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V5 Starter Motor

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Bit of a head scratcher - just had delivery of a new starter motor, supposedly a V5 one after following a recommendation and part number on here. The website confirmed compatibility with the Corrado; however, on inspection it clearly isn't. The spindle length is much shorter, the position of the solenoid is the other side, and the bolt holes don't line up:


To be honest, it's my own fault for not properly checking the specs, although I did note the spindle being shorter, but with it being confirmed as compatible on the website and the link on here, assumed it must just extend further (it doesn't). Any ideas? Did they use different motors throughout the life of the car, with slightly different transmission cases - or is the website just talking nonsense? Secondly, does anyone have the actual part no. for the V5 motor? I have had another look and this one:


Looks like it could be the right match. The number of teeth is 9 instead of 10, but they still seem to mesh ok (the one I bought has 9 and I tested it on the flywheel), and the bolt holes are 12.5mm instead of 11mm, but otherwise looks a fit.




Edited by oneohtwo

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Ooh, this has just reminded me I need to sort mine out. This was fitted a few years back and was correct. It was removed due to the last photo and the original put back on (nothing wrong with it, just a little sluggish). This fits the 02A CHN gearbox on the VR6. I can't remember if the original Starter had the longer rod and spindle in all honesty (it was about 5 years ago now), but it fitted without issue.








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Yep, that'll stop it working!

The part no. on yours matches the one I linked to, so that's perfect. Nice one fella!

You can see on yours the spindle sticks out much further than the one I bought. 

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On 6/27/2020 at 1:11 PM, fla said:

looks like an auto starter from the shorter spindle

Ah could be.

Ordered the correct part from ebay, supposedly a new genuine Bosch Exchange remanufactured one, but I've just received it and it doesn't have the Bosch eXchange sticker as on Sean's and the first one I bought. Anyone know if they always sticker genuine exchange products - it has the plastic tag but I suppose anyone could just be adding those? Wondering if I have been mis-sold, as it's a bit scratched up, the cable is a touch frayed, there's a small amount of corrosion on the connector, and it's a bit dirty.


edit: ignore that I think. Found the Bosch eXchange literature and it says the plastic tag is the quality seal. I guess it may just have been a part knocking around on the shelf for a while.

Edited by oneohtwo

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