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Everything posted by BILLCOR

  1. C'mon, we need pics :lol: they just called me to say the wheels will be delivered tomorrow :)
  2. Did you get the wheels back yet? I also have a set down there for my A4, been over 3 weeks now :? they seem to be on a go slow :mad2:
  3. Contact the previous owner to see if he had it done, if he was an enthusiast as you say, he would know the charger needs to be looked after :wink: OH, and welcome to the forum of empty pockets :)
  4. Maybe those headlamp washers :shock: were just to heavy on that old valver :lol:
  5. Did you do the work yourself, if not, did you check the oil level after leaving the garage? The reason I ask, I had more or less the same work done as yourself, 268 shricks,gruven crack pipe, blah blah, checked the oil after a couple of 30-40 mile runs, was showing about 1mm on the very bottom of the stick, obviously the oil had never been topped up after the work was done :bad-words: I am now getting blue smoke, phoned to query and was told everything was checked :? I asked if the valve stem seals were replaced, they said no you didn't supply any! WTF
  6. which metro? :scratch: Oh...ROFL... I just glanced at it and thought the blobby painted thing was a Metro :lol: ...it's a Mk2 :( SimpsonDoh.jpg[/attachment:177cueyi]
  7. Saw this on Ed38 and thought this might suit you better Dom, still vag at least and a nice interior to go with it :camp: :lol: 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfIMGP3009.jpg[/attachment:rjhyi9kx] DSCF2401.jpg[/attachment:rjhyi9kx]
  8. MK3 VR alloys, same offsets, dimensions as the speedlines, so will be fine
  9. At 6'2" Simon your gonna need them as low as poss, the bar method does make them sit up at the back but I'm 5'9 so not a problem for me, as for the front, I removed the front mount as it was restricting the seat movement, they are fitted to the front cross member, carpet out, drill your holes then drill and tap a small peice of flat bar and silicon in place underneath (bloody tricky if you have big fingers) :lol: , this gives it far more strength. Dont mention the rear bench as I still do not have it back :bad-words: I did say there was no rush BUT! :lol: Andy at SG's said he could pretty much match it up to the fronts, I'd rather not disclose the cost as it was through a mate but if you want to call them, 01270580730 I,m sure he'd be able to give you a price as he'll now have the templates etc
  10. Looking good Chris, the RM's will look great against the dark paintwork 8)
  11. One of the guys mentioned Jay Renshaw was making something, I had already got some made up, pretty simple really and they are rock solid, there is a guide for making up the brackets etc in the information section :wink:
  12. Supercharged posted in the Suppliers Forum regarding Newman cams

    corsa seats

    Not unlike the new Scirrocco seats 8)
  14. Looks superb :salute: and sits perfect on the speedlines 8)
  15. Exactly what I was thinking :wink: the rest of the bodywork is pretty much the same isn't it ?
  16. I won the lottery last week, do you think he'll accept a tenner :grin:

    best OEM wheels

    Always liked the Borbet C's 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdfPICT0128 (Medium).JPG[/attachment:c51i6do8] And you gotta like the RC's PICT0143 (Medium).JPG[/attachment:c51i6do8]
  18. Maybe coming through the space time continuum ?? :lol:
  19. It can be done but doesn't last, chips very easily, thats why the TT comps are diamond cut then lacquered, but even they suffer eventually, you could leave them unlacquered and use Rimwax or similar to protect the polished surface, depends how often you use the car and how bothered you can be to keep on top of the polishing :)
  20. Just havin a laugh mate, oh and I'm Scottish :)
  21. What ever it cumooty :nuts:
  22. The top one is a gisinty :wink:
  23. Someone with a sense of humour :lol: http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/612246.htm
  24. Similar looking set up for sale, fully polished, tyres and adaptors, £550ono http://www.edition38.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=164432 2.8l 24v Climatronic system.pdf1 (Large).jpg[/attachment:2n3a235i] audiwinter025 (Large).jpg[/attachment:2n3a235i]
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