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Everything posted by veeDuB_Rado

  1. Nice one mate, love the color and it sitting on the speedlines :)
  2. Haywire, fags and rim action.. Best action movie ever!
  3. Lookin good on them wheels mate :) Stillgoing ahead with those plans?
  4. Bloody brilliant mate :cheers: good to see someones taken a step :D Will there be a members only forum too? Maybe a linky/page that shows accepted CCGB discounts for certain stores?
  5. Still love it mate :) Might've been asked many times before, but how come the old wheels went?
  6. Corrados are known to be really good at high speeds. Bad bushes would definately affect the ride (look what he did for america ;))
  7. it may be a little while before i can get `the beast` out of my workshop which is a shame, i`m trying real hard to find the time to do the jobs that need doing but seem to end up either having to work my ar*e off doing all sorts of installations in rail yards or out there trying to pull more work in ....... it`s not always that much fun being your own boss but i`m endevouring to get my vr to a few meets before the year is out so i hope i`ll see you at one mate Gah, I know how ya feel about going out and seeing the rado sat there! :lol: It'll be worth the wait mate, I betcha! Looking to get to more SW meets as I'm SW meself :)
  8. awesome mate, you know what to do :D Can't wait to hear the results ! Love to go for a spin when it's done too :-P
  9. Holy carp! :shock: Glad you're ok mate!!! Take it easy dude :)
  10. I remember now you always liked the S3's, I do too and they look great on a set of BBS LM's.
  11. Rolf Harris? :lol: Take it it's a MK4 then? Or a Fiat 20vT? Seat Leon?
  12. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Brilliant mate, really suits it!
  14. I saw it, It's my goal in life to get to drive an F40..
  15. Welcome matey :) LOVE the golf, I commented on it on E38 too
  16. yep, had my fair share of bitching. I believe you can only criticise if you can and have done better and the car was a daily driver until is was painted. If you owned my car would you leave it in a Pub/Tesco carpark? And theres always people who take offence to a car thats obviously had time and care taken over its appearance and feel they need to run a key down the side to make themselves feel better about being to lazy to achieve anything. No its not cheap but i'm getting there bit at a time so reckon i've saved alot owning the car 7years and not changing every 2-3 like most people. Absolutely, I know mine isn't to your standard but when mine got keyed I was upset/peed off/angry etc etc, I'm not suprised it isn't a daily driver! Can I ask what is your daily driver mate?
  17. Flux all the way! They knocked off £1400 off my last price :lol: Even though the deposit was £330 ffs :roll:
  18. Ok, so for people like me... WTF is that?!?!
  19. I just got quoted £1400 by Adrian Flux :D Proper happy Number is : 08700 777888
  20. Pfft, what ya want a Mk5 for? Don't think you realise whatcha got sometimes Kev! I sure as hell wish mine was almost half as good as yours
  21. AdamDarby on here has got a 1.9T 16v Corrado, it's for sale too..
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