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Everything posted by Henny

  1. Henny

    making a 16v juicer

    I may be selling my brand new one of these soon... keep an eye on the for sale threads... ;) :D
  2. Thanks.... 8) Don't ask about costs... :? :oops: (I think I just passed £12K this year...) EVERYONE seems to love that cushion! :D :lol:
  3. Henny

    making a 16v juicer

    have a look in THIS THREAD there's some excellent info in there... 8)
  4. that's just mental... :| Looks stunning... 8)
  5. your best bet is to buy 2 haynes manuals... MKII Golf (inc 16V GTI) Passat 88 - 92 These two will have pretty much all of the details for your car in there... The bentley is good, but is quite in depth and doesn't go anywhere near the 16V models so may be a bit of a waste of cash for you... :| *edit* damn this phone... it keeps ringing and making me work rather than posting on the forum! :lol: ;)
  6. dinkus, the clocks HAVE been changed... that's why I ended up with a car with 250K miles on it... :( :mad: the clocks only read 120K ish... :( M777CUSGTI, thanks! :) It looks a little tatty up close and REALLY needs a re-spray soon, but as dinkus, says, mechanically, she's pretty much new now! :D :lol: 8) When I first found out she'd been clocked, I didn't believe it until I found out from an independent source as well... And there was me thinking I'd picked up a bit of a bargain... :oops: :roll:
  7. The mocal oil cooler is an aftermarket cooler which is designed to be fitted to any car which they have the take-off plate for to allow it to be plumbed in... 8) I seem to remember my kit was about £130 all in, but that could have changed by now and it was a while ago so I may have got that figure slightly out... :oops: As daz says (G-man) you should be able to fit one in a couple of hours... 8) I got the full oil cooler kit from John Mitchell (16VG60) but I know that G-man also can get 'em... You can get just the parts from http://www.ThinkAuto.co.uk 8) nope, Thinking about it I think my gauge is just a bit crap! :lol: :oops: I'll have to rig up a proper gauge and see what the real temps are... :roll: :lol: Thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't thought about that before... :oops: :lol:
  8. the 1.8 16V engine (KR code) is practically bomb proof! They'll start using a little oil as their first sign of needing the head overhauling but they'll often have blown the headgasket before then so the work may well have been done at the same time... Rebuilding a KR engine is a doddle with the parts being DIRT cheap 'cos the engine was used in so much of the VW range from that period... 8) Normally, if you're gonna go whole hog with a rebuild you'll take the head off and send it to a specialist for new guides, seals seats and cleaning, also make sure they don't skim it too much (if at all) as they don't like having the compression up'd on 'em and tend to pink a little after being skimmed... while it's in bits, replace the sump (yeah, sounds silly, but they can rust through and let all the oil out!) and while that's off do the piston rings and bottom end bearings... total cost in parts will only be a couple of hundred quid (if that) and you'll end up with as near as damn it a new engine at the end of it! 8) (did this on my first Corrado and the engine was swwwweeeeeeeeet afterwards! :D ) General condition of the car is MUCH more important than milage or age.... I've seen ones with much less milage than mine (not difficult at 250K miles! :lol: ) which were a damn sight tattier than mine was even when I first bought her 2 years ago... I've also seen ones much older than mine which were mint condition... 8) There's such a range of conditions of the cars out there that each one must really be taken as you view it... :| Good luck though, they're a great car, and the 16V engine is a little cracker! :D
  9. if you run with a mocal oil cooler you'd drop BOTH your oil and water temps as it's the standard heat exchanger (oil cooler to most people) which causes quite a bit of the water's temp... I dumped the standard cooler entirely and replaced the pipework with standard VW golf pipes which don't have the take-offs for the cooler in them, then put in a 16row Mocal mounted where the standard intercooler used to be... I now run with water temps of between 70 and 90 (seen it above 90 briefly around Curborough!) and oil temps tend to be around 85 to 95... I've only had the oil above 100 a couple of times even with the recent warmer outside temps and one of them was at Curborough again 'cos I was thrashing the nuts off the car at the time (see avatar! ;) ) The Mocal is one of the best engine life pro-longing devices you can get... dropping the oil temps makes the engine more efficient as well as helping preserve it's bearings and moving internals... 8) The only thing I'm slightly worried about is trying to get some heat into the heater for winter, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it! :lol: May be time to buy a thermal coat! :lol:
  10. oh f$@#!!! Good job I actually used REAL G12+ last time when I did the head gasket then isn't it... :| I'll have words in the Trafford branch next time I'm in there.... :mad: Cheers for that mate! 8)
  11. yup, if you've changed that vacuum pipe for a 100cm new one and it's still doing it there are 2 other cheap possible suspects to have a go at... 8) 1) blue water temp sensor - costs about £7 from Euro or GSF, don't forget to buy a new seal too 2) Lambda sensor - Quickest way to test this is to undo the multiplug on the rear engine mount (this is the lambda's wiring harness)... if there's no change in how the car drives, then the odds are you need a new Lambda sensor (around £60 IIRC) If it's neither of those, then it's time to get a specialist to have a look at it as it'll be something a little more involved... :| Good luck! 8)
  12. I'll lock this version up then... 8)
  13. YAY! My pipes have arrived from Germany... Bye-bye boost leak!!! :D :D :D Expect a couple of photos tonight/early tomorrow of some nice new shiney bits and blue silicone hoses! 8) :)
  14. if it's only just out then it sounds like a slightly bent axle rather than a bent shell... possibly a previous rear blow out or heavily clipped curb could do that... could even just be a slightly bent stub axle! :) Get it down to someone who knows Corrados and get a proper health check done on it.. Personally, I'd get it booked into Stealth to get Vince or his boys to give it a once over before deciding to take on that much work for something which could be as simple as a pair of £30 front wishbones and a £20 rear stub axle! ;) :lol: Expensive tracking/alignment is great in showing up incorrect settings which aren't quite in tollerance, but gives you bugger all idea what the causes are... A bent chassis would normally throw the settings out a LOOOONNNGGG way (trust me on this one, I've written off a Corrado by twisting the shell :oops: )
  15. Are you absolutely sure it's the chassis that's bent, or could it be just the rear beam and front wishbones? Swapping in a new rear beam isn't difficult at all (and is a good excuse to put in new bushes at the same time!) and front wishbones ain't difficult or expensive either... The easiest way of doing the swap would be to unbolt all of the mechanicals from the front end from each car and swap 'em over (similar to how PhatVR6 swapped his 8V for his VR6) as that's the least amount of farting about... you'd still need to change the engine loom and the dash clocks, but this isn't too bad a job to do... shouldn't take too much time to do that either, you'd probably be able to do it in a weekend if you have the space and have done semi-difficult mechanical stuff before... 8) Nothing at the rear end would need to be changed as the rear is the same on both G60 and 16V Corrados. The fuel pump would be the only difference, but seeing as the 16V pump is higher pressure than the G60's that won't be a problem using the 16V one either.
  16. mine's been reading in the mid to high 30s all week... I'm a bit worried by that at the moment, although I have been taking it easy due to the boost leak and slight blow from the exhaust... I'll see what it says when I fill 'er up next time... 8) Normally I get about 25 to 17 MPG out of her on the way to work and back... 8)
  17. Henny

