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Everything posted by vornwend

  1. I think Pistonheads are still running this on the last Sunday of the month? Anybody fancy going in a couple of weeks time? The Cafe is excellent and there's usually quite an exotic collection of cars that turn up to add interest not to mention some great locations around the airport to get shots of our beloved cars http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=114&t=1144187&mid=0&i=540&nmt=South+west+Breakfast+club+AV8+cafe&mid=0
  2. £5/car I think but free if you're on the stand I think. I'd just let the gate know your ticket is with us - I'll mention you might be late when we go in
  3. I'll bring the spare ticket Perky, shouldn't be a problem. Forecast seems to be improving
  4. Ok Darren that's a pity but thanks for letting me know. I'm not sure how hot they are on ticketing but potentially we have a spare ticket if anyone fancies coming along?
  5. Hi All! Tickets successfully passed to me. They are all named but I'm not sure I can match all of them to your screen names so listing your first names here and the screen names I know Ben Jake (Swompy) John Ian O (Ozowen) Ian S (Gloster ox) Lewis (Lewvw) Tony Phil (Philstrm250)) Vaughan (Me!) If anybody can't make it can you let me know If you also let me know your screen name (or perhaps Cazza knows them?) I can then pm you my mobile number in case there are any last minute problems Can everyone make best efforts to get to the meeting point (Cattle country, GL13 9EW) on time as we'll need to get on site fairly quickly. If all that fails and you turn up late and we've scooted, Plan B would be to make your own way to the show (Berkeley Castle meadow GL13 9BQ) and let them know your ticket is on the club stand This should be a great day out and the location is stunning - at the moment the weather forecast looks fine. Looking forward to seeing you all there!:shades:
  6. Just to be certain what I have is the crown wheel and pinion (main shaft) from a MK3 Golf 16v (02A & DPA code box) - pretty sure its the same as the G60? Can anybody confirm?
  7. I have a crown wheel if you are interested - say £70 posted?
  8. Well done! Never underestimate the power of complaining - too few bother
  9. Sorry to hear of your troubles there Andy. Almost unbelievable! What a completely shambolic and ultimately quite dangerous performance from admiral. I'd threaten to take them to the insurance ombudsmen and/or involve lawyers if you don't get complete satisfaction and sizable compensation for all the hassle and stress during a family holiday. I would also write to the Chief Exec - often that will get wheels moving in an organisation if they take an interest.
  10. I love these guages. I don't have a shot at night but I can tell you they look superb when illuminated
  11. MOT no:17 safely in the bag and no advisories. Scores on the door; HC 10ppm , CO 0.023 (Fast Idle) and 0.009 (natural idle) , Lambda 1.003
  12. I have the originals that I took from mine when I replaced with new. They are not in perfect condition - ie some of the edging is starting to break away but the undersides are fine. A lot of people cut away the inner side to smarten them up and that can look quite good but I suspect that may just speed up the process of rotting the underneath as water can get in? If anybody is interested in my old ones I can get photo's up
  13. Great day out. Fantastic to see so many Corrados together in one place. Enjoyed meeting old and new faces and thoroughly enjoyed the 3 "parade" laps - think we had Corrados right round the circuit. Worth the membership fee on its own! Thanks to Eric, Jude, Ian, Ron and other committee members for making it happen :salute: The muggets and balloons were a nice touch And well done to the trophy winners - lovely cars!
  14. Congrats on a good purchase there - looks a good un (but we knew that!)
  15. Ran mine just after your post and said £451 so definitely looks like prices are on the up!
  16. Good points being made. I think how comfortable it feels will be a critical factor for me so I think I'll pop into Halfords to try a few on. I appear to have a big head too (60/61cm) so that may restrict my choice a bit :afro:
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