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Posts posted by lottysvdub

  1. scooter? what one of those plebs that try to drive under your car 'meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh'!


    That is a bit embrassing dude - but your best keeping clear of those scroats, they are on a death wish.

    yep you know the ones , little gits that usualy beat your mirrors of in traffic , i was going to run him over but my son pointed out i would mark my paint work LOL , my son got great plesure in telling my wife when we got home :oops:

  2. you know little twist and go scooter , please im embarassed enough already but hay WTF like i said i stalled wasnt really paying attention to the lights so the litte git got the jump on me LOL , theres no way im going to live it down is there :oops:

  3. i had the same happen to me about 4 years ago with a brand new audi A4 , not my fault i had a lifting cable snap on the ramp i was using at the time , arm dropped to the saftey brake but it was enough for the car to come right off the ramp and land on its side , car was pritty fooked , fault was poorly maintained ramp at a main dealer so its not always the mechanics fault , ive seen accidents like this about 3 times in 21 years in the trade still makes you jump when it happens :multi:

  4. its used for various reasons , mostly as a marker when a car has been in a decent shop and had major work the tec will mark up the component bolts when there tourqed up correctly so they know the bolts are tight , its also used to mark bolts to check if the works been done correctly ( if the paint is broken you know the parts have been apart ) some companys use it also as a tamper proof deterant so you can see if some ones been playing around , ive even seen the ministry of transport and trading standards use this stuff to check out garages to make sure works done correctly on car , but yours looks like some ones simply marked up the parts they have replaced , you can get it at some trade outlets or mostly people will use normal car paint , hope this answers your query :)

  5. mate not meaning to sound negative but ive been repairing cars for 21 years and every month i think i dont need anymore tools and then the dealers bring out a new bit and i have to buy another tool :( so the list could be quite long mate , hope all goes well with the rebuild :D

  6. don't feck about with something that works!

    but if you hadnt then we wouldnt have known not to try it , so really we should be saying thank you for the sacrifice of your throttle body in the quest for more power resulting in the the knowledge that it didnt work .

    Sorry mate im not taking the p**s , hope you sort it soon its the type of thing that i would try and it always goes wrong :D

  7. I suggest lottysvdub gets a new fan control thermoswitch!

    ive already fitted a new one and it didnt seem to work :( so i simply bypassed the system , fan still kicks in if im not paying attention but i can also control the running temp of the car and dont have to worry if im sat in long traffic jams which we get a lot of around this time of year with holiday makers starting to move around :D

  8. what will i do in winter though? :S

    you my friend get a little colder :lol: ive had problems , but not as bad as yours , my temp gauge rises to around 110 before the fans kicked in so now ive wired the fan to a remote switch so when im in traffic i can flick them on and let them run all day at 90 , hope you sort it soon as the problems you have had will be forgotten when you get it sorted and then start to enjoy the corrado experience to the max , remember corrado owners need deep pockets lol :D

  9. i think you were very lucky mate , if i left my car unlocked i would proberly come back to find a family of pikes living in it , just as well i havent got a tow bar for there caravan ! :D LOL

  10. Let it leak and degrease it once a year - rust protection system!



    small pools of oil?

    funny very funny , i like the idea of rust protection , :D and i think its only a minor leak , considering i used to work on french cars ha ha , but honesty it does look nasty , pressure wash it good and then look for leaks when its clean mate :)

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