    How Much?

    Stick up some pics and we'll give you a better idea on value... 8) Also details like interior trim colour, if all the electrics (including sunroof if it's got one) etc are working help too... :)
  18. well, before I went to the pub (my turn to drive... :( ) I checked the exhaust system out properly 'cos the car was nice and cold and it was dry outside.... It is blowing EXACTLY where I thought it was... the sodding manifold to downpipe gasket... at least it'll be a cheap fix... just a pig to get at... :( That'll be 'cos I got it trapped when I bolted the head back on after doing the head gasket and kinked it slightly... :oops: :roll: Oh, and fitting exhausts at home SUCKS.... best pay a monkey to either let you borrow their ramps to do it yourself or get a decent spanner man to do it for you... 8)
  19. you could do with checking your wheels over a set of Brembos before spending the money first though! It's all to do with the shape of the INNER FACE of the wheel rather than the diameter as to if they'll clear the brembos or not! My 16" wheels will clear with a 10mm spacer, so they will fit inside them happily, it's just that if the spokes curve inwards at the edges of the wheel you may have clearance problems... :| Check 'em before spending your hard earned! ;)
  20. Henny

    Strange Noise

    Pierberg and VDO Cai's thread is HERE
  21. think that was the one I posted a while back... but let's not go there again! :lol: 8)
  22. Air-con specialist = expensive but knows what they're doing... VAG = rip off merchant who probably hasn't got a clue and would get the air con specialist in to do it anyway! ;) :lol: VW specialist = reasonable price, but would probably get the Air-con specialist in to sort it for you! :lol: Cut out the middle man, go direct! ;) :D
  23. ...only it'll be branded as FEBI in the same shape bottle, just ask 'em for the PINK VW type stuff... ;) :lol:
  24. That'd have been a Vento then (Jetta in the states).... Muppet... :roll: There's some reasonable info in there considering it's lax-flower.... although there's some utter crap too! :lol:
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