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chaz g60

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Everything posted by chaz g60

  1. Gutted mate, little pricks who ever they are. Cool head though or you'll just end up with more of the same!
  2. looks sweet as candy!! Estonia! this is a really international place !
  3. nice euro gathering! Queenstown is a awsome place.
  4. well that was a load of sh!t wasn't it hardley dented it!!!
  5. nice, you'll be lovin it then. Did you get that exhaust over there?
  6. dsl deliverd mine from germany to spain for 50 euros !!!!! took about a week though!
  7. door handles, sun roof, mechanics not knowing about them, worrying about the fragile "g", parnoir every time i leave it parked, but it's all more than worth it , even climbing in through the boot!!!!.
  8. yeah that is a good pic
  9. I found in the cover the missing pipe and when i fitted it my idle is dropping from 1000 to 750 so thats that sorted but..... is there any reason the mechanic who screwd up my timing removed it or has he just forgoten it??
  10. i have just realised it's idleing at about 1000 and not 750 as it was?? (why cant somthing just go right with my bloody cars??)
  11. After the nightmare week i've had with the mechanic meesing my timing up when changing the belt, i find this.??? He said the problem was not the timing but a little hose from the inlet was broken and he'd replaced it. What should be on the left of this little "t" section?? And would it be affecting the car's performance?
  12. chaz g60

    406 coupe

    fair do's they look awsome, got to be pretty quick too i'd imagine???
  13. well i got it back after he kept it over night (and drove it) and he'd broken the little pipe that comes off the front of the tb/ intake so now it's running ok again. Im still not 100% sure she's back to herself but she feels much better. Going to hold off untill im back in blighty and then take it to g-werks for a good lookover. Cheers all.
  14. pm'd him nice one fellas!
  15. chupa mi ! i opened it up and the lttle plastic bit is snaped! gutted.
  16. After i string of rado related problems this week (e.g. a mechanic messing up my timing big time!,) I got up to rush to work this morning try'd to open my door and the handle just went "klunk" , and guess what the passenger handle has been broken since i got it so im on boot accses for the mo! I'm going to take the door card off now to see if it's just sliped but i remember someone on here sells a repair kit, WHO??? :roll: any other ideas on a quick fix??
  17. they are good as in you can adjust them, ride's ok firm though, but i would say when money permits i would probally upgrade to somthing with adjustable dampers. for the money there good though.
  18. yeah the water that runs down by the boot, full of dust and leaves the back dirtyer than it was to start. :x
  19. it is , i am coming back in a couple of weeks hense i wanted to change the timing belt first !! would it not feck the car up driving a few thousand k's with the timing out??? I was planning a trip to "g-werks" while home anyway g-man i would check it myself but doin theese thing first time by your self can be a p.i.t.a. ( i managed taking the charger off and refitting it so im not totaly useless just dont want fuk it up more!!)
  20. you got some work cut out for dude , good luck with it.
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