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Everything posted by LicklePaulie

  1. Eric, Why don't you set up some out-riggers (Boudica-stylee) and set your gazebo up on them? Then you could run it in any weather :wink:
  2. I'm gonna go for a set of them Brownstuff discs when they're available - think of the weight-saving... and anything's got to be an improvement on the original VAG brakes!
  3. Try insuring a DC5! Only about three companies do it off the books, otherwise it's a bespoke jobbie and that ain't cheap :!: "No, it's not a 1.8 . Yes, I DO mean a 2001 model..." :roll:
  4. :shock: :shock: :shock: And I thought I was doing well getting 196 out of mine as standard once the CPS got sorted! Go figure...
  5. Tis true, tis true - there is a known disorder amongst Honda (vtec) owners called Dipstick Paranoia! Must admit I was really lucky with mine... Checked the oil level religiously because of the rep and in a whole year's ownership and 15K only had to put in a litre (not including the Service Oilchange). Couldn't understand why everyone went on about how they were drinking it so quickly cos I didn't drive mine any easier than anyone else. It didn't drink fuel like my VR does either :roll:
  6. Sorry to report you have been sorely misinformed - I personally know of several. The vtec can be VERY thirsty on oil and the result of a failure to check is indeed a 'pop' - In fact, it's so thirsty that the Driver's Manual recommends (and the warranty requires) the driver to check the oil at every fuel-fill :shock: That's taking it a bit far but gives you an idea. Now if you were to say "A properly-maintained Honda engine..." :twisted:
  7. I've got no argument with anything you've said there Scott (although I never really liked the look of the FTO personally) but can offer advice on the Honda due to my own previous happy ownership :wink: . The only other thing I would say about the Teg (and this goes for most performance Jap cars): Always check out a JDM import against a UK model -They always dumb down performance (because they get 100RON fuel as standard) and handling (to deal with our pot-holes) for our domestic market and the 'same' model can behave very differently :x
  8. Only problem with the S2K is that the rear end is VERY unpredictable when pushed - especially in the wet. Had a go myself (swapped drives at Cadwell) and I have to say I felt safer in mine - and so did the S2K owner. The difference between the 2 ltr DC5 and the 1.8 ltr DC2 was the power delivery in vtec, the earlier model offering a more raw experience, though the DC5 had a higher power it is much more refined - a bit like the developments in turbo (and its lag!). The earlier ones really kicked you in the *rse whilst the later ones feed in the power much more smoothly. I read that Evo article too - all I can tell you is that NO Civic ever came close (apart from one JDM import which had the same 220bhp set-up as mine as well as the much firmer Jap suspension) and while the DC2 was quicker off the mark, the DC5 was a lot easier to drive at very high speeds.
  9. The reason for the huge number of Championship White ones about is that the Japanese don't consider it a true Type R unless it's in that colour. The same goes for the DC5 and, in JDM form, the Civic - that's why I loved my silver DC5 SOOOO much - there's only two (that I'm aware of) in the UK and only 4% of the whole production run came in that colour. I also had the rarer black interior rather than the red, also considered to be the only REAL Type R colour over there. God I miss that car - 220bhp straight out of the box, Brembo, Momo, Recaro - all as standard. Adding a GruppeM added 9hp at the hubs, just like that... Only thing that beat me on the road was a Skyline (I even did a Evo7 in the wet) and on the track I had real fun trying to keep hold of a brand new M3 CSL... Shame I needed the money back I had invested in it :cry:
  10. Anyone seen the latest model in this range? 4-pot engine, auto-flush rad, unique brown colouring with go-faster stripes, vinyl pipework and ceramic fittings... the Ford Ka Si (sorry! :oops: )
  11. I agree with kebabman on this one - Brunters is fine if all you want to do is fly as fast as poss but a proper track is much more fun. Twisties, turnies, uppies and downies is what we want :twisted: . jimsG60 hits the nail on the head - Drive within your (and your car's) limits. That's the point of trackdays, to learn quicker handling skills in a safe environment not to see what max speed you can reach (Use a rolling road or the Pod ffs!) Definitely interested in Oulton (on the to-do list), Cadwell (my absolute fave so far), Donny and the rest.
  12. I came to the VR after having an Integra (but I'm talking DC5 not DC2) - see pic. Due to the rarity of the later model though we shared a lot of time in each other's company. The difference between the Japanese and German models is chalk and cheese. In standard form the DC2 is on a par power-wise with the C but is MUCH revvier, lighter, quicker and more responsive in all respects. The vtec takes some getting used to but, once there, is the most pleasurable experience I've had on four wheels. It's actually a bit of an animal and takes a lot more control to drive. I love my VR and enjoy driving it but, if my cashflow had allowed, would NEVER have sold the Honda. BTW you'll be very hard pushed to get hold of even a poor DC2 for 5K - iirc the going rate is 7-9K. And unless you're prepared to pay silly money for the imported GP version, the FTO is not in the same league.
  13. Robbo, I was having the head reconditioned and took the manifold away with me. Having said that, I have 'touched up' a greasy paw-print in situ so it's not difficult if you're not worried about the bits you can't see :wink: The mirrored look does take longer but is simply a case of using a coarse wire to flatten it then a medium and finer brush to polish it up. I experimented on a hidden bit and found four different finishes and plumped for the one you see before you, preferring something that does not need polishing every weekend :roll: ! It's all a matter of taste though... :mrgreen:
  14. If that's a question the answer is yes, if it's a statement then I agree :wink:
  15. iirc they can't ban AND then give extra penalty points - the only time you'd get both would be when banned as a result of the totting up procedure (which then removes the points anyway) if that makes sense :? .
  16. If they've banned you you won't get points on top - By 'endorsing your licence accordingly' they mean that the ban is recorded and displayed to and by everyone who looks at it (Insurance companies etc).
  17. Robbo149, I THINK I hear what you're saying but ...this is the result of an hour and a half's labour (and believe me I'm no technical magician :oops: )
  18. Why buy one? A drill and a wire brush does the job just as well :) - Can't help with your enquiry tho :oops:
  19. Yes and no.. The VR is my only car and I drive daily but I currently work from home so don't commute :|
  20. Doesn't do the rubber much good in the long run either! The bumper/vinyl black is a much safer option :wink:
  21. Just a quick note to thank each of you for your advice. You were quite right in your diagnosis, not an easy task when I saw what the original looks like! After digging around to find an emergency replacement this morning (why is it that anything you NEED from the stealers HAS to be put on back order from Germany whilst the bits and pieces you would LIKE can be delivered next day?) all is now well again. Once again, many thanks - I thought I'd killed her!
  22. White H-reg 16V on Holbrooks Lane this afternoon - possibly in Post Office paying Road Tax?? Not too keen on the new black wing... but I'm guessing that's just temporary :wink: Wheels looking 8)
  23. Works for me! 203.1bhp in 33degreesC with no other engine mods...yet. Oh and look HERE for a third-party opinion (jimsG60, towards bottom of page, just after my pics) :-P
  24. Thanks for that andyvlw. Handy page that - gonna have to check and see what's missing/shattered on mine now :mad: .
  25. Brembo 4-pots over 323mm cross-drilled discs have already saved my life a couple of times. H&R coilovers and Eibach anti-rollbars have improved the handling beyond compare. GruppeM ram charger has improved HP and sounds wonderful. Rieger GTX bumper looks really cool and drags more air to where I need it. But my favourite mod is the simplest: respraying the OZ SuperT 17s in anthracite :D
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