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Too Tall

I'm sorry for the question.

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I'm a noob to VR'S, I know this question has been asked a lot, and I'm sorry for asking it again, but I don't trust everything that I found. I have searched this form and the vortex, and found some useful information. But what I want to know is, does anybody have a link to a trusted DIY page for an EGR Delete? Something you yourself have tried. If nobody wants to reply to that, can you tell me what page I need to start looking at in the Bentley repair manual that I have? 92 SLC. Thank you in advance, you guys have been way nicer than the vortex.

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UK VRs don't have an EGR valve, 90+% here are UK based so wont know the answer to your question.

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lol Ive never heard of said valve let alone know how to direct you, sorry


hopefully the might be a fellow US owner on here that can help you out


good luck

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Going to paw through the Bentley and see what resistance the plug needs. You guys are lucky you don't have to deal with EGR, where I live they have very strick emission laws.

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I have a US spec head on mine, it had a hole at the front for EGR, i had to buy a core plug and blank the hole off. That's as far as my knowledge goes.

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I'd search ebay or a blanking plate or EGR delete for the VR6 (maybe try dieselgeek?), being early it should be easily defeated, many older UK cars (non corrados) have been fitted with a piece of coke can between a gasket face to simply block off the flow of exhaust gasses leaving the valve in place to fool the ecu that its working

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