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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. In view of there are so many differing ideas on here - I would report to Policee and Insurers - that way they will tell you what you need to do and how far you can take this.
  2. Report it to the Police - it is an accident of which she left the scene. Just because it was not a major incident causing road blockage, human injury - does not make this any different - surely ! Why should you have to claim off your insurance, pay the policy excess and have possible higher premiums in future.
  3. I highly rate them, can see to drive in the dark now !! :lol: Mine though were somwehat more expensive than that :(
  4. That is looking good - Yeah, I would have one too - but then I would have to move to Dubai too - :lol: to be able to drive it properly !! Too much camera stuff here and getting worse.!
  5. Didn't the PH guys cancel an event last year though - due to how many VW's which of course includes Corrado's were down for attending ? Certainly changed my views. There are good and bad in every Club.
  6. Jim, I am in a position of not really being able to do anything myself on my car - so always have the expense of garages (especially as I am not very good at asking for help either ) To me its a mind thing - I really don't do faulty cars - so if my car as much as squeaks its in the garage. I do rather believe you are going to have wear and tear items every 100k ish. Mine is used as a daily. Overal I rather believe mechanical items want to be used, so is the reduced mileage adding to your pain of continued repairs and costs ? Yes, I do spend alot - but accept this as having an older car. Although I am unable to afford a brand new car - I actually would not want the servicing bills of one either though - due to all the electronics and warranty issues of keeping them serviced - I am sure it would work out more, then you have the depreciation costs too. Re the bodywork issues, I am just as paranoid and when cleaning the car - note all scratches, rusts spots etc- I have 2 - both tiny and got onto them really quickly myself !!!!!. Even though I may not have done the best job in the world - for now - I have stopped the rust spreading. You may be as well to list the Pro's and Con's of Corrado Ownership - I have been in a dilemma a few times with mine - and came to the solution, that apart from the drive experience - she still looks beautiful and then there is the originality factor. I am sure I have not helped, but maybe provided a few more items to think about. :lol:
  7. Guys hi, If you have not given permission for your photo's - to be used in a commercial sale - I.e. other than to Forum members - The copyright is yours and therefore other sale. i.e. sale on ebay is breaking the law in my understanding ! It would appear the sale of these on ebay are the ones that were actually for Forum members who had already paid. Wendy
  8. Hi, My all time favourite event to attend and do so most years. I too would go for 2 days, only ever been for one - also a very long one and always wish I was there for the following day. I have not been on Sunday for ages either, due to the crowds. Yes, it is busy the other days, not not as bad. As said before, really do consider getting there 7.30 ish latest, else you will be in very very long queues to get in. I have stayed ina variety of local B & B's, best to look beyond Goodwood, although further to drive to the day before, more likley to have the room. Not done the Camping yet, if you are considering this, book it now, or you won't get in, I have not managed it yet !! The only benefit of the Sunday, is the Finals of the hillclimb timed runs and more famous racing drivers attend. It is not the cheapest of places either to buy refreshments, so picnics are a good idea. Hope that helps
  9. The Le Mans cars have to race into the night - to get the brake disks glowing - Is that what you were trying for ?? !!! :lol: Sorry - not at all helpful !!!
  10. Knew I should have gone - looks like it was good. But heh - worked instead, earning !!!
  11. :clap: Not under my bed, but I did wonder why it was painful to sit down this week. Chris, they were lodged in my crack all along. Wanna come round and fish them out? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.S. Bring Wendy. Thanks so much Toad !!! :lol: Chris - But we are being really caring and ever so thoughtfully. Really !! Well, I was, they could be at some gilrs falt - surely !!! :lol:
  12. I do agree - although I have no idea how many people have not yet recieved their Calendars, I had been getting the impression just a few. Also if their are some spare ones...................... no harm in asking.
