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Everything posted by skid

  1. skid

    OMBRELLO offer?

    Hope ya like it lads. Has anybody had any probs ordering the product? I tried to order tonight and it kept coming up that i wanted to buy a twin pack....instead of a single as asked for! :shock: :mad: Has this happened to anybody else? :(
  2. skid

    OMBRELLO offer?

    Once you apply it, will be the only time you have ever prayed for rain. :lol: Keep us posted on yer results. :D
  3. Painters have just told me the score. Do not polish for 2 weeks if it has been painted with cellulose paint(old cars) :shock: Its ok with modern cars which use 2 pac(?) paint,to polish straight away. Hope thats as clear as mud :D
  4. HEHEHE Roddy we are in the old timers club here. :cry: Me ,i am 34 and the sadest car i have had was a MG metro turbo. Before that i have had escorts mk1&2,xr3i. cavalier sri,astra,mini,golf 16v. many others as well to the collection but nothing to shout about. :cry: Had plenty of performance bikes though :D
  5. skid

    OMBRELLO offer?

    Hey if you have a dog you dont bark yourself........... :lol:
  6. Any CCGB members (or even forum members )tried the window treatment OMBRELLO? :?: Check it out on:http://www.weathertec.co.uk :shock: Also on the following link http://www.weathertec.co.uk/corrado.htm I Have had talks with the company and they have offered a small discount on the window treatment product. I am sure we have all tried RAIN X and found it works for about a week well this stuff is gauranteed to work for a year,and thats only one treatment. 8) One treatment does a full car,so cheapskates could do at least 2 :shock: Have used it myself and found out it does "exactly what it says on the tin" If you have had rain like we do up Scotland it is a worth while buy. The treatment costs£19.99 but with Club/forum discount it is only £16.99 A big saving of £3 :) Just go to websites checkout and use the following code112030003 to get your discount :wink: Any body interested?? :D
  7. HEHEHE................stop wingin you lot. Try working offshore,in a hot module with all your safety gear on and you dont even get to sit outside at lunch time and even enjoy 30 minutes of it .......and to top it off the ice cream machine is bl*$dy broken down. :sunny: Yeh ha summers here and i am home on thursday to sit outside all day and drink beer.You must be jokin i stay in Scotland :lol: Sorry to hear about yer motor :shock:
  8. "Had 3 corrado's - excellent car with cult status and a large following - the best i had was a vr6, 2,6 6 cylinder with a supercharger, water injections and a bit more - ate porsches and m3's alive!!!!!! Just got nitrous now but that fun as well" HEHEHE...........thats footie fans for ya :lol:
  9. Thats what i thought also, but my car is getting some bits sorted at this minute and the painter said that it is ok to apply straight away :shock: . I do trust his judgment as he is the leading sprayer in VW/BMW repair shop Aberdeen :D Any more views would clear the minds also?
  10. Thats brill then mate,just think of all the miles i will have saved not having it on the road :D I might have a annual mileage of 1.5k instead of 3k :lol: That means you will have buy a chauffer`s hat to fit that big heed of yours :shock: And i will get to travel about in style too :D
  11. skid


    MY advice is dont buy any other than the Kamei one. Best one on the market :D
  12. Come on guys ....any more compliments and Roddy`s head will be the size of his belly :lol: :shock: Only jokin big lad :D Skid Roddy`s old mate :shock:
  13. skid


    HeHeHe bet you guys brew your own though eh! :wink:
  14. Have any of you guys treated your windscreens with any water repellant type stuff. I bought the product "OMBRELLO" and found it amazing. :D I am in talks with the company just now to get club/forum discount. :) Puts that RAIN X to shame,as it really does work and only needs to be applied once a year not every time you wash the car :mad: Check it out on : http://www.weathertec.co.uk
  15. Yeh i am hoping to have the car ready for the run...looking forward to it. Will have to learn how to drive again before then as it`s been that long since ive sat behind the wheel. :cry: If my efforts on COLIN MCRAE rally are anything to go by, :shock: roddy had better take his car. The more the merrier. 8) :D motor looking good Roddy :wink:
  16. Valid points mate. :) But what i was referring to was the stuff around that price bracket,just looking to get advice from people that have tried and tested the "good" products 8) And as for anyone who puts their car through the car wash they should be given a slap :cry: as they dont care about there car enough to be concerned about polishes. I am sure that does not apply to anyone on this forum :shock:
  17. I think we should get a club/forum vote going here then try and get a group buy going as we all know the prices of these. (yes i know swissol has offered) 8)
  18. As we all spend so much time polishing our motors which is really the best polishes to use. :?: Is it really worth spending £100 So what do you use on your motor :?: :?:
  19. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :D Gimme....gimme.....gimme. very nice one mate,just a little bit jealous :cry: :D
  20. OK just located the good old C90 with The The - Infected on one side and Big Audio Dynamite's "No 10 Upping Street" on the other side - another classic from 1986 8) 8) 8) He he! i thought a C90 was a honda moped.....well thats what the old boy across the road drives :lol: Only joking ,just thought you would have stuck it onto disc by now and worn that out as well :D
  21. I will stick to the old school classics of the Dagenham type. 1)Ford mkII Escort RS 2000. :) 2) Escort Harrier 8) 3) i know its a bit older but who could resist a Escort Twin cam(lotus) :evil: That will do for now as i spent most my time passing everything on the bike :lol:
  22. Has to be an Audi RS4..........maybe it`s time to get the cloth cap too :lol:
  23. Whey hey "She was lying on her back with her.................." If the raddo is not putting a grin on yer mug at least all the groups here should :D . I could not tell you what i have in my motor as it`s been so long since i`ve seen my Baby :cry: ............Fkin painters.....too many tea breaks. :shock: You can spot the age gaps in here when you talk about tunes. AHH BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE :D
  24. You can still use both options: 1) Go the twisties on the way down and walk about with a big smug grin all day. :D 2) take the motorway on the way back as your motor will be full of all the goodies you might buy,and it will be a bit safer after you have spent all day scoffing boiled horse burgers and 99 cones(even if its raining) :icecream: :pukeright:
  25. Map to kames :idea:
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