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Everything posted by keithmac

  1. Ahh cheers, it`s just that before I sent mine in for re-build the seal on the outside of it, where the shaft enters looked a bit mullered? (it`s the guy with the 16vG60, you rebuilt my Jabba unit a few weeks ago). Got the charger run in and it sounds sweet by the way :thumbleft:
  2. G-man, do you replace the wiered bearing for the timing shaft on the displacer on your stock rebuilds?
  3. Riley, have you not tried another ecu on it already? Map sensor is inside the ecu and reads vac/boost (Manifold Absolute Pressure).
  4. Just though I`d register to post a comment, I bought a less than 10k miles old Jabba stage 4 last year for my conversion (16vG60 golf), and from the word go the thing leaked oil past the mainshaft seals into the exhaust/intake. A few weeks (2k miles on my engine) ago it started making a nast intermittent metalic knocking noise so I removed it and had a quick look inside, the apex seals were about 8mm too short! I sent it off to G-werks and had a std rebuild, luckily I caught it in time, fitted it a few days ago and it sounds a million times better (thanks Darren :thumbleft: ), got the stock pulley on and I`m running it in but I`ve got no concerns over it now, if you get the G rebuilt by a reputable company who actually care about the job you`ll have no problems.. From looking inside the Jabba charger it looked like they used whatever bearings/seals they had to hand :( .
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