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Everything posted by BILLCOR

  1. Here's one :wink: PICT0183 (Large) (2).JPG[/attachment:3ullr49k]
  2. IMO Its certainly a vast improvement looks wise over the MK5, chunkier looking front end, don't like the two single exhausts stuck right out on the corners, might have been ok if they were double each side
  3. Lookin good Greame, how long are these rims gonna stay on, that must be 5 or 6 sets so far :lol:
  4. Cheers They are half in Karl, I'm missing one T-bolt of the side??(see wanted section) dont know if it was there when I picked the bench up second hand or its gone awol in the retrim :shrug: Cheers, the TT back bench is flat (no hump) and I have to admit, I like a hump :grin:
  5. At long last I have got my rear seats back :clap: retrimmed to match up with the TT's in the front, Andy (Snappygaitors) has made a superb job of it, it is just slightly different from standard with bigger and less infill panels. Just need to get the smoking problem with the engine sorted out now :mad2: heyho Corrado ownership :lol: Corrado92.pdfPICT0161 (Large).JPG[/attachment:2x8aedxl]passat climatronic wiring diags.pdfPICT0162 (Large).JPG[/attachment:2x8aedxl] climatronic wiring-Golf from May 01.pdfPICT0249 (Large).JPG[/attachment:2x8aedxl]2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfPICT0250 (Large).JPG[/attachment:2x8aedxl] PICT0251 (Large).JPG[/attachment:2x8aedxl]
  6. Hallelujah a reply :lol: The ones in the link above are made by Erling, worth getting or not ? answers quickly please :grin:
  7. Since I dithered trying to save £5 :lol: the one Karl pointed out is gone, was lookin at Fourseason as recommended by dukest there are 2 choices, which would be the best to get and is the bolt set ok? Ant other recommendations when replacing the head? 1 http://fourseasontuning.com/?product=66 2 http://fourseasontuning.com/?product=165 Head bolts http://fourseasontuning.com/?product=68
  8. Very nice 8) I still miss mine :( R32.jpg[/attachment:ddc82yls]
  9. Ok cheers, I'll have a look Any other suggestions folks?
  10. Best place to buy a new VR head gasket and bolts please
  11. Yes I did use the standard bolts, dont have the C's now :( have BBS RC's :D
  12. Considered Borbet C's 8) PICT0130 (Medium).JPG[/attachment:1ejuqrnf]
  13. Well done, looks superb for a daily :notworthy: that EZ detail brush looks handy, where did you get it/price
  14. This one is up for sale on ED38, guys lookin for £5 inc P&P :shock: :lol: :lol: I nearly wet myself photo0039aqw5.jpg[/attachment:1hwvmd8r]
  15. Nice rims Struan, I'd go option 2 but not black, far to many black rims about these days :lol: are they 5x100 and what size, width and ET are they and how much!! :norty:
  16. Rear bench will be the same but you will need a loom for the electric movement in the Recaro's
  17. Under the gear lever surround
  18. No luck at all mate, I see you've posted on ED38 for another engine, in the long run would it not be worth buying one from Vege, at around £1800 delivered to your door and no worries of it going tits up ? I am having similar smoking problems after having Shrick 268 cams etc fitted, I'm being told it may just be valve stem seals but they will not know until its apart AGAIN :mad2: all costing more cash, its all a complete PITA :?
  19. None of them Welcome to the forum :wave:
  20. Lookin good, loved the RM's but the 16's fill the arches better 8)
  21. 'Here we have a highly wanted item' :shock: looks like a pic from a breakers yard :wave: :lol: http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/661377.htm
  22. Looking good, will be perfect when you fit the coilies :shades:
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