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Fat Tony

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Everything posted by Fat Tony

  1. top marks for write up
  2. All read me thinks. Sweet car btw
  3. I take it only the mod squad can set up a pole (I may have missed something somewhere thou). I'd be very interested in the result also.
  4. Why not pop off the parcel shelf and look in when its locked. My friend had a similar problem for months. If its not the easy stuff take it to an auto electrican or lock up the car hold down the bonnet switch and put the meter on as suggested. Remove one fuse at a time and this will let you know which circuit is drainning (if you can see a drain on the battery)
  5. I think it sounds like the stalk as the relay must work if you hold the stalk and the lights stay on until you let go. Does the blue light stay on as long as you are pulling the stalk towards you?
  6. Thats a really nice touch. It may even heat up in winter when the lights are on ;) I do like the subtle mods like that. 8)
  7. I guess that will work but it would mean a T piece so as the function that tube carrys out still works. At the end of the day I'm guessing that the readings will be the same either way. I would say the method I done was easier as its a stright fit. It was someone on the e group that adivsed me so I can only pass on the way I was told. I only get boost on my guage, so no Vac, dont know if the above will work for Vac at a guess I would say yes but not proven. Sorry if I have confused matters I would say by the looks of things you will get the same result just thru a different means.
  8. Thats it in and boy does the car start quick now. Its been a bit sluggish starting for a while now but now it starts like new. :D :) :lol: Maybe the extra weight will keep the front wheels from spinning when I get a bit of lead in my right foot. :oops: Thanks for all the responses. :!: :!: :!: Oh and the battery cost 35 quid from Cost co and its a Bosch Silver (heavy duty apparently) looking on the net the price seems more than agreeable. Not sure how much delivery would be on such items. Now where can the old one be disposed off in a proper manor hmmm local tip I guess (may take it back to the mechanic who fitted it and tell him to stick it where the sun don't shine )
  9. I guess this is true but as there will be no boost when you start this reading will be zero and the vac I guess will be nothing also before you start so your min and max readings will be out until you boot it and these will override the readings in memory so I guess its correct but the results will not be of any use. I mounted mine in the glove box so I just set the memory and close it so I dont keep looking at the dam thing :shock:
  10. Yip thats where I fitted mine just pop off the nipple and your good to go. Be careful not to bend as the plastic becomes brittle and can snap. Now I'm not sure if I'm wrong but the vacume created is used for the brakes so make sure the connection is good not only will the car run like a bag of sh&% but you could have no brakes(I'm not 100% on this but better safe than sorry I guess) if the tube pops off.
  11. If you are mouting below the ash tray go in via the passanger foot well. Drill a hole thru for wires and there should be no need to remove the center console. Just remove the shelf under the glove box. Will the unit not do the self test after the engine starts again? Mine does a test but I've not noticed if it repeats after the engine has started. Which gauge did you get?
  12. I have an electronic boost gauge and I took a tap from the stereo live that is controlled by turning the key. Mines works but I can't really see why you would want to maintain power during start up unless it has a memory function. But again I'm assuming there will be no reading as the power was cut before starting. HTH
  13. Fat Tony

    worn belt on g60

    My Belt nearly failed once. It just started to break up and it nearly sheared the pulley off(dont know how just what my mechanic told me). So I would agree if it looks bad change it asap could save you £££'s in the long run.
  14. Chris, Looks spot on and at the above cost its a wonder VW dont do it across the range. this got me thinking. What happens if rain water gets in. I'm thinking that as it hits the front of the car at speed it could work its way back to the filter. I'm guessing that either this doesnt make any difference or there is a trick for this. Also a few cars like the new mini S and the renault 19 hand bonnet mounted air in takes so they must have dealt with the water issue but how? Thats if it is in fact a issue Cheers
  15. Thanks John Just tried to change it and can't get the bolt off need and extension set to reach down. Another call to the AA in the morning me thinks. Cheers
  16. I tried to use the MFA to measure boost but could never make head nor tail of it. I'd get a boost guage you can pick them up fairly cheap and they are easy to install. I got one as it seems easier than going thru the MFA tricks every time you start. Not really an answer more of a solution.
  17. Hi Had a flat battery this morning had to get the AA to jump the car. Called them and they turned up within 5 min was well impressed. Anyway went to buy a new battery and got a BOSCH Silver. Its says the below on the front Part No 562019048 12v 62AM 480A 6C So the Bosch Parts Catalogue said that the corrado was covered by this battery for all models. Before I fit I just want to be sure that its ok to put this battery in as I assume that the VR's (mines a G60) require a bit more power to start in terms of load on the battery. Not sure if the same is required on the G60 because it has to turn the charger etc. So is this ok to fit in mine or could I be calling the AA to get another jump start in the morning? The VW manual says see your dealer and doesnt list the type of battery required. Hmmm I think not. Thanks
  18. I use Zymol on mine and I would say it does look cleaner for longer especially from a distance. Cant really explain why. Also the water beads up for ages compared to normal waxes which I really like
  19. Fat Tony

    top speed prob?

    had four wheel alignment done and not much adjustment needed. could have been tyers I guess ( where the originals at the time) all bolts where secure. suspesion is all original and just been thru full vw service and inspection. Think i'll try again :) it felt like it had a lot more to go 8) thanks for the prompt responce
  20. Fat Tony

    top speed prob?

    Whats the top speed any of the G60 guys have had. I got to 125 (indicated) and the car felt so light I backed of. I'm guessing the VR's having a bit more weight up front works in your favour at that point of i could be talking crap.
  21. I got a dent taken out of the crease by dentmaster and although its not perfect it's pretty hard to spot was easy to spot before but now you really need to look for it.
  22. When do you plan to be back on the road. I couldnt wait as long as you have :) *mod edit - de-capped your post, Please don't SHOUT posts... - Henny*
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