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Where do we all go!?

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I feel stupid asking but where do all these brackets go, I have no idea where they came from and it was 2 years ago when I took it all apart,


So let's turn it into a game! If you can tell me where it all goes I'll buy you a drink when I see you ;)



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Sorry no help... But it reminds me of the bits leftover from building MFI furniture :) without reading the instructions.

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The first two are apparently hoisting brackets but I'll be buggared if I can work out where from

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First one goes on the front right hand side of the engine and is a lifting bracket. It picks up on the manifold bolts.

The second is also a lifting bracket that goes on the back left hand side.


3rd picture - don't know.


4th picture holds the power steering pipe at the front bottom of the gearbox


6th picture goes on the clutch slave cylinder


7th picture - bracket on the right goes on the front odd the abs pump and holds a resistor type thing.


8th picture I think goes on the suspension turret on the drivers side near the filter box / maf (is it?)

Edited by ChrisL

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5th picture I think goes on the right hand side of the engine around the timing chain cover and has something to do with the inlet manifold if I remember correctly

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The lifting bracket on the front, does it just go on the top of the inlet manifold and the bolts go through this and then the inlet manifold?

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The lifting bracket on the front, does it just go on the top of the inlet manifold and the bolts go through this and then the inlet manifold?


That's right.

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If you find my old blackberry thread, then go to page 40. The bottom picture of the engine shows it mounted.


Picture 7, left hand bracket also goes on the front of the engine at the top left above the 3 sensors at the top of the water pipe. It can also be seen on the picture on page 40


Page 46 of my old thread you can see the bracket on the abs pump too


Page 42 shows the one on the suspension turret. It fits on the 2 studs

Edited by ChrisL

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3rd picture is for Headlight resistor I think, I unplugged mine and binned it, stupid thing


Last one is for carbon canister valve on offside turret


Rest of them Chris got!

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3rd is as said. Goes on inner wing. Is either the headlight resistor or sonesomething near carbon cannister

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Good game Phil :)

1) front engine lift point, uses mani bolts

2) rear engine lift point, uses exhaust studs and a bolt I think.

3) behind o/s headlight uses plastic nuts on studs

4) holds pas pipe near starter motor

5) don't know :(

6) top of greabox holds fan wiring I think

7) don't know

8) vac solenoid holder studs are on front of os strut




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On top of the rear engine mount, the bolt head should have a thread on top of it

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On top of the rear engine mount, the bolt head should have a thread on top of it


Aye that's it

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Aye that's it


Make sure its properly clipped on to its bracket aswell phill otherwise it can flop over and melt the plug on the manifold , ask me how i know that !! Ill be mega busy this weekend i think but im coming up scarbrough in the rado in a few weeks or so , if your still stuck your more than welcome to have a look if your still missing bits , but by the way this threads going i think you will be all sorted

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5th picture I think goes on the right hand side of the engine around the timing chain cover and has something to do with the inlet manifold if I remember correctly

5th picture goes to the rear left of the engine as you look from the front. It connects to the head and inlet manifold.


Cant remember what exactly for but think it may have a bracket for fuel hoses

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