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Rubber under gear linkage weight

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Hi guys,


Wondering what the fix to this is.....


The end of my gear linkage cable underneath the linkage weight in the engine bay has a square rubber round it. The rubber keeps coming loose from the square metal its housed in. Is there a new rubber I can buy or is there a fix for this that anyone knows of. My gear change is quite loose because of it.



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Hmm, strange one.. Could you get a photo of the offending bit? If it's the bit I'm thinking I've probably got a spare on an old selector tower I have.

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the rubber shouldnt make it lose. Have you taken teh weight off to see if the bolt underneath is tightened correctly which may be making it flex?

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Are all the parts there and in the correct order? Should be a washer under the rubber and something on top so its sandwiched between them

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the metal cable ends can crack, and the rubbers can split but generally as the cable is quite rigid horizontally when clamped in the the gearbox mounted bracket it's more likely as 'Jim Bowen' said that something's missing like the fat washer so the cable end is being pulled down or something.

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that repair kit would work if the cable end has cracked, but may transmit a bit of vibration from the box as it's machined metal and the original is rubber .

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