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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. Well one of them will be ... ! Sounds like the HG to me - that amount of oil smoke appearing all of a sudden ..
  2. Someone had to say it I suppose :roll: At least I got it over with quickly ..
  3. You're sure the smell isn't coming from the 1975 ford fiesta 1.1 in front? It's easy to make that mistake ..
  4. If it's a standard VW ECU then there's no reason it shouldn't talk to VAG-COM for simple diags. It'll likely be the wiring to the OBD ports.
  5. Vince *wants* a Corrado? He sees them all friggin day long, every day .. Has he gone mad?? :)
  6. That's less than one ball joint from VW. I'd steer clear if I were you...
  7. That's such a shame, he should really USE the bleedin thing and get his £18k worth out of it! (I'd love to have enough cash to buy an old classic and have it totally restored to new condition.) It reminds me of the guy who collects Canon SLR lenses. He has one of each. Does he take pictures? Nope .. I mean, there's four different versions of the 70-200L lens alone and he has all of them. (Combined cost ~£3k.) But, if he wanted to sell it he should have stuck to all original parts. The powerflex bushes are an acquired taste, and not everyone will go for that. Low miles Storms in immaculate condition are fetching up into the £10k+ range, but a standard car with 95k miles, even one that's been rebuilt with all new parts would struggle to get that. Particularly one with someone's personal preference of suspension and bushing. I'll give him £500 for it. ;)
  8. Actually ignition-off fans are controlled by a different circuit. They are also supposed to be on a timer which means they'll only run for ten minutes maximum.
  9. Start by telling us what engine you have...! The VR, for example, computes the fuel consumption in the CU. Oh and LHD cars don't have brake vacuum servos.
  10. Perhaps that's *why* he's selling it .. ?? Being presented with a bill for the price of a new car? That would sour the relationship with your vehicle somewhat..
  11. Sounds like a normal response to having to fire up 2.9 litres of engine with fuel, air, and engine block at 4 degrees C to me.
  12. We all have -ve earth mate ... So you're saying your window control box *was* drawing 200mA after the car had been off for 8 hours potatonet? If we can prove this means the control box is faulty, that's a very interesting fact! We'd come to assume that's just "how it is", like so many other crappy things on old VWs.
  13. No, what I've heard is that it draws current for ever, basically. Door open or not. Though yes, maybe that story came from someone who was sitting with the door open ... :)
  14. I've heard that the control module doesn't leak current when the battery is first connected, but as soon as you actually use the windows it then sits there leaking forever. I've not checked it myself though. If there's a later model (e.g. the passat one) that doesn't do this then this mod will save a hell of a lot of Corrado owners from buying new batteries every 3 years. The ability to wind both windows at the same time would just be icing on the cake... It's undoubtedly a design flaw in the electronics on the controller.
  15. Sounds like a reasonable conclusion. If you swapped e.g. the 5th and 6th injectors over that would prove it, right?
  16. I think the .2A current drain is normal too. Though it's a design flaw, by anyone's standards. Which fuse is the window controller on, and what other things are on it's circuit?
  17. Doubt it, the exhaust on it's own isn't going to make as much difference as slightly different quality fuel, so the ECU will adapt.
  18. "when they're worn out".
  19. All Corrado VR6s had the exact same ABS pump.
  20. The only sure way to decide if a component is failed or not is to remove it from the car and either place it on a test rig or dismantle it and measure each relevant piece against the blueprints. Clearly you can't do that in an MOT test, so clearly there has to be a bit of "skill and judgement" involved on the part of the tester, which comes down to human judgement, which means variability ... Since the variability can't be eradicated, all you can hope to do is get rid of the actually fraudulent testers telling you to replace things that do not need replacing. For everything else, whether it's borderline or clearly failed, I'd rather know about it than carry on driving around in blissful ignorance until it falls off..
  21. dr_mat

    Hot and cold

    Later heater matrix parts have the bypass valve integrated into the matrix itself, there's no need for one inline on the hoses.
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