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Everything posted by NottsCounty

  1. You'll also be losing/have lost some coolant if the matrix has gone. The heater matrix (or core as some peeps call it) is hidden deep in the depths of the dashboard and is a bit of a pig to get at. Best way to find out if it's goosed is to get the car up to temp, then turn the fan to full power and full heat. All will become apparent :D
  2. Get one of those leather seat covers that taxi drivers use..... No one will be able to tell the difference!!!
  3. Mine were velcro'd to the back of the fuse box!!!
  4. A guy on eBay also does thrm for £75 delivered :D
  5. Headlamps without broken clips are like hens teeth mate, but you may get lucky :D
  6. I'm guessing (even though you can hear the vents turn) that it's not opening properly. Best thing to do - whack on the blowers and set to windscreen position, then close all the dash vents bar one. If you can feel air coming out then it's simply the flap not opening. Won't need the whole dash out, just the centre console which is fairly easy but just remenber where everything goes!!! :D
  7. Do you mean you get no air at all or no hot air?? I'm guessing no air at all as the heat seems to be fine??
  8. No, they're fine - you just need the adapter hoses.
  9. Rear axle bushes aren't too difficult to do. If you've got a good drill and hacksaw.......oh and a ten ton hydraulic press :lol:
  10. Mine is tomorrow, the big 1 year 8)
  11. No need to damage it yet, just ring up and book it in. Then before you take it in, whack it with a hammer.
  12. Right, I think i've found the third bolt (down and behind the expansion tank) but i'm buggered if I can get at it. Any ideas anyone??
  13. Go hunting for the scrotes that did it?? All you need is a snooker ball and a sock and i'm sure you'll get them back. No, being serious. Like craigowl, I have taken all mine off as they are ridiculous money to replace. And it leaves people wondering what just spanked them off the lights
  14. Certainly do, I think it's about 7 or 8 quid. A pipe bender will not get a tight enough bend to keep the pipes close enough together and you get kinks. :D
  15. Yup, gives it a nice snug fit - I guessed at 18mm first!! If you go down B&Q the sell a bit of copper pipe that you can bend with your hands, i've had mine on for about 600 miles now with no probs.
  16. You certainly have bud - we're a rare breed!! Having a good season so far though. Come on you pies!!!!!
  17. Superb info fella. Got the old gemini pieces of sh!t out and can now fit a proper alarm.
  18. I've been doing this today and i'm buggered if I can find the third bolt for the fan arm. Anyone got any pointers??
  19. CAn anyone help??? I'm doing this right now but am stuck at 4/ remove the 3 nuts in the engine bay (2 for the heater box and one for the fan arm), and disconnect the coolant pipes from the matrix. Where exactly is the third bolt for the fan arm?? Thanks
  20. LMAO - reminds me of an old cavalier I saw a few years back badged up as a VR6!!!
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