  13. Darling Chris, Well it rather depends exactly how many women were involved !!!!!! :lol: :lol: The more women, the more likley it turned out this way !!! :lol: :lol: Should have kept them in your trousers - Your Keys - I mean !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: love you lots Wendy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. Darling Chris, I would go back round to all the places you have slept over in the time the keys have been missing. Bound to turn up at one girls or anothers house !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Love you lots Wendy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  15. I would like to request one of the spare ones please - as the original still had not turned up. Its now the 15th Jan, I think the Post Office have had time enough to catch up with the back log. Also if we wait any longer for the Post Office it will be June - not much good for a 2011 Calendar. I will however, if then I receive two, happily return one. Thank You Wendy
  16. Mic - No, I have never tracked my Corrado, only done the two very short sessions at Coombe which were both CCGB events when they let us have some time on Track for National Days I think it was. I have also not moved onto anything regarding a Track Day Car, although I have my National B licence now, generally I felt the finances were too tight for me to able to enjoy it sufficiently - being too concerned that if there was any major damage done, I would not have the funds to rectify it - all meaning I would not drive the car on track as I really wanted. So, I have just being sticking to Hiring a Track Car for Track Day Events which although not cheap, means I do know where I am financially. Re the Strut brace and Quaiffe Diff I mentioned earlier - I know someone who had this set up and went on Track with them several times and thought the set up good. Handling was solid, secure and felt planted, I think the car had 16" wheels too. I can probably find out more information on it if interested. My Corrado is relatively standard and only really improved for better road use - with my driving !!!! :lol: :lol: Every so often I do look at the Porsche Cayman, having ruled out the 997 as too excessive for road use - for me !!!! We all know I would properly drive it (as Jim can testify in accompanying me on a test drive and you having driven in convoy in Germany :lol: ) and if I didn't lose the back end, then probably my licence. !! The 996 I feel is too dated and pricey for what it is but Cayman keeps rising in price - so annoying !! Which brings me to looking for a £1000 run around, to reduce the miles and useage on the Corrado and have better fuel economy, but then my heart is not really in it, I love the drive and thrill of the Corrado too much.
  17. Just noticed your new name - Dazy - or this that Daisy !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Strut Brace and Quaiffe Diff.
  19. Thank you for replying and letting us know that they have been sent albeit we have not recieved them yet. Wendy
  20. I think the nail was hit on the head with the amount of people with Interest only mortgages, which is of course where the countries problems really started anyway. I have never been able to understand the new car culture, let alone the 3 year replacement - and - this is not all company car owners - as this has reduced drastically over the years. Then the amount of people having meals out, take aways etc - where are they getting their money from ? It only only be further credit. Apart from holidays I had two meals out last year and fish and chips about 3 times as I really cannot afford them. And yet, every time you pass McDonalds and KFC they have queues. - how ? Don't get me wrong - I do have good holidays, but am really tight with everything else, so i can have them. My Oil tank is only 1000 litres and have calculated I should last till mid Feb, I filled up last July, extra jumpers for me and only heating on in rooms I am using. I do have a Multi Fuel burning stove, which after about an hour of being light, means I can open the doors allowing the heat into other rooms. I have even turned off the heating in the mornings, as the bricks warm up so much from the fire that the house is still warm through to the morning. I also buy wood in Summer when its cheapest and go for walks to collect kindling - too tight to buy it or firelighters !! :lol: Very sad I know, but I have even taken to putting a saucepan on the fire - it does have a flat top, to heat water for coffee/tea, well the heat is there so why waste more on using the electric for the kettle. Easy for me not so safe probably with a family. I will make my heating oil last until prices reduce drastically and buy more thermal clothing if i have to. Maybe we should buy a a big house where we can all live under one roof and reduce costs even further ?? !!
  21. Oh, £50 a corner, are you serious. Michelin Exalto's, £100 a corner. Ok, I know you can get cheaper tyres, but I am not sure i would want them on my car. If you have the funds, in my book, you should shell out as much as possible - it is the only thing between you and the road. Which is why I cannot get my head around that so many don't check their tyre pressures reguarly, or tread depths.
  22. No, and no response to my message earlier or private email I sent.
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