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Everything posted by BigTartanJudge

  1. Late G60's have ABS / EDL as well tho', and G60 has the right h/box, clutch, flywheel, pedal-box so would be better and cheaper to start with one of these with a shagged engine. Cheers
  2. Yes, G60 bumpers WILL fit VR6 models no probs, same fitment etc, the inside widths are the same, it's just the outside widths that are diff, and tbh I prefer having a wider rear ;-)
  3. Yep, as I have said before, it's no prob to get centre-bore machined out if too small or spigot rings made up (if wheel suppliers don't have that size difference). However, from looking at the eBay ad, the seller states they are for a Toyota Celica ? The centre-bore of a celica GT-4 Carlos Saintz is 54 mm so not sure he gets 70 mm from tbh ?? If centre-bore of the Speedlines is 70 mm they are defo. not from a Celica. I'd get him to physicallly measure the centre-bore of the wheels and then report back. If they are 54mm, very easy to get local machinist to take out bore to 57.1mm (VW centre-bore). If they are indeed 70 mm your looking at getting spigot rings made up because I think 12.9mm ones will be hard to find. Let us know how you get on. Wheels would be very nice though on a rado ! Cheers and HTH.
  4. later rear-bumpers are wider than the early ones by about 20 mm each side, and as mentioned above, the swage line around the bumper is slightly wider and extends further alond and down compared to early ones, but app. they mount in the same way. Cheers and HTH
  5. Yep, and they are a royal pain in the ass so I have heard to convert to manual.....
  6. Nice, shame you can quite easily see the rope underneath the car "helping" it out tho........;-)
  7. jurgen tdi (??) on here has done it I think, think he sold it but still has all the details about the conversion AFAIK
  8. So it's been reeeeeee-posted again then ;-)
  9. Hey all, Am going to look at a car tomorrow for a mate with a view to him buying it. Dub in question is a 3-dr MK2 16V 1991 in Oak Green. Just looking for some pointers on what to check out on MK2's, as more used to rado's TBH and know them fairly well. For example, any area's prone to corrosion to check, 16V common engine faults / problems, suspension / brake issues or anything else etc. Any help or advice much appreciated. Cheers BigTartanJudge
  10. What's wrong with the bonnet and you won't see many rado's with Rial Daytona's (they cost a fortune as well) !
  11. Love it, but better without the mirrors, side-skirts and some smooth Audi handles, no handles doesn't look right IMO.
  12. Actually pau1, yes I have driven it, albeit not very much. But what's your point ? Ah, there wasn't one...........and the computer also says something else, but let's not go there
  13. But it's NOT a VR6 is it........all I have on my G60 is some VR ratio's in the 'box for better acceleration etc. a Sachs heavy-duty clutch (was cheaper than G60 one BTW and more durable / longer-lasting) and uprated VR6 topmounts for the coilovers so not exactly a "corrado VR6" is it, just makes the G60 a better drive...........
  14. UPGRADED...........to a VR6 ??? Think that one is debateable TBH ;-) Good luck with it tho !
  15. Can I have a reeeeeeee-post? ;-) Posted it up around February buddy, still good to see it again tho, Cheers
  16. Pau1, dunno what your on about, just shoosh now eh ?! ;-) I take it you have seen them in the flesh sometime then ?
  17. Hmmmn, haven't got the seats yet but looking as though will have to find some Recaro subframes then to get them to sit at the correct height for me / the rado. Another question though, is it possible to re-dye alcantara (wanting to do centres black), and if so how does one go about removing the centres (seat base centre and back rest centre) from the main part of the seat ? As always, any advice / help much appreciated, Cheers
  18. Lower mileage example so with heated leather and FSH would expect it to be worth around £5.5k ish in excellent condition, but certainly not more. You could put her up for £6k but be prepared to drop the price. Cheers and HTH
  19. cash only ALL the way, it's the ONLY way to be sure, Cheers
  20. Ok folks, Mate has a MK4 TDi and his o/s front tyre is wearing badly on inside edge. What's likely to be casuing this, tracking / alignment etc or something more serious ? Just looking for helpful suggestions really, going to check it out tom but could do with some general thoughts ? Cheers
  21. Looks nice mate, any pics of the interior ? I hope those are the show-plates, if not I'd be VERY wary of using them on the car as the cops will try to do you for using illegally-spaced plates, incorrect / non-standard lettering and having the german-plate tags on them ! They do look good though......;-) Going to have to find some Recaro electric subframes for my new seats now as well. Only way to get them sitting at the right height I think for me / in the car.
  22. around £1500 GBP (around $2800 USD) to ship a car from the UK to the US, insured going by sea, takes around 3 weeks to get there ;-)
  23. Dammit, was hoping to be the first on the forum with the side-exit exhaust but looks as tho been beaten to it ! ;-( Looks great man, also noticed the colour-coded front splitter, nice touch ! As above, any chance of some close-up pics of rear, side-exit and poss. engine bay ;-) Cheers
  24. Liking the rear bumper man, although poss. just the photo, it does look like there is some sort of bulge about 8 inches in from the NS on the back bumper ?
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