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Everything posted by AB

  1. AB

    fan blowing cold

    hi i had this prob and some of the guys on here told me that there are two hoses going in to the bulkhead, there is a metal valve in one coming from the engine and this can get sticky i changed mine and have been fine since.
  2. AB

    car bra

    thanks for those links very helpful.
  3. AB

    car bra

    hi i was wondering if anyone would know where i could get a car bra from.
  4. AB

    constant probs

    ok the car starts fine from cold and runs fine when hot. the pump is noisy on start up but not noisy when running.
  5. AB

    constant probs

    i have not long owned my 90' 1.8 16V it started sticking revs and hunting on idle when i got it. for some reason i unplugged my idle valve and it ran lovely for about 2 weeks. now it seems to have lost some of its pull, very dull through the rev range could this be causing this or has something caused it to go into set up mode that i have heard a few people mention. Any help here would be wonderful.
  6. what engine is this and where would i find the sensor.
  7. AB


    i am not sure if i am just being paranoid but it just doesnt fell like it bites well and when i pull away there is a faint judder. i have only owned the car a couple of weeks and i may be looking to hard for problems.
  8. AB


    hi i was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is any way of adjusting the clutch on my 90' 1.8 16V.
  9. AB

    sticking revs

    no i have checked for a few bits like that. it also reves on its own when sat one idle if this is related to the sticking revs i dont know?
  10. AB

    sticking revs

    hi i have an 89 1.8 16v corrardo and i drive a long then change gear my revs stay at what they were when i dip the clutch. eg 2nd gear up to 3000rpm dip clutch to go to 3rd revs stay at 3000rpm. what could this be??? any advice appreceated.
  11. AB

    running rich

    thanks for the advice. i was going by the computer i have sat down and worked it out to be around 28 to 30 mpg which is fine by me.
  12. AB

    No warm Air from vents

    hi i also have cold heaters would both valves block or is it just normally the one on the way in?
  13. AB

    running rich

    hi i have just brought a 1.8 16V corrado it is running a bit rich. so on the throttle body which is the mixture screw and what way should i turn it to lean the car up a bit?? also what should i exspect to get to the gallon from one if it is driven sensibly. thanks for any advice.
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