't get me wrong, but the FKs just offer that little bit extra that inspires more confidence when pushing it.



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I have been in a golf with FK setup...the same as that used in the corrado, and I thought they were awful. Its all down to your own taste I suppose.


the FKs get my vote as the best suspension setup for a C.


How can you make such a statement?


I know that you know this, but other might not..... There is more to good handling that just throwing on a suspension kit, and coilovers can be worse than std types as there is more to get wrong.

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I dont know if thats a derogitory coment or not?? my point is that if you want to get your handling spot on to how you like it, you spend time and money choosing your dampeners and settings correctly, your spring rates, and other components that compliment your driving and the places you do your driving......


If you want your car to have "improved handling" (no sarcasm meant by the " "...just coining a phrase!) you stick std type suspension on and you will have acheived your goal

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the kit came with purple/redish springs with a 35 mm drop,but the next prob is my car is a 1990 with a vr engine so what do i need early or late shocks?

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I have been in a golf with FK setup...the same as that used in the corrado, and I thought they were awful.


Sorry mate but the kits are not the same. FK produce different kits for the Golf and the Corrado. The kit is even different if you have a 16V/G60 or a VR6 Corrado. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that a 16V drives very differently to a VR6 Corrado, and so the kits reflect this. Even if the Golf drove crap does that automatically mean the Corrado will too? I think not. Golfs drive v differently to C's! I've driven both a G60 and a VR6 C with Konigsports and I was impressed. Was the Golf set up Konigsport? FK also do a budget coilover which I'm sure will be v different to the Koni based Konigsport.


my point is that if you want to get your handling spot on to how you like it, you spend time and money choosing your dampeners and settings correctly, your spring rates, and other components that compliment your driving and the places you do your driving......


This may well be true, but is this level of detail realistic? After all you can hardly try different components/spring rates before you buy. At best you can drive another car fitted with the suspension you are considering, but chances are that will drive very differently to your own car due to mileage/tyre/wheels/state of bushes etc.


The trouble is suspension and how the car drives is very subjective. One man's great set up is another's pile of poop. Considering we are driving road cars here I don't think the choices are really all that complicated. In my experience the konigsports do a great job of cutting the pitch and dive while still providing a reasonable amount of spring travel making you at least feel like the car has suspension! The damping was spot on.


Oh, and I'm not biased, my own car has H&R coilovers. I'm just fortunate to have experienced the KFs and I came away v impressed. Just my 2p's worth!

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My own personal preference is of course the Konis with H&Rs. The springs supplied with the Koni kit are poo on demanding roads.


Kev, what makes you say the springs with Koni kit are poo, what experience have you had with these?

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How good are the H&R coilovers on a VR


As I said before this is a very subjective topic!

I'm very happy with them. They are a touch on the firm side around town, but never harsh or crashy. They really come into their own at higher speeds where they manage to control the car superbly. There's enough compliance and spring travel to ensure the car does not bump steer, especially important on our lovely road surfaces :roll:

The car feels very surefooted and confidence inspiring. The damping on the H&Rs is fixed, but in my experience it's superbly matched to the spring rates and so you really don't feel the need to adjust them.

H&R are a world renowned coil spring manufacturer, and I'm told the dampers on the coilovers are made by Bilstein. The build quality is second to none, but this comes at a price, they're around the £800 mark :shock:

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How good are the H&R coilovers on a VR


As I said before this is a very subjective topic!

I'm very happy with them. They are a touch on the firm side around town, but never harsh or crashy. They really come into their own at higher speeds where they manage to control the car superbly. There's enough compliance and spring travel to ensure the car does not bump steer, especially important on our lovely road surfaces :roll:

The car feels very surefooted and confidence inspiring. The damping on the H&Rs is fixed, but in my experience it's superbly matched to the spring rates and so you really don't feel the need to adjust them.

H&R are a world renowned coil spring manufacturer, and I'm told the dampers on the coilovers are made by Bilstein. The build quality is second to none, but this comes at a price, they're around the £800 mark :shock:

cheers for that, I,ve priced them at AMD £650. Thats next then on my list. :D

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I'd second Asims comments on the H&R coilovers, only I took mine off and fitted Koni t/a with H&R springs instead as I'm a wimp who likes a comfy ride.


Currently debating whether to fit them to the G60 or sell them...

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How good are the H&R coilovers on a VR


As I said before this is a very subjective topic!

I'm very happy with them. They are a touch on the firm side around town, but never harsh or crashy. They really come into their own at higher speeds where they manage to control the car superbly. There's enough compliance and spring travel to ensure the car does not bump steer, especially important on our lovely road surfaces :roll:

The car feels very surefooted and confidence inspiring. The damping on the H&Rs is fixed, but in my experience it's superbly matched to the spring rates and so you really don't feel the need to adjust them.

H&R are a world renowned coil spring manufacturer, and I'm told the dampers on the coilovers are made by Bilstein. The build quality is second to none, but this comes at a price, they're around the £800 mark :shock:

cheers for that, I,ve priced them at AMD £650. Thats next then on my list. :D[/quote:8c745]



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They really come into their own at higher speeds where they manage to control the car superbly.


Spot on. All uprated suspension systems will feel exactly that at low speeds.


It's on the open roads where things like bump and rebound quality become far more apparent and the loads put on the dampers are much higher. It's under these conditions that the springs need to be well matched to the dampers otherwise you'll end up being bounced off the road into a ditch. Especially if you've gone really low and there's bugger all suspension travel.


Both the FKs and the H&R/Koni combo gel together beautifully at high speeds on demanding roads. I'm sure the H&R coillies do to.


As Asim says, there's no wrong or right kit. But lowering below 50mm imo gives you a C that's practically unusable on really fast and bumpy B roads.

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