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Everything posted by dr_mat

  1. dr_mat

    Engine mounts

    The VW ones aren't *that* expensive are they? Thought the GB mount was about £40, front mount about £50..?
  2. 760bhp .. impressive, but with a turbo that big, why not just have a big waste gate sticking out the back of the car, possibly with an "afterburner" attachment..? There's surely got to be a limit somewhere where it becomes an actual jet car, based on the size of the blower .. :) And 9k rpm rev limit too .. So how much of the original 1.8t remains? Oh, and if you saw my car you'd probably realise how uninterested I am in chroming .. Or polishing .. or cleaning things in general .. :)
  3. dr_mat

    vr misfire

    Cos they rely on not being shorted out by rain...? Dunno mate, if you have weak spark it's gotta be one of those things..
  4. The thermostat housing is common with other cars so: no corrado tax..!
  5. dr_mat

    vr misfire

    It's gotta be the leads, plugs or coil pack ... Entirely possible you have a doa coil pack ...
  6. Wow, was everyone issued with ultra-rubbisho rear tyres or something? That Corrado slide was almost as big as the one I did on the way to work the other week ... I actually had full opposite lock, and was basically waiting to see what happened, having run out of choices.. when it snapped back into line and off we went like a rocket .. :)
  7. I'd quite like some 15" five-stud steel wheels a-la E-reg Jetta TX ... But they don't make them in five-stud ...
  8. I was waiting for Kev to comment! :) Vince had to shout at SACHS Uk for some time before they admitted that they a) were selling refurbed clutches as new and b) had production quality issues. They wanted to send someone down to watch him fit a clutch, to see if he was doing it right and he told them that was no problem, but that he wouldn't be fitting a SACHS clutch when he did it .. ;)
  9. Front mount most likely, the engine lifts at the front under acceleration. Lift the bonnet, hold the brakes on and gently lift the clutch in 1st gear to see how much movement there is ..
  10. .. so that 1 litre is capable of delivering about 33 MJ of energy, or 33 MW if you can burn it all one one second. I'd say 33MW would power quite a large town, actually! And you're using it to give yourself a sweaty crack? Ahem .. ;) Madness, when you think about it! (Not for a second saying that I'm a perfect energy consumer. Hell, I wouldn't be driving a bloody VR6 if I was!)
  11. That's intel's fault not ours .. :-p Our CPUs were 1GHz and using 14 watts .. The IA64s are about 112 watts each at 1.6GHz .. Anyway, at idle on a cold morning, that 5 minutes while you wait for the engine to warm up a bit uses around a litre of fuel. So about £1 worth then..!
  12. Yeah, ironic that isn't it. You remote start the car so it burns fossil fuel, generating heat and noise and CO2, so that you can run a compressor and cool the car down .. If you told an alien this was how it worked they'd tell you you're insane! (Just before going "Ack! Ack! Ack!" and shooting you with a green wibbly ray gun..)
  13. They are "fine", but as stated above, they *can* be juddery. And it's a bit late when you've fitted it to find that out, so unless you're into swapping clutches till you find one that works, IMHO it's best to pay the (small amount) extra up-front and get the VW one..
  14. .. and some bits fettled and honed by VW themselves, as I understand it. Yes, the supercharged VR guys are mostly running standard VR clutch with no problems I think, so I wouldn't worry about anything else unless you're going for silly power ...
  15. dr_mat

    dodgy starting vr6

    Was the spark plug clean? You should have the 2+2 connectors, and yes, you can read error codes from it, but you'll need a code reader.
  16. VW Corrado VR6 clutch kit is about £110+VAT from your friendly dealer, iirc..
  17. dr_mat

    dodgy starting vr6

    VAG-COM engine error code scan will reveal all ..! [ How's Cannock these days? Don't spot many VR6's up there when I'm passing through .. ]
  18. Nice idea in this weather, but deeply, deeply inefficient!! Did you tell your insurance company? I didn't think they'd like that sort of thing. I was also under the impression that it's actually an offence to leave a car running while it's not under direct control of the driver (i.e. you're not in the driving seat).
  19. What's with all weirdo foreign "F" reading?! ;) Sounds kinda like your thermostat is stuck open if it's not getting up to temperature while you're moving at speed. Thermostat should only open at 80 degrees ©, so if you ever see less than that on a hot engine either the 'stat is stuck open or the gauge is wrong ..
  20. More likely it's the blower motor..
  21. .. and then fail to deliver it £100,000,000 later .. that sounds like EDS, yeah. :)
  22. I bet we can sell you just such a computer system.. :)
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