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will 2

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Everything posted by will 2

  1. will 2

    sill photo

    can any one post up a pic of the rear end of the sill as I need to see the profile before I start fabricating some metal thanks
  2. looks like its going to have to be fabricated then , thanks anyway
  3. its the end of the sill by the rear wheel is what I need, not sure what the correct part is called
  4. can you still get a repair panel to fit at the rear of the sill, as I need both sides
  5. save me reading through all 1123 posts any one have any info good and bad on these http://www.classic-vw.co.uk/corrado-bc-racing-coilovers-6031-p.asp thanks
  6. will 2

    drain holes

    to be honest since I repaired the sunroof. I have only opened it once in about 5 years and that was yesterday, to see if it was still working , but good point I will check them out even though I made sure they were clear when I done the roof
  7. will 2

    drain holes

    no its up at the back on axle stands but not that high
  8. will 2

    drain holes

    are there any water drain holes around the scuttle area as my drivers side footwell is soaking and the car has been standing for quite a while . never had any water leaks when it was in use
  9. do you have an ebay link I can look at thanks
  10. thinking about doing my headliner in the same as you done , where did you get it from
  11. got it running at last, not sure what kicked it into life but one more problem sorted for now anyhow
  12. will 2

    vag scanners

    no one use these ?
  13. relay is number 167 , once it stops raining i'll crawl under and have a look at the pump and give it a thump :) I will let you know how I get on thanks gareth
  14. cars been outside sometimes covered, alamed but seems to work as it did ,( car is always unlocked ) not sure how to go about bridging 30/50 ( diagram if poss be good ) low petrol
  15. will 2

    vag scanners

    any one bought a vag com diagnostic scanner if so are they any good and which one would be recommended thanks
  16. tried to start my car after being laid up for a couple of years while doing some work on it, drove with no problems before, now for some reason there is no power getting to the fuel pump, checked the fuse and is ok had a look at the relay 167 no signs of corrosion on the relay but I don't know how to check if its ok any ideas please thanks
  17. i had 17 s on mine but had low profile tyres i think were a 40 profile no arch mods and didn't rub 100_0011.jpg (342.3 KB)
  18. thanks for that i have my doubts on them as they dont say what make they are .
  19. hi just a quick question, sorry if its been asked before but have done a search are these any good http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151777691407?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT#ht_3096wt_1069 and if they are ok will they fit my 94 16v thanks
  20. without reading through the whole thread do you have a set for a 16v thanks
  21. will 2

    abs wiring loom

    the conectors that are on my car is by the sound of it the same as your with the 2 plugs going into the abs light , i have bought a loom that has 1 conector either end ( to go with the new abs light i have ) , so i am hopeing that the end that fits into the fusebox/relay side is the same as the one thats on the car now
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