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Posts posted by lottysvdub

  1. depending on the tester and how much of a blue tint there is most decent testers would pass and advise on such a trivial item , ive been testing for 15 years and thats how i would play it , the rule is only white and orange lights at the front , if its any other colour then it fails but you say a slight tint of blue really you should ok just look at most xeon lights they have a nice blue tint admittedly there supposed to , like phil k said take a pair of clears along with you just incase you get a very stricked tester . hope this is some help :D

  2. when changing the oil on any car the oil warning light usualy comes on for around 5 seconds , this is fine just dont rev the car up until the light goes out , when the lights off switch the engine off and re check the oil level , the light should come on every time you start the car as it self tests to make sure the warning light is working :D

  3. if there still making that type of noise after the mileage you say you have done then mate you may well have a problem , take the wheels off and check to see if you have a small stone caught up between the caliper and disc or even trapped on the back plate , at the same time check the thickness of the pad material fronts around 7mm - 3mm and rears 5mm-2mm , check the discs for corrosion across the braking face and check for wear across the face , if there scorn or have a wear ridge at the top of the disc then bin them and replace for new , hope this is some help :)

  4. as long as its clean it should be fine but it wouldnt do it any harm to re oil it , as long as theres oil on it it will stop any crap passing it , slap it on you wont do your car any harm for 1 day but if your going to keep it on then clean it first ond re oil the little blighter :)

  5. what more was said by the mechanic? From what you've said, it all sounds wrong - why would the spring rotate/spin? This could only happen if the spring was shorter than the length of the shock-stroke = wrong.

    :?: , :!:


    And whats this 'grease' it up? Is this common practice on a lowered car?

    Be sure you dont let it drip onto your discs.

    :roll: the comment about greasing up strut top mounts is very common practice in the motor trade , ive been doing my job for 20 years and i couldnt tell you how many times ive had to do this even to brand new cars and never once had a problem after doing so , and if grease drips on to the discs then you have put to much on, a little common sense is required when doing this very minor task , :norty: when i 1st got my corrado the steering was crap and the strut top mounts shagged so ive replaced the lot with full koni with new mounts and when putting to gether yes i greased all the mount points to prevent any creaking noises when on a lock or going over any large bumps and my car has been lowered by 50 mm so it dont make a difference to a lowered car

  6. RADO.001 as ive said mate check the door drain seals and membrain on that side , check the door seal for damage or flat spots , failing that lean across the seats with the doors closed an get someone to spray water over the suspect area and look for water tracking inwards , hope this is some help :)

  7. if its comming in through there , i would suggest new door appature seal and strip the door trim off and check the door drain holes as if they block up they will flood your car but also check the door membrain ( plastic sheet over door ) for holes or tears because this is whats supposed to stop any moisture or water comming in from your doors :)

  8. try jacking the car up on the offending corner so the spring is at its full travel and then try spraying a decent lubricant aronud the spring top and the strut top mount plate and the strut base , wd40 isnt the stuff to use you really want a sticky spray or something like white grease , you should be able to get these from any decent car factors , failing that you may well have to drop the strut out and grease with LM grease :)

  9. they are quite useful but ive got a snap on one which has a refill bottle and can do the whole brake system in about 2 mins . only down point is it cost me a s**t load more than the gunsons one . which does the same job , i feel a little ripped off , oh well never mind :)

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