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3rd bonnet mod in less than 1 year! F**king LOWLIFE!

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Well, to say I'm angry is an understatement, I'm shaking so much I can hardly type! Just been out to the car to discover someone's done a Starsky and Hutch on the bonnet - footprints clearly visible in the dust on the car :-( :-( :mad: :mad: :mad:


(just to clarify, 1st bonnet mod was my fault (crash Sep. last year!) and 2nd was engine mount failure - what is it with this car and its bonnet?)


The C was parked out on the road overnight as the Land Rover's clutch is knackered so it was occupying the C's normal spot on the drive (close to the house...)


More deatils later when I cool down a bit. Police are sending forensics to get the footprints & dust for fingerprints but can't tell me when they'll be here (like probably next week after it's rained on the car!)


F**cking Lowlife!

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Gutted for you mate!! People who do that should be rounded up and shot! At least people who nick stereo's do it for a reason!

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sheeeeitt.... not good mate... hope you can catch the little feckers... :mad:

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Oh mate :(


There are so many a$$holes in this country, it burns me up every time I see something like this. Its no wonder when I hear loud mouth pikeys walking down my street at silly times of night that it wakes me up and i'm peering out of my window to make sure the motor is untouched!!


It'd be nice if the police DID come out and they DID catch the losers who did this. But don't get your hopes up.. police are only interested in penalising drivers, not actually helping us.

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['H3R4POR]thats just f*cking st00pid' date=' I'd love to catch them at it[/quote']


Aye.. seeing as they've seen fit to mess it up, introduce their head to their handy work a few times!

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Hmmmm - I'm glad I didn't catch them at it TBH - the way I feel now I could be looking at GBH/murder charge!


Forensics are coming tomorrow a.m. to lift the footprints, but as nobody witnessed it it's a bit hopeless. I'm gonna setup a road block and shoot everyone with matching footprints! :mad:


In terms of the repair it looks like a new bonnet (again!) as the dint has actually buckled the structural ribbing under the bonnet (must've been a lardy a$$hole the jumped on it!)... another load of insurance excess money down the pan...



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at least the police are turning up, i've had 3 break ins into cars in the past, and the only time I saw a cozzers was when they stuck a ticket on the windscreen foir not having tax (had bought it the day before).

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fU8K!! you just can't have anything nice nowadays without some little pr1cks fu8king it up!!


I bet it was kids with nothing better to do! Hope you get hold of them mate, they deserve whats coming to them! :evil:

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Sorry to hear it StormSeeker :(


I was chatting to a few guys at E38 about the amount of people on the forum being dealt some really sh1tty luck at the moment. Not good..... Hope you get it sorted.


Its no wonder when I hear loud mouth pikeys walking down my street at silly times of night that it wakes me up and i'm peering out of my window to make sure the motor is untouched!!


Me and my mates are the same! You just get that chilling feeling when you hear loud voices outside that the C is going to come to some harm. And sod's law dictates you will never catch the feckers in the act.


My mate paid £10K for his mint 2000 WRX and the same night it was keyed down both sides. 3 months later a lorry cuts him up and stoves the front in and ever since it's picked up more scratches and dents from scumbags. Poor bugger :cry:


Another friend had his Brand new Cupra R written all over in black permanent marker too (yellow car, so showed up really easily), so I'm afraid a good proportion of motorists are suffering from vandalism at the moment.


Oh how we would love to catch them in the act..... :2gunfire:

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Well this is the thing - its usually justified! So far i've had no actual damage done (only a light scratch on the Saxo) but then the amoun of scumbags going up my road has just gone crazy in the last year or so... i'm talking proper Burberry wearing "aaaah man" kinda scumbags. A bunch of them went up the road the other day lifting the wipers on peoples cars including cars either side of mine - my eyes were out on stalks but they didn't touch the Rado.


The day that something happens, I will just fly out there with something big and heavy to hit em with, and start a row regardless of whether I am wearing boxers or am fully clothed - i'm just not gonna let some turd get away with it. My neighbour loves arguments with these scumbags too and I know he'd be out in a shot if it came to it :)

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Its no wonder when I hear loud mouth pikeys walking down my street at silly times of night that it wakes me up and i'm peering out of my window to make sure the motor is untouched!!


I do exactly the same mate

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My neighbour loves arguments with these scumbags too and I know he'd be out in a shot if it came to it :)


Well, some of you saw my reaction to the p!ssed up idiots at the campsite at the Inters BBQ when they got close enough to my car to set the alarm off... ;) :lol: Just glad they didn't cause any damage so I didn't have to cause any back... :wink:


I'm just soooo glad that I've got a Garage for my cars with its slightly excessive alarm system on it... ;) :lol:

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This has to be the most fucking unbelievable thing i've seen so far other than the accidents guys keep having on the forum!

I'd kick the living insides out of the person if i ever found em...regardless of their size!!

I hope you get it sorted mate...but it really looks like coppers will do jack all about this, lets hope its been reported by others having the same problem.

I'd reccomend you get some serious security! impact sensors for the alarm or ultrasonics on the outside! :roll:


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Security!! One cheap option is a webcam with motion detection software, works very well. :) Except at night its no good too dark. :(

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You should leave the car out in the same place tonight & stay up for them :evil:


Strangely enough - that's exactly what I'd be doing too :rambo:

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My girlfriend thinks it's unreasonable that I would severely mutilate or kill anyone who vandalised my car! It's probably for the best that you didn't witness it - they may have Starskey and Hutched the bonnet but it'd be you speeding through the alleys in hot pursuit of them and next time they'd have a more up close and personal view of the bonnet! Little scumbags. I get super paranoid leaving my car anywhere out of sight but it's things like this that cause that feeling. You don't wanna fork out a fortune on repairs due to vandalism or lose your no claims either. Maybe we should all meet up in your town and park a few hundred Corrado's about and do a mass stake-out and get some revenge! I should maybe point out that I had a really bad day at work today!

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