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Engine bay

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I am in the (very slow and laborious) process of giving my engine bay a clean and have found that where the suspension is mounted there is a film of thin plastic. Can I remove this to reveal the nice clean metal underneath or does it act as some sort of seal??

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I think we are talking @ cross purposes. On the actual bodywork, the big lump of metal where the top mount sticks through. It is as though it has been shrink wrapped. Like when you get a new stereo and it has that protective stuff that you tear of the display. with me?

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I think we are talking @ cross purposes. On the actual bodywork, the big lump of metal where the top mount sticks through. It is as though it has been shrink wrapped. Like when you get a new stereo and it has that protective stuff that you tear of the display. with me?


is it a kinda yellow-ish looking stuff????........if it is then its the engine bay protective wax coating :wink:

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Thats the stuff.


Leave it alone then yeah?



its up to yourself...........if you were planning showing the car and engine bay then best to remove it.........ive left mine as is...............

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If you say so. It looks a b*****d though! I cleaned loads of crap out from under the air box but its still filthy. Im tempted to go for a steam clean at some point but am a bit worried about the electrics.

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i just spent a couple of days cleaning my engine bay and it was covered in that wax. when i finnished i sprayed the whole lot with a layer of teflon oil which apart from keeping it looking nice and shiney stops any more crud sticking to it and should keep the moisture out 8)

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If you say so. It looks a b*****d though! I cleaned loads of crap out from under the air box but its still filthy. Im tempted to go for a steam clean at some point but am a bit worried about the electrics.



i think Gunk is yer best answer rather than jet-washing/steam cleaning...........though you need to agitate it when you have brushed it on and also have a low-pressure water hose handy to rinse it off...........also to be on the safe side protect the vulnerable electrics with a plastic bag

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also if you PM G60Renshaw and/or A20LEE from this forum........i'm sure they'll give you some handy hints and tips for cleaning yer engine bay

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It comes off with hot soapy water, i get it leaking out of my boot lid in the summer, it heats up and melts, and runs out of the drain holes down the rear panel and on to the bumper, but it comes off when i wash the car at the jet wash (hot jet wash that is)

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I used to use Gunk but it stinks! - now I've discovered this 2 part turtlewax stuff from halfords (was BOGOF Rodders!) which is bassically a degreaser then a wax coating...


I only used the first part on mine, and it came up superbly!


Got the engine up the 50degrees

Sprayed it all over everthing except the alarm and battery

Waited 15 mins for it to penetrate

Pressure washed it off (£50 Pressure washer job so not powerful enough to damage anything)

Waited 5 mins, started engine, started fine and idles ok no belt squeel even!

Ran up to 80 degrees on drive then took for a thrash to get rid of any water


Looks superb now and I didn't even touch it! - No residue on black plastic like Gunk leaves.. :wink:

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gunk works 10 times better when its warm try running your engine till its warm, not too hot though and i have also found it helps to put the gunk container in a bucket of warm water before you use it :idea:

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I used to use Gunk but it stinks! - now I've discovered this 2 part turtlewax stuff from halfords (was BOGOF Rodders!) which is bassically a degreaser then a wax coating...




is that from the same ppl who do MUKOFF for m/bikes i wonder?

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is that from the same ppl who do MUKOFF for m/bikes i wonder?


Nah, that stuff just removes road film, this stuff is by Turtlewax.. Autoglym engine cleaner also meant to be good but not used it

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I've not used Gunk since I wrote off a Citroen alternator with it over 20 years ago. The stuff got in the bearing.

I have stuck with Autoglym Engine Cleaner followed - engine still wet - by Autoglym Vinyl Rubber Protector (as described in instructions on Engine Cleaner bottle). Excellent!

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