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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Mine did most of what you mentioned, although it always started easily after stooling and my mpg was ok Hopefully it is now resolved - by Cleaning the idle value and air mass meter !!!!! Vince at Stealth did it !!!!!
  2. As for my Xenon's - it makes my car safer to drive !!!!!!!!! No logic in failing on a MOT when its for an improvement.
  3. I am glad it has been found - however, why were you charged £300 for its release from the Police Compound ? Sorry to hear of all the damage, good luck with getting it sorted and soon. Is the damage not something you can claim from your Insurers ? Of course I appreciate if the damage is more than the value of the car than this is not worth persuing. I really do not have any spares (well the odd item) but I will have a look through your list when you post it up, incase I can help. There is a guy in Buckingham who is breaking a few Corrado's, so he may be able to help - and surely with a deal if you take several items !!! Wendy
  4. Sorry to hear this, hope it is found and in the same condition you left it. I really do not understand this type of thieving - are you from MK or where you there visiting/shopping ?
  5. Must be catching - feeling pretty angry with mine right now too. Offered it to Vince - for nothing - yet he wouldn't take it - due to not having a full tank of fuel !! :lol: I am cursed by Intermittent faults. :cry: Hopefully to be fixed on Tuesday. Simong - Just don't break the lights !!! Good luck getting it fixed.
  6. I caught that - hilarous - laughed out loud !!! Sutil was really on one - how many off's and near misses did he have. Not quite mastered the water on the track and changing conditions very well. Good effort though - even if a bit wild !!!! Really feel for Button, as he said 'Not really in the championship - unless everyone else failed to finish - something very wrong with his car at the weekend - normally so good in the rain too. Think I would have stopped watching F1, if Michael had got onto the Podium. I do like the way the Points awarded this year are keeping the Championship much more interesting.
  7. Very eventful, so glad I was not up at 6am though. Couldn't believe it when up at 8.20 to have the race with loads to run. Want to write up loads, but feel it only right to wait till most have watched the coverage at 2pm !!!!!!!!!!! Frustrating !!
  8. Can't remember if its France or Germany, but one of them you need to have a flourscent jacket ( really cheap from Halfords/GSF) its just a light bright yellow pullover top that goes your existing clothes.
  9. Yeah, go with the coffee and chocolate biscuits first. Then try bribing him !! :lol: :lol: After that Hit him hard if the result is not as you want !!!!! :lol: :lol: Forever helpful me - heh ?? :lol: :lol:
  10. Is that all - 12 pages - mine was 5 x A4 Lever Arch files !!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: But then it was rather a large claim - which took 6 years to settlement.
  11. Paul, Only just seen this. Sorry to hear about the accident. Glad though that you have already been to the Doctors. As Eric has said, please do keep records of all your out of pocket expenses and also a report of your injuries, medications etc. And - he is right, about even envelopes ! Please see a Physiotherapist, even if it is privately - as they will also give excercises to assist your neck injury. It is also wise to record things that you cannot do - due to injury. All these are required to assist a Compensation claim. Obvioulsy you are disraught at the car damage, but, but, your health is far more important. Although obvioulsy, I hope you do get the desired result from your insurers on the car. Good Luck on all counts Wendy
  12. I missed the Qually, too tired, but was up at 6.30 to watch the Race - impressed myself. Did go back to bed after though !!!! :lol: :lol: Yeah, not alot happened, but will watch the highlights this evening - just to see the Koboyashi overtakes again - they were daring - to say the least. :lol:
  13. Shame - not good. Got to look on the bright side - things will get better. Honest !
  14. I use the RAC and find them excellent. Used them for 8 years now. Of course they all will all try to take you to the nearest garage - however - if you tell them its a specialist car that can only be worked on at ........ They will take you there. It has worked for me. I have had them recover me from home and take me to Stealth. I have - At Home, Roadside and Recovery Cover You can also get the Onward travel for a few pounds more. Infact, I find as long as you are fair and reasonable, it usually brings the response you required.
  15. Sorry to hear this, but all the more reason to keep the car and have some fun. Surely you need a car - at least you know yours, rather than something unknown.
  16. Alonso and Vettal maybe, but Webber and Button far too cool, unless Hamilton has an excellent start and gets in there to mess everything up !!! :lol: :lol:
  17. Better chance for Button :lol: :lol:
  18. Give me a Track too and I 'll drive it. :lol:
  19. How dammed annoying was that. Car in at Stealth this morning, fog lamp to collect at 12.30, in Buckingham - then home by 1.30pm to watch qualifying - as listed in every magazine, paper, and Internet. Only to find - it didn't happen and is now planned to be 2am I think. I did locate it on the Internet, what a Wash out - and - serioulsy dedicated fans. Hopefully we are on for a good race tomorrow.
  20. Finally after 8 years ownership, I bought a new - secondhand near side Fog Lamp. She is bound to go faster now too, no crack on the light to reduce wind flow !!!! :lol:
  21. Go on then Wendy. How about a Thelma & Louise type team?? You can drive :) Talk about it next Saturday if we are still cohearant.. or Sunday if we are not too hung over. Brilliant - Yes, I was thinking about asking you and along the same lines !! I already have it marked in my diary. Fantastic - holidays bookings will have to be around this now.!! :lol: :lol:
  22. Of the non fault accidents I have been in, it has always been Men who have hit me. !! A comment was made earlier of women in small cars. I wish they all were, some of the worst female drivers are in 4x4's, thinking they are safer and can drive with no respect for other road users. Sadly I even have friends in the category. I think what has changed, more women will be driving to and from schools, no longer does the school bus seem to exist in many areas. Then the laddish behaviour of some women, meaning the aggression levels have risen which obvioulsy relates to the car driving as well. I reguarly see Cars wandering all over the road, obvioulsy on the mobile !! This is both sexes equally to blame. Then Cars stopped where ever they like on a carriageway, taking a phone call, this too is becoming a major hazard. In France you are not allowed to stop on a Carriageway and if you do, they go really Nuts - a good law for here I think. And again, back to a point I have raised several times, i would like the Driving Test to be re-sat every 10 years
  23. Yes, I am still interested - however, only if I can find a Passenger - Anyone on here interested ? Also, do you have the Hotels details please. Cheers Wendy
  24. AS it happens, you have already mentioned the one that winds me up the most - with a close second - lack of indicators used.
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