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phenolic coilpack spacer

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updated add - second batch now available for some people that missed out on the first or didnt see the post , iv kept the origional add below


Hi all i hope this is ok to post on here


after owning my vr for 7 years and going through three coil packs i thought id adapt the same idea as my phenolic inlet manifold gasket to the coil pack to help protect it and prolong the life of it


iv had the idea for a while and decided to get this sorted as there are non available to buy in the uk


its a 6mm pacer cut plate with four new allen head bolts to fit directly to the car , it sits on the side of the engine and in between the coil pack to stop the metal to metal contacting and transfaring heat which in return after time is what makes them crack causing misfires and bad running

iv already sold a few but have about nine left but could get some more done if there is demand for them


id like 25 pounds for one posted


coil packs are pretty expensive these days for a decent one and if your like me then your probably sick of them cracking


you can pm me on messenger if you would like one or have any questions


im having problems with loading pictures to the forum and i cant seem to find the corrado forum on tapa talk so if you would like pics i can send them via whats app or messenger no problem

my number is 07980690184


message anytime im up most of the day and night

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Sounds like a good idea - I'm on a distributor, but would definitely go for one of these if I had a coil pack car. As an aside, is there any real reason for why it has to be attached to the head at all? Surely you could just have it mounted safely away from the block and the heat. Does it earth via the block?

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its the ht leads that would need to be made longer and in my opinion would make it look a bit scruffy

another thing that i thought of was making something to relocate but people like parts to be in the standard place that vw put them


the plate only takes 10 mins to fit and drops the temps of the coilpack so works really well


and as for the eearh there is no problems at all

it still works perfectly and iv been runni g on on my supercharged car for the last few months

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i think so mate , i did some testing with a digital temp gun and the coil pack was cooler each time with the spacer installed

considering they break so often ,judging by how many bad running threads you see due to coilpack failure (they always crack ) and wanted threads for second hand coilpacks id say this wasnt a bad investement considering the price of a good quality new one

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There was a chap on here who sent a private message

I have replied but now can't find the message so if you haven't received it can you pm me again with a number or email to contact you on


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Hi there,

I'm interested in one of these, can you PM me PayPal details so I can get one ordered.




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Hi mate yea I'll send you a message


I think there has been some problems with my messenger so if you don't receive anything you can post on here again and I'll send you my contact

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Are these still for sale? Will they fit a Mk4 Golf 4Mtotion VR6? Its the single pack version so I assume so?

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  Corrado Collins said:
Are these spacers still being made??


I have a few left if you want one dude


My mobile is 07980690184 just message me if its easier than on here